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Showing posts with label Paul Fromm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paul Fromm. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Who Is To Blame For Forest Fires? Apparently Muslims, Left-Wing Politicians, Environmentalists, and "Lazers"

It began in Constantinople -- well, to be fair it actually began somewhere along the silk road in Central Asia -- in 1347. By the time the Black Death had run its course between 1/3 and 1/2 of Europeans who contracted bubonic plague were dead. While some kingdoms, duchies, and principalities were hit hard than others, locations as far as Iceland and Greenland were decimated.

We know that the plague was caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis contained in the guts of fleas and carried by Black Rats combined with poor understanding about hygiene as the cause now, but at the time other supernatural and superstitious causes were invoked. The plague was thought of as a scourge sent by God to punish the wicked for their evil. Conversely Satan was invoked as the cause when men and women of unimpeachable repute were struck down. People believed that the disease was caused by cold and wet climates, that it could be prevented by opening northward windows, the pestilence was the result of an unusual alignment of the planets, and that one could remain safe with the right combination of herbs and spices stuffed into the beak of a mask that made it's wearer look like a crow:

Many others however looked to scapegoats. One group included wizened old women accused of being witches. Another group was the old stand-by scapegoat of Medieval Europe:
Jewish people were made scapegoats and accused of causing the plague by poisoning wells, food and streams. They were often tortured into confessions, which only fueled the persecutions. Europe saw the mass execution of Jewish men, women and children, with Jews rounded up in town squares. The burning of Jews quickly spread throughout the Low Countries, Spain, France and Germanic areas. 
A chronicler, Michael de Leone, said that “the Jews deserved to be swallowed up in the flames” for causing the plague with poison. In Barcelona, Jews were killed for the sin of being Jews, not because they were suspected of poisoning. 
Basel burned their Jewish inhabitants on an island in the Rhine. In Strasbourg, approximately 2,000 Jews were burned in local cemetery on St. Valentine’s Day in an attempt to stop the pestilence. The Jews who agreed to be baptized were saved and some young children were pulled from the fire and baptized against the will of their parents. After the burnings, both the councils of Basel and Strasbourg made an oath that Jews would not be allowed to enter the cities for hundreds of years.

There were those who spoke out against this and suggested more natural causes even if they didn't comprehend how (an understanding of microbiology would be centuries in the future) but these voices in the darkness were invariably ignored, ridiculed, or suffered similar fates to those women and Jews who were burned.

Thankfully, we now live in a much more enlightened time when such superstitious and paranoid claptrap could never result in the scapegoating of an entire ethnic group, culture, or religion again. We're all just too clever.


Notorious Islamophobe Sandra Solomon who has been written about a number of times on the blog already is referring to the forest fires in Northern Alberta. ARC has also discussed the phenomenon of much of the membership of groups such as the III% militia and Yellow Vests accusing Muslims of starting the fires. They claim that these fires, "never happened before 'those people' came" despite the very long historical record of fires that often occur naturally. Rather than accept the possibility the fire is the result of a (a) lightning strike (b) careless, but not necessarily malicious human activities (such as tossing away a still hot cigarette butt, driving an ATV through dry tinder, failing to put out a camp fire, etc) they now seem to automatically view every fire as suspicious.

Now it is true that fires have started earlier and have become more intense as northern boreal forests have become increasingly dry as a result of less snow fall in winters and less rain in the spring. In fact this was predicted by climate scientists as a result of human triggered climate change.

But rather than being convinced by the actual evidence, the members of the far-right ARC has been monitoring consider this proof of a leftist and environmentalist conspiracy to destroy the oil industry, impose new regulations to combat "fake" global warming and open up northern Canada to become a sub-Arctic caliphate. They believe that the current federal Liberals and former Alberta NDP government are working with environmentalists and Jihadists to start fires and that the "real Canadian" need to rise up to stop it:

The same thing is being said on other social media sites ARC monitors, including Yellow Vests Canada, a group with over 100,000 members and a movement that people like Max Bernier and Andrew Scheer are courting:

The thread is long, and one could justifiably perhaps accuse me of giving this hate group undue coverage, but I think in this case it is relevant:

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Boswick's and Storie's Tête a Têtes With Max Bernier and Paul Fromm

Because I've decided, at least for the next few weeks or perhaps months, to limit the amount of research and writing I've been doing (trying to create a bit of a balance between real world work, anti-racist activism, and a social life) there will be a few articles that are a bit dated but which are still of relevance.

