The Defense of Public Education

As secret negotiations resume between unions and school district

New Haven teachers strike enters fourth day

By Toby Reese and Evan Blake, 23 May 2019

To carry their struggle forward, New Haven teachers must break free from the pro-Democratic Party teachers’ unions, which are preparing to sell them out in the same manner as in Los Angeles, Oakland and Sacramento.

Teachers strike in New Haven School District, Northern California

By Dan Conway, 22 May 2019

The California Teachers Association is sponsoring a #RedForEd “Day of Action” at the state capital of Sacramento on Wednesday.

One million take to the streets against education cuts, austerity in Brazil

By Miguel Andrade, 18 May 2019

The powerful demonstrations by teachers and students in over 200 cities targeted both fascistic President Bolsonaro and Workers Party (PT) state governors.

University of California unions wear down workers with fifth one-day strike

By Evelyn Rios, 17 May 2019

Dwindling numbers participate in the fifth one-day, unpaid strike, as workers have been kept on the job without a contract for nearly two years.

Detroit teachers demand action on pay, class sizes and testing

By J. Cooper, 16 May 2019

Hundreds of red-shirted teachers demanded to be heard at Tuesday’s school board meeting.

A socialist program needed to halt assault on university students and staff

By Mike Head: SEP candidate for Oxley, 14 May 2019

The Socialist Equality Party is alone in calling for a vast redistribution of wealth to secure the basic social right to free, high-quality public education at all levels.

The teachers’ revolt and the fight for social equality

By the WSWS Teacher Newsletter, 14 May 2019

Three years ago, Detroit teachers were the first to organize sickouts and protests that exposed the crisis of public education to a national and international audience.

“I am ready to stay out and not going back in until we get everything we need”

More than 20,000 participate in Oregon walkouts for public education

By Kayla Costa, 9 May 2019

Teachers were joined by thousands of students, parents and school workers at demonstrations in multiple cities across the state.

Ontario government slashes post-secondary education funding and student aid

By Penny Smith, 9 May 2019

Ford’s cuts are part of a concerted drive to restructure post-secondary education to tailor it even more to the demands of big business.

Removal of white educator from African American history class in Michigan sparks widespread outrage

By Phyllis Steele and Nancy Hanover, 9 May 2019

The removal of the high school teacher from an advanced placement course in a Detroit suburb occurred after a group of parents objected to a nationally-developed, comprehensive curriculum for the class.

Polls show growing sentiment for teachers strike in Mississippi

By J. L’Heureau, 4 May 2019

Mississippi educators, seeking to join the international strike wave of teachers, are demanding action against poverty wages and abysmal working conditions.

San Diego Sweetwater Teachers Union begins bargaining as false financial situation reported by district

By Evelyn Rios, 4 May 2019

The union and district are negotiating an austerity contract based on what is most likely fraudulent accounting, amidst allegations of fraud and mismanagement investigations.

“We would benefit greatly if budgets were spent on minds instead of mines”

30,000 march for public education in North and South Carolina

By Ed Hightower, 2 May 2019

Tens of thousands of US teachers marched in the Carolinas on May Day to demand increased pay and school funding and an end to the war against public education.

May Day: Police rampage in Paris as hundreds of thousands march in France

By Alex Lantier, 2 May 2019

After clashes broke out with unidentified “black block” protesters, police indiscriminately assaulted peaceful protesters, journalists, and top union officials.

Year after Arizona strike, teacher walkouts and protests spread in US

By Jerry White, 30 April 2019

Mass protests scheduled for North and South Carolina tomorrow are part of a renewed wave of planned strikes and demonstrations by educators, including in New York City, Chicago and Detroit.

US teachers in the Carolinas to hold mass protests on May Day

By Shelley Connor, 29 April 2019

The simultaneous eruption of teachers struggles in the Carolinas occurs against the backdrop of a continuing wave of teacher strikes and protests around the globe.

In naked sellout, union announces end to strike by 300,000 Polish teachers

By Will Morrow and Clara Weiss, 27 April 2019

The union is covering up the fact that it is ending the strike without meeting any of the teachers’ demands by claiming the strike is being “suspended.”

University of Illinois at Chicago faculty announces deal on eve of strike

By George Gallanis, 26 April 2019

More than 1,100 professors, lecturers, instructors and assistant professors are voting on a concessionary contract being pushed by the UIC United Faculty union, an affiliate of the American Federation of Teachers.

As union seeks to end walkout

Polish teachers speak out on why they are striking

By Will Morrow, 25 April 2019

The main teachers’ union has called for the suspension of the powerful strike to allow students to complete their exams.

Rutgers University faculty union blocks strike by professors and teaching assistants

By Owen Mullan, 25 April 2019

The American Federation of Teachers acted to prevent a coordinated fight by educators against the Democrats’ austerity measures.

Unions scramble to contain Polish teachers’ strike as 40,000 social workers prepare to stop work

By Clara Weiss, 24 April 2019

The teachers’ strike, the first nationwide walkout since 1993, is one of the largest strikes since the restoration of capitalism in Poland in 1989.

US education secretary to gut regulations, seek a “major shift” in higher education

Part 2: Plundering the education “market”

By Rebecca DeCarlo and Nancy Hanover, 22 April 2019

The US Department of Education is giving a green light to the development of new for-profit entities, which take a staggering cut of 60 percent or more from tuition payments.

UK education system breaking apart after decade of cuts

By Tom Pearce, 22 April 2019

Funding per pupil in England continues to fall, with a further 3 percent drop to come in the next period.

