The White-Nationalist Friendly Route 40 Republican Club Is Now The Route 40 Republican Party. President Fred Mullis , White-Nationalist Vice President John Stortstrom And Treasurer Patricia Scott Have Been Replaced But Is the Club/Party Still A Nest Of Racists?

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The White Nationalist Buzz Around Trump.



We don’t need to say much about how billionaire Donald Trump is feeding the crazy, and there is a whole lotta crazy going on. The media has smelled the blood in the water and is narrowing in on the truly extreme crazies and white nationalists who are supporting him.

The overt racism has begun to manifest itself in Trump’s supporters as Univision reporter Jorge Ramos was thrown out of a Trump event, only to be faced with the type of person who supports Trump…

Earlier this week, an article in the New Yorker magazine by journalist Evan Osnos hit the stands and internet, exposing the kinds of people who are enthusiastically attracted to the Trump campaign. His article was very well researched and presented, which means the white nationalists he interviewed were not happy that he portrayed them for what they are.

They attacked Osnos personally, they attacked him for…

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Happy Death Day George Lincoln Rockwell


Daryle La,ont Jenkins holds photos of butt-hurt Nazis holding a vigil for George Lincoln Rockwell, in front of the cleaners where he was shot. Daryle Lamont Jenkins holds photos of butt-hurt Nazis holding a vigil for George Lincoln Rockwell, in front of the cleaners where he was shot.

On August 25th 1967 NeoNazi George Lincoln Rockwell was shot down in an Arlington VA parking lot on Wilson Blvd by one of this own men. Even though his American Nazi Party continued in the Arlington area for almost two decades after his death, it really never amounted to anything.

There have even been a few attempts to hold vigils at his assassination spot, but that never attracted more that two or three people.

This year, on August 25, there was a flyer taped to an electrical box right across the street from the assassination spot.

Flyer found in Arlington Virginia on August 25, 2015 Flyer found in Arlington Virginia on August 25, 2015

Of course One People’s Project knows what to do with this….

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Meet H.K. Edgerton


H. K. Edgerton, a native of Asheville, North Carolina, is an Uncle Ruckus with no grounding knowledge of accurate history H. K. Edgerton, a native of Asheville, North Carolina, is an Uncle Ruckus with no grounded knowledge of accurate history

We have seen some dumb silly crap in our days but, H.K. Edgerton takes the cake!

H.K. is a black man who loves the confederacy. He’s made quite a name for himself and is equally loved by the “Cuckfederates” and hated by most black people for his love and support of glamorized phony Confederate heritage myths.

Brooks Simpson, a PHD academic, history professor and the author of several books on the civil war has this to say about H.K.

And One People’s Project has been following this chucklehead for a long time.

We all know what H.K. thinks of the mythological confederate history, but we wonder what he thinks of the part he chooses to ignore, the slavery issue. We thought we’d never get an answer to that question…

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Michael Hill Drops Out of NPI Conference Out of Fear of Catching the Gay

More drama in LOSerLand


Rainbow Hill Rainbow Hill

The annual NPI conference at the national press club on October 31 is the wonky big to do for the suit and tie “we only like white boys” crowd. Trustfund baby, Richard Spencer, leaves his parent’s fancy mountain chalet in Montana to fly to DC and try to clean up and educated the next wannabe Jared Taylors and Samuel Francises. Most of the attendees are social rejects who are too nerdy to play with skinheads and too much of an outcast to have any real friends. Hence, they all shell out money to line Spencer’s already full pockets to give themselves a few days of hanging around with people who are just as screwed up as they are, to hear all the racist ideals they usually fester on their own in their lonely lives.

On July 7th Spencer made an unusual announcement out of the blue, that League…

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Brad Mad?



Brad Mad?

Brad Mad?




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Carl W Roden is Now a Meme! #ThanksBrad

The New Cuckfederate Covergirl

The New Cuckfederate Covergirl

Carl W Roden is Now a Meme! #ThanksBrad.

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