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The NNDB Mapper is a visual tool for exploring the connections between people in NNDB, linking them together through family relations, corporate boards, movies and TV, political alliances, and shadowy conspiracy groups. Maps can be saved and shared for others to explore.

As of this writing, the major demographic breakdown in NNDB is 23462 living, 13553 dead, 30136 male and 6877 female.

Recent Deaths: 2013 · 2014 · 2015 · 2016

What is NNDB?

NNDB is an intelligence aggregator that tracks the activities of people we have determined to be noteworthy, both living and dead. Superficially, it seems much like a "Who's Who" where a noted person's curriculum vitae is available (the usual information such as date of birth, a biography, and other essential facts.)

But it mostly exists to document the connections between people, many of which are not always obvious. A person's otherwise inexplicable behavior is often understood by examining the crowd that person has been associating with.

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And yes this is what passes for a gossip column in these parts

22-Jan-2016 · Dean McDermott would really like wife Tori Spelling to file for bankruptcy ... Louis Tomlinson has a child with stylist Briana Jungwirth, a son ... Mariah Carey now engaged to Australian billionaire James Packer ... It turns out that Google paid Apple one beeeelion dollars to be default iPhone search engine ... Students at Rice with too much time on their hands have created Trumpscript ... Chess forbidden in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ...

16-Jan-2016 · Dustin Diamond starts serving four months for disorderly conduct ... Celine Dion's brother has died, only days after the death of her husband Renι Angιlil ... Taiwan elects its first female President, Tsai Ing-wen in a landslide victory ... United Air Lines' new CEO Oscar Muρoz receives a heart transplant ... Will Forte now down to 50% middle-aged hipster ... Youth of Iceland keep bible-thumpery at an absolute minimum ...

5-Jan-2016 · Oakland Raiders, San Diego Chargers, and St Louis Rams all apply to move to Los Angeles ... Oregon sedition group: "We're in it for the long haul," but we forgot to bring supplies ... Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-New York) orders the homeless off the streets when temperatures dip below freezing ... Ivan the Terrible-era weapons cache found ... Hillary Clinton says she will "get to the bottom" of questions and controversy over what the U.S. government knows about UFOs and space aliens … Rand Paul says Clinton would take America "back to war" … Donald Trump's first TV ad shows migrants "at the southern border," but they're actually in Morocco ... Arkansas jailer is fired after arrest for drug possession … Death of man beaten by security guards for leaving Washington DC hospital without doctors' permission is ruled a homicide … California deputy is busted for drug trafficking … New contract gives Chicago cops added protections for officers accused of misconduct … Family of woman accidentally shot and killed by Chicago police files lawsuit … Lawsuit alleges California police illegally detained searched motorist ... When Christians, Muslims, and Jews loved magic ... Dutch government backs strong encryption, condemns backdoors ... Now it's illegal to smoke cigarettes in Hawaii if you're under 21 ... Volkswagen faces billions in fines as U.S. sues for environmental violations ...

4-Jan-2016 · Sons of noted anti-government Nevada rancher lead "patriots" in seizing U.S. National Parks office in Oregon ... Joss Whedon says he's finished making Marvel movies ... Gov. Greg Abbott (R-Texas) challenges President Obama to "come and take" the state's guns ... Republican Presidential candidates stay quiet on Oregon standoff … Donald Trump helped cut brother's children from father's will … Bernie Sanders thinks we have more important things to worry about than Bill Clinton's sex life … Ted Cruz really, really loves the death penalty ... 74 ways characters die in William Shakespeare's plays ... Texas police officer is fired after video shows him attacking handcuffed man ... Tommy Lee got stuck on a roller coaster during Mφtley Crόe's final concert ... Former Nevada pastor and international fugitive allegedly sexually assaulted girls in his congregation under the guise of counseling … Why money-lovin' televangelist Creflo Dollar needs a $65-million plane ... Noted douchebag Chris Brown says latest allegations of beating up a woman are "unequivocally untrue" ... Finding Maude's railroad car, from Harold & Maude ... Authorities predict it'll take months to plug ginormous methane leak in California ...