Such as this article.

Over the past number of months we've been paying a bit more attention to unemployed drifters Rick Boswick and Derek Storie who instead of doing something productive with their time instead pretend to be journalists. Of course as we've seen their understanding of journalism means accepting every crack pot conspiracy theory they read, posting drunken rants on Facebook, and threatening actual journalists:

I feel that I need to stress that Boswick and Storie published this video exactly as it has been posted. I have not edited it at all. They think this video makes them appear good.

They've also taken on the cause of a mentally ill man arrested when he arrived an an event featuring the Prime Minister with plans on making a citizens arrest and having threatened to harm Trudeau online:

Now Boswick and Storie have interviewed the usual miscreants associated with the fringe right in the country including Faith Goldy (who is currently trending because of some accusations concerning just how Faith-full she has been) and Kevin "the Poodle" Johnston lately paying special attention to his recent legal problems:

However, they did recently get an interview on May 3 with someone who at one time had some mainstream credibility:

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Report Pegida/YVC Members Boswick & Storie's GoFundMe

In light of PEGIDA Canada's Jenny Hill's failed attempt to crowdfund for her $11,000 judgment, we thought it prudent to bring to the public's attention another PEGIDA related GoFundMe that deserves similar attention and action.

Yellow Vests Canada members, PEGIDA supporters, general hatemongers, and self-professed "Domestic War Reporters" Rick Boswick and Derek Storie also have a GoFundMe campaign to fund their "Facts vs. Feelings" podcast. (Note: we are unclear how they reconcile this name with the fact that they are driven entirely by their emotional response to people who are different from them, such as women who don't want to be pregnant, LGBTQA+ folk, and Muslims.) At least Boswick has moved on from being the VP of the Canadian Combat Coalition.

Special thanks to the National Observer for covering this from a more mainstream angle. We were happy to work closely with them on the piece. You can read it here.

Let's break down some recent episodes of Facts vs. Feelings where they give a platform to hate groups, Islamophobes, and neo-Nazis.

1) In support of Toronto PEGIDA rally, where Storie set off smoke bombs and helped Canadian Nationalist Party member Andre Chiasson, Proud Boy Tim Kelly, Wolves of Odin, Soldiers of Odin, Northern Guard, and Canadian Combat Coalition burn a Quran. 

2) In support of anti-Muslim hate group the World Coalition Against Islam. Also in this video is footage from Islamophobe Kevin J. Johnston who still faces hate crime charges.

3) An interview with noted neo-nazi and white supremacist Paul Fromm. The discussion centered on what they feel is the "persecution" of James Sears, of the racist, anti-Semitic and misogynist Your Ward News, and his hate crime charges. It should be noted that Hamilton law enforcement is also investigating Fromm as a result of his distribution, and agreement with, the Christchurch shooter's manifesto.

4) The pair use footage from alt-right white nationalist Lauren Southern.

5) They were interviewed by white nationalist Faith Goldy.

6) They support known Islamophobe Sandra Solomon.

7) They harassed people, Westboro style, in Ottawa during Winterpride.

The pair recently appeared on a Facebook live with Winnipeg Alternative Media/Todd MacDougall, an "alternative" news Facebook page run by a Proud Boy that claims to be libertarian but is really just an alt-right, super budget version of what Boswick and Storie do. Now that's saying something.

Anyway, they appeared on MacDougall's "show," and confirmed they are unemployed drifters, after complaining that ARC has called them... unemployed drifters. Aren't these the same people who complain about how refugees aren't contributing to our economy?

They also admitted to exploiting their indigenous heritage to deny the claims that they're Nazis. (You can still hate Muslims and be indigenous.)

More to come on WAM and MacDougall at a later date.

Boswick and their friend Cory Scott are now potentially facing charges for uttering threats, due to this video, where they threatened an anti-racist activist and journalist with violence.

They also stalked and harassed this individual outside of the Brampton courthouse:

GoFundMe needs to remove this campaign, and stop allowing hate groups to crowd source on their platform. Please report this campaign to GoFundMe, citing the information provided.