US education secretary to gut regulations, seek a “major shift” in higher education—Part 1

By Nancy Hanover, 20 April 2019

A crude assault on educational standards, which hardens the class divide in educational access and spurs the plundering of the “education market,” is being enacted under the cover of “rule-making” by the US Department of Education.

“Without truth and a free press we are doomed to further oppression”

Teachers demand freedom for Assange and Manning

By the WSWS Teacher Newsletter, 19 April 2019

Teachers have been in the forefront of a wave of global strikes and struggles over the last year, which terrifies the ruling class and is motivating its attack on free speech and democratic rights.

Polish government vows to fight wage rises as teachers’ strike enters second week

By Clara Weiss, 17 April 2019

Both the Polish government and the ZNP union are trying to isolate the national teachers’ strike and keep it from sparking a broader movement of the working class.

Chicago symphony musicians strike defies aristocratic principle

By Kristina Betinis, 13 April 2019

As CSO strike enters sixth week, a right-wing pressure campaign is being mounted to try to force the musicians to make concessions on their pensions.

070 UIC faculty vote to strike

13 April 2019

National strike by Polish teachers enters fifth day

By Clara Weiss, 12 April 2019

The vast majority of Polish teachers remain on strike as the government refuses to make any concessions.

Sacramento, California teachers conduct one day strike

By Ben McGrath, 12 April 2019

As the teachers union works to reach a sellout deal with county officials, rank-and-file teachers are striving for a broader struggle in defense of public education.

One-day strike by Sacramento, California teachers

By Dan Conway, 11 April 2019

Ninety-two percent of Sacramento City Teachers Association members voted last month to authorize strike action in the state capital.

The resurgence of the class struggle in Poland

By Johannes Stern and Alex Lantier, 11 April 2019

Thirty years after General Wojciech Jaruzelski’s Stalinist regime began to collapse, paving the way for capitalist restoration, Polish teachers are mounting a national strike.

Polish teachers strike confronts social disaster wrought by capitalist restoration

By Clara Weiss and Jerry White, 10 April 2019

Hundreds of thousands of educators are continuing their strike against Poland’s extreme right-wing government and its policies of austerity and social reaction.

University of California service and patient care technicians on one-day strike

By Marc Wells, 10 April 2019

University of California’s 25,000 service and patient care technicians are on strike today, for the fourth time in less than a year.

Mississippi teachers threaten first strike since 1985

By J. L’Heureau and Nancy Hanover, 8 April 2019

With Mississippi paying the lowest wages in the country, educators are enraged over the state's refusal to substantially increase them. Calls to defy the state’s brutal anti-strike laws are growing.

“We are the future. Give us what we need!”

Thousands of Ontario students walk out to protest school cuts

By our reporters, 6 April 2019

The student-led initiative saw thousands rally across the province against the right-wing government of Doug Ford.

Ontario workers need an international socialist program to defend public education and fight austerity

By the Socialist Equality Party (Canada), 6 April 2019

If public education from kindergarten to university is to be defended, workers and students must launch a political struggle independently of the unions and in opposition to the entire political establishment.

Australia: Tasmanian teachers take strike action

By Frank Gaglioti, 6 April 2019

Teachers in Tasmania are the lowest paid of any state in Australia.

University of Illinois-Chicago faculty to vote on strike action as grad student walkout enters third week

By George Gallanis, 4 April 2019

The American Federation of Teachers hopes to block faculty members from joining grad students and escalating the fight against the Democratic Party’s austerity program.

San Diego teachers and parents left in the dark as school district threatens massive budget cuts

By Evelyn Rios, 29 March 2019

The Sweetwater school district and its teachers’ union have begun bargaining on an austerity contract in the aftermath of the announcement of the district’s $68 million shortfall.

Strike by University of Illinois at Chicago grad students in danger

By George Gallanis, 28 March 2019

While graduate workers have received broad support from workers and students, their struggle has been isolated by the teachers unions, which are aligned with the state Democrats.

Ontario government axes provincial funding for autism therapy

By Penny Smith, 27 March 2019

The changes the government announced last week to mollify angry protests are cosmetic, leaving parents to fund tens of thousands of dollars in annual treatment costs from their own pockets.

Teacher: One Woman’s Struggle to Keep the Heart in Teaching

An interview with Australian author Gabbie Stroud

By Sue Phillips, 27 March 2019

“It’s almost as if our system doesn’t need a reformation, it needs a re-creation. It’s like we need to dismantle it and start again from the ground up.”

Thousands hold one-day strike at University of California schools and health systems

By Evelyn Rios, 21 March 2019

Yesterday, thousands of the lowest paid workers struck throughout the University of California’s ten campus system, the largest public higher education institution in the world.

University of Illinois at Chicago graduate student workers go on strike

By Andy Thompson, 21 March 2019

Graduate student workers walked out Tuesday to demand increases to pay and benefits and a reduction in fees.

Amid scandal and federal investigations, Nashville, Tennessee charter school closes in the middle of the school year

By Zachary Thorton, 21 March 2019

The largely unregulated charter school edu-business industry took another hit with the sudden closure of the scandal-ridden New Vision Academy in Nashville, Tennessee.

California university workers in one-day strike across the state

By Evelyn Rios, 20 March 2019

Thousands of low-paid workers will strike on Wednesday throughout the University of California’s 10-campus system, the largest public institution of higher learning in the world.

Sacramento, California teachers authorize strike

By Dan Conway, 20 March 2019

The overwhelming strike vote in California’s state capital expresses the militancy of teachers across the country fighting the bipartisan assault on public education.

Ontario government savages public education

By Roger