3-Jan-2016 · PayPal's fraud protection is laughably easy to circumvent ... The U.S. government can and should support religion, says Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia ... Saudi Arabia executed 47 people yesterday, including a religious leader who sought reforms ... Ted Cruz says he idolized Han Solo as a kid … Terrorist group uses Donald Trump in recruitment video ... U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration official says small town cops in Florida laundered millions of dollars to drug traffickers … Former Texas Cop of the Year is a member of Mexican drug cartel ... A bunch of stressed-out Belgian military types allegedly lube up for an orgy after hours, but why is that a problem? ... Noted douchebag Chris Brown is accused of punching a woman at a Las Vegas hotel ... Anne Frank's diary is in the public domain; editors aren't co-authors ... Should a priest's sexual misconduct as a teenager bar him from ministry? ...

2-Jan-2016 · Google gets access to your kids' data because it's a "school official" ... Georgia official declares Pastafarianism is not a religion ... Was Frankenstein inspired by a true story? ... Jeb Bush says the indictment of nobody in Cleveland cops' two-second killing of 12-year-old boy armed with toy gun shows that "The process worked." … Carly Fiorina just took political pandering to a whole new level ... Obama to Jerry Seinfeld: "A pretty sizable percentage" of world leaders are just completely out of their minds ... Off-duty Nevada police officer and her husband accidentally shoot 27 rounds at relative … No arrest, no charges for Washington sheriff's sergeant found apparently drunk in his car ... Leader of Christian youth group in Washington is charged with child rape ... Microsoft to warn email users of suspected hacking by governments ... 57 new abortion restrictions became law in the United States last year ... A definitive and exhaustive ranking of all the candy from Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory ...

1-Jan-2016 · America's first freeway turns 75 ... Marijuana legalization is already making Mexican drug cartels poorer ... CBS and Paramount sue to block fan-funded Star Trek film ... Jeb Bush offers ally a lighthearted "Hurricane Katrina" nickname … Donald Trump laments loss of aerosol sprays to frame his hair … Ben Carson staffers quit, question his readiness for White House ... Billionaire Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban says use of human growth hormone should be allowed in sports ... Portland cop fired after killing unarmed black man gets reinstated, with back pay … Unarmed African-American teen was beaten by a Michigan police officer during an arrest, lawsuit contends … Lawsuit alleges police brutality at Minneapolis rally against policy brutality ... South Dakota Baptist pastor allegedly sought to hire a 15-year-old girl for sex ... Did John Lennon sabotage his estranged father's music career? ... Patrick Dempsey says clothier owes him $1.5-million ... Injunction temporarily stops Gov. Gary Herbert (R-Utah) from cutting federal funding for Planned Parenthood ...

31-Dec-2015 · Everything you need to know about Japan's infatuation with KitKat bars ... No easy solution for enormous methane leak near Los Angeles ... U.S. Rep. Justin Amash (R-Michigan) announces legislation to undo a cybersecurity law that critics say secretly allows the federal government to spy on Americans ... Bill Cosby is charged with aggravated indecent assault … The new case against Cosby is mostly based on evidence that the authorities had all along … Gloria Allred says many of her clients are willing to testify against Cosby ... Marco Rubio calls for a Constiutional Convention … Rubio used his influence to help his ex-con brother-in-law … Chris Christie to Rubio: "Dude, show up to work" … Donald Trump warns his supporters: "No more golf" if Bernie Sanders wins … Judge rules that Trump is personally liable for operating a for-profit investment school without the required license … Mike Tyson endorses Donald Trump ... Grand Jury declines to indict Colorado police officer in slaying of unarmed black man … Video of a Nevada police dog repeatedly biting a one-year-old girl is released nearly a year after the incident … Philadelphia prosecutors protect police misconduct … Georgia detectives are accused of using false statements to obtain arrest warrant … New Hampshire Supreme Court grants police officers immunity after unlawful arrest … Louisiana police officer allegedly stole money from Hispanic motorists … How can no-one be to blame for Cleveland cops' two-second killing of 12-year-old boy armed with toy gun? ... Victim of pedophile priest speaks out … Pentecotal pastor is jailed for life for genocide-era crimes in Rwanda … Jehovah's Witnesses are accused of covering up historic sexual abuse of children … Texas youth pastor is arrested for indecency with a child ... The far right isn't happy about Speaker of the U.S. House Paul Ryan's "Muslim beard" ... At least 13 people have died in Missouri and Illinois floods the past few days, and it could get a lot worse ... San Francisco declares war on the Biebs ... No surprise in Israel over report that U.S. spied on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ... Planned Parenthood sues over anti-abortion legislation in Arkansas ...