Please report this campaign for violating their terms of service.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Examination of Marc Lemire: Part XIII

Between 2008 and 2013, ARC published a series of articles detailing Mar Lemire's racist past and his involvement with the Heritage Front. I compiled all of the links on this single page:

It has been more than six years since I've added to this series of article that highlighted the history of Marc Lemire's involvement with and eventual leadership of the Heritage Front. When I posted the last few articles I sort of felt like I was beating a dead horse so whenever I had heard of Lemire's name come up in my investigations, such as his participation in the memorials of lawyers Doug Christie and more recently Barbara Kulaszka I either briefly discussed his involvement or ignored it all together.

Chris Edmunds, Malcolm Ross, Michele Erstikaitis, Marc Lemire

I had assumed there was no further use in covering Lemire since I believed he was of no particular significance any longer.

That turned out to have been a mistake on my part, but it is a mistake that journalists such as Mack Lamoureux has rectified:

Those articles on Lemire that I thought of as overkill I'm happy to say helped Mr. Lamouroeux in his research so I sort of feel a bit vindicated in having written them, but full credit to Mack for his dogged work.

I know there was another journalist who had been working on this story as well but she appears to have been stymied by the City of Hamilton for some reason which no doubt will result in a great deal of interesting speculation:

However, Ms. Craggs was able to get Lemire to speak about his involvement with the Heritage Front after the publication of the "Vice" article.
In news that will surprise no one who follow this blog, Lemire lied:
"The Heritage Front stuff dates back to when I was a teenager," Lemire said, linking to an article where he said he's not a Nazi or white supremacist. 
"I reject the Heritage Front for what it was, as I have stated consistently for over 11 years." 
But, as Vice reported, an archived web page from the Heritage Front's website from 2001 shows Lemire distributing flyers saying "immigration can kill" in Hamilton. A post on Lemire's own webpage from that same year also describes him as the "head honcho" of the organization.
ARC first published this a number of years ago:

Hmmmm, 152 Carlton Street....

When this was published on Lemire's website, he would have been 26 years old.

In fact Lemire hosted the Heritage Front on Freedom-Site from 1998 (age of 23) to roughly 2001 when he appears to have moved it to a separate server. Here is an example of one of those early Heritage Front websites (December 2000, I believe):

And here is the HF merchandise page where the hate group sold their magazine featuring former KKK leader David Duke and videos by the leader of White Aryan Resistance Tom Metzger:

Gee, 152 Carlton Street again?

Surely a coincidence.

And here is a request for donations to keep Freedom-Site alive:

There's that 152 Carlton Street again!

Curious isn't it? I mean, it would be amazing if one could link that address directly to Lemire, wouldn't it?

Oh! You mean he had a personal webpage?


And by the way, here is one of the images of the Canadian Patriot Network Lemire designed:

Subtle Marc. Real subtle.

And what did his other website look like when Marc would have been 23?

Tsk, tsk....

The reality is that Marc already tried to snow people regarding his past with the Heritage Front. In that case, he had a willing stooge in Ezra Levant who refused to challenge Lemire's claims because Levant also had an agenda:
Uh, the Heritage Front uh, was active back in, uh, the the 90s and I was a young kid at the time. I had some, uh, interest in some of the things that they were doing in particularly thing like uh opposition to employment equity, things like reducing immigration. So I uh, listened to some of what they were about, and uh, I went away from it. I mean I was involved with them peripherally in my teenage years.
Well, Lemire is right that he was involved with the Heritage Front as a teenager:

CANADA - FEBRUARY 23 Hearing Adjourned Heritage Front leader Wolfgang Droege and his white supremacist supporters leave University Ave. courthouse yesterday. (Toronto Star)

But he was also involved in his early 20s as he continued to count Wolfgang Droege as a friend:

Saturday, May 04, 2019

Far Right Rallies and Counter-Rallies: Montreal and Toronto

I'll be updating this as more information comes out.

Two rallies are ongoing. In Montreal members of La Meute (unofficially, of course) and other hate groups are rallying in support of the illiberal policies of the current Quebec government targeting religious minorities. In Toronto Pegida Canada is trying to march.

In Montreal Jon Milton is one of the journalists covering the event. He reports police in that city as having aggressively attacked counter-protesters as members of the far-right cheered them on:

In Toronto I've been following some of the live videos posted by far right members on social media. Some in the crowd (and those posting in the comments section) are encouraging the far-right protesters to attack the counter-protesters. Given the police presence separating the two sides, that might be a tall order. Groups present include members of hate groups including Canadian Combat Coalition, Northern Guard, Nouns of Odin, and members of Travis Patron's Nationalist Party of Canada:

Also present are Rick Boswisk and Derek Storie fresh of their interviews
with Paul Fromm and Max Bernier; more on this in a later article.
Suffice it to say they aren't having the best of times right now:

After about an hour the Pegida and co. supporters tried to march.

They didn't get too far.

Justin Long's videos suggest the fascist supporters are having a lousy day again:

Yep, a very lousy day....

.... which includes at least one Yellow Jacket arrest:

Journalist Kosalan Kathir covered the event from the start:

Readers won't be surprised that unemployed drifters Boswick and Storie are among the remaining petulant children who are engaging in the equivalent of holding their breath until they get their way. Video edited for length because holy HELL are they whiny!

Friday, April 26, 2019

Sears and St. Germaine Sentencing Update

While trying to piece together media reports and accounts from ARC supporters of the Your Ward News sentencing hearing this morning, one word keeps coming to mind: circus.

Sears answers media questions outside court, flanked by skinheads and other supporters. April 26, 2019 (Photo submitted by an ARC reader.)
Your Ward News' Editor in Chief, James Sears, and Publisher, LeRoy St. Germaine, were found guilty in January of willfully promoting hatred against Jews and women under S319(2) of the criminal code. In the lead-up to today's hearing, Sears likened himself to Christ and seemed to relish the idea of being led away in cuffs on Greek Orthodox Good Friday. He also claimed he would (checks notes) bring his "posse of black folks" with him, and would attempt to "reason with the Judge."

Spoiler: no "posse" was in attendance, and certainly no successful "reasoning" occurred.

Crown Attorney Erica Whitford presented thorough submissions relying on extensive research of existing case law that referenced many, if not all, hate crimes cases that have resulted in a custodial sentence in Canada. She called for the maximum sentence of 6 months per count, for a total of 1 year, to be served consecutively. In addition, she asked for 3 years probation, with strict conditions that would prohibit Sears from publishing within that period. The sentence, she argued, must serve both as a denunciation of the hate speech that occurred, as well as a deterrent for future incidents of said hate speech. CP24 reported that she also referenced multiple victim and community impact statements that read, in part:

"By delivering Your Ward News to our door, they were saying there was nowhere to feel safe."
"Hate speech strikes at the heart of Canadian values. The glorification of violence against women made them feel vulnerable, retraumatized some, and tended to hurt the cause of equality overall."

Sears' attorney, Dean Embry, conceded that Your Ward News did devolve into hate speech, and called it "repugnant," however, he argued that the publication was not "created with the sole purpose of spreading genocidal thought," and, amazingly, insisted that the Crown had failed to prove that YWN had, in fact, caused any actual harm. According to reports, he insisted that the total sentence should be no more than 2-4 months called for a four-month conditional sentence and added that the Judge cannot sentence based on "theoretical harm." He also claimed that barring Sears from publishing anything for 3 years was too broad.

The proceedings started to go off the rails when Sears was given the opportunity to speak. He had prepared a 62-page "allocution," that he claimed would take at least an hour to deliver. Judge Blouin instructed him, repeatedly, to stick to issues pertaining only to sentencing, however, he still apparently managed to take up 20 minutes of the court's time. Here's a sampling of what he said:

CTV quotes Sears as saying, "I'm approached on a regular basis by angry men, and sometimes women, that Your Ward News gave them a voice when no one else would. Several men have told me that, because of our publication, they did not commit violence." 

He also apparently brought a blind man to court who he presented before the Judge as an example of someone who was "saved" from committing an act of violence against the doctor who blinded him. YWN, he claimed, gave this man a "release valve" for his rage and he now spends his time handing out copies of the publication on street corners. 

Perhaps most interestingly, Sears thanked a woman named "Grace," who is supposedly one of his publication's strongest financial backers. He said she flew in from Japan to be present at the sentencing. 

UPDATE 1: We have confirmed that "Grace" from Japan is, in fact, Holocaust denier Grace Eki-Oyama, who, at one point, vacationed with Paul Fromm in Cuba. 

But wait! There's more:

After calling the Crown racist, he, according to CTV, tried to reason with the Judge, stating that "We're just trying to open a discussion. His Honour cannot take one side of a religious debate or one side of a political debate." 

He then goes on to contradict himself and engage in his trademarked grandstanding:

Despite not having his promised "posse" with him, media have reported that about 15 supporters of the publication were in attendance. So far, ARC has identified the usual suspects, including Paul Fromm, Bahman Yazdanfar, Lawrence McCurry, Arthur Smitherman, and the woman we previously identified as a long-time court attender, dating back to the Zundel trials. We are working to identify some others, and expect to have an updated list soon.