30-Dec-2015 · Whole Foods gets a bargain -- a $500,000 fine, instead of a $1.5-million file, for overcharging customers ... Glee's Mark Salling is arrested on child pornography charges ... Oregon's anti-gay bakery finally forks over $135,000 in damages, but still comes out ahead ... New Jersey cop is fired for having sex on duty in patrol car … Illinois woman wins $875,000 in police brutality lawsuit … Philadelphia police officer is convicted of running a counterfeit credit card scam … California inmates are chained to the wall with their hands behind their backs, half-naked or even fully naked, as jail officials waited for them to expel contraband from their bodies … Chicago police officer who shot black teen 16 times pleads not guilty to murder … Connecticut police officer is charged with posting explicit photos of his wife ... Russell Crowe balks at ban on so-called hoverboards ... Ted Cruz believes Jesus Christ can fix America's broken political system, skewed values … Bernie Sanders: Audit the U.S. Defense Department, because contractors are wasting money while soldiers are on food stamps … How a voter convinced Jeb Bush to change his views on violence by racist whites … Jerry Lewis praises Donald Trump, says Syrian refugees "should stay where the hell they are" … John Kasich takes a hard line against gerrymandering … George Pataki quits the Presidential race … Samuel L. Jackson endorses Hillary Clinton … U.S. Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-South Carolina) endorses Marco Rubio ... Arizona woman kills atheist for not believing in God, leaves body as "shrine from God" … Michigan pastor fails when interviewed by court about how he spends the ministry's funds … Louisiana music pastor pleads guilty to child exploitation and child pornography … Mississippi pastor is charged with sexual battery ... What's in Patti Smith's bag? ... New book says Mao's right-hand man Zhou Enlai was probably gay ... Anti-abortion graphic is the most misleading chart of 2015 ... Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to serve reduced sentence in special VIP prison ward ... Mark Zuckerberg can't believe India isn't grateful for Facebook's free internet ... GQ website gives ultimatum to readers: disable ad-blockers or pay up ...

29-Dec-2015 · If you're not sure that Mark Hamill autograph is legit, just ask Mark Hamill ... Researcher: Registration data of 191-million American voters exposed online ... Amazing behind the scenes photos from the set of Some Like It Hot ... No indictments in Cleveland cops' two-second killing of 12-year-old boy armed with toy gun … U.S. Justice Department sets up hotline to report Chicago police misconduct … New York City student claims cops wrongfully arrested, beat him for walking dog without leash … Three women say U.S. Border Patrol officer bound and raped them before killing himself … Puerto Rico police officer kills three fellow officers … Waco, TX blunders through its "biker shootout" investigation … Former Memphis cop and his father are found guilty of rape and incest ... Recently bought a Windows computer? Microsoft probably has your encryption key ... Rick Santorum wants the world to know that he, not Donald Trump, has been singled out in ISIS propaganda … Trump's new attack on Hillary Clinton: Her husband's infidelities … Clinton now says she has "concerns" about deporting migrant children … Jeb Bush challenges Trump to one-on-one debate … Public document complicates Chris Christie's pro-life conversion story ... "Jesus's mansion" in the Bronx to go on sale for $10-million … Indiana minister charged with child porn violates no-contact order … Pennsylvania prosecutor seeks rehearing in Catholic Church child abuse case ... A conversation with Pau Gasol about Kobe Bryant and being a big man in today's NBA ... Judge blocks Missouri from revoking Planned Parenthood's abortion license (but it's still illegal for the clinic to provide abortions) ... Subway promises to use only cage-free eggs in North American restaurants by 2025 ...

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