Judge Blouin is taking a month to review the sentencing submissions, including the victim impact statements, which apparently were only delivered to him last night. Sears is expected to be sentenced on May 31st.

St. Germaine has a longer reprieve as the court needs to wait for the submission of his pre-sentencing report. (We assume the press is referring to the Gladue Report). St. Germaine's sentencing is scheduled for July 15th.


Your Ward News contributor, Lawrence McCurry, uploaded a video of yesterday's media scrum with James Sears and his friend Jonathan, who is the blind man Sears claims his paper "saved" from committing an act of violence. For the sake of transparency, I'll make clear that I edited out the beginning where McCurry tries to get Warren Kinsella and Bernie Farber to comment. He claims they were not present to see justice done, but to "represent the globalist position and ideology to the controlled corporate media who have not been honest in the way they have reported on this story from the very start." He then goes on to show a media clip used by a mainstream news outlet to illustrate how the press manipulates things. The bulk of his video, however, is unedited footage of Sears' media scrum, which is what I've included here. Sears sticks to his talking points from his "allocution" about YWN being a release valve, that he is a law-abiding citizen who was trying to open a discussion, and then digs in to his plans for a constitutional challenge over his conviction and pending sentence. Paul Fromm chimes in and compares Sears to James Joyce! I'll let the rest speak for itself, however, I will add a WARNING that there is some graphic language regarding rape:

Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Goldy Drone Teaches Scouts to Shoot Guns

ARC would like you to meet Darik Horn. Here he is getting settled in at a Canadian Anti-Hate Network event in Newmarket, Ontario this week:

Darik has a lot going for him compared to many of his colleagues. For one thing, he's book smart. Or should I say, computer smart. According to his LinkedIn profile, he has a Bachelor of Mathematics degree in Computer Science from the University of Waterloo with a Minor in Information Systems, Business, Economics and Human Resources from Wilfrid Laurier University. His recent work history is a bit patchy, but he spent 4 years at Navtech, now NAVBLUE, a company that specializes in aviation operations software. He's also been with BrightBlock, and appears to be the brains behind DBAN (Darik's Boot and Nuke), a very well respected open-source project that securely wipes hard drives.

Darik tries to be a helpful guy both online and off, and he looks out for his friends, like Paul Fromm

Despite giving this advice in October 2018,  Fromm has yet to fix the problem. It's quite possible he doesn't understand it as you can't teach an old dog new tricks and all that.

Last year, Darik was quite taken with Faith Goldy, who was just banned from Facebook and Instagram. During her mayoral election campaign, he followed her around and was very concerned that she was barred from debates:

He also canvassed with her, and is pictured here with other campaign volunteers outside Queen's Park:

Needless to say, he felt she'd make a top-notch mayor who would do away with pesky bike lanes, stop making pro-lifers feel like second class citizens, and other such lovely things:

Since the end of Goldy's mayoral campaign, he's jumped on Team Bernier with a vengeance. He spent significant time volunteering for Robert Geurts, the PPC candidate in the recent York-Simcoe by-election. Again, he focused on being, above all else, helpful, and insanely law-abiding. He volunteered to carpool PPC supporters to a rally, and was very concerned about someone removing campaign signs. He followed them, but refused to jaywalk: 

Most recently, he was concerned about the MAGA hat dude at the PEGIDA rally in Toronto in late March, which he evidently attended. You can read a bit about the rally here, and PEGIDA's recent legal troubles here.

With such a helpful attitude, and concern for others, I suppose it's not a complete surprise that he would want to help children as well. His LinkedIn profile shows he's been a Colony Leader with Scouts Canada, Shining Waters Council, South Lake Simcoe, for over three-and-a-half years: 

This past Christmas, he marched in the Newmarket Santa Claus Parade with his Scout group:

Note that this Tweet was liked by Scouts Canada, Battlefields Council, which is a Scouts collective for Hamilton and other towns in Niagara Region, and the City of Newmarket.

Just last week, it appears he took a Cubs group to a woodworking workshop:

Oh yeah, and because he's so helpful, he also organized an event at the Aurora Gun Club on November 7th, 2018, for the older boys, and volunteered to do more of the same:

Wait, what was that last thing? Yeah, he was really, really, really interested in teaching boys to shoot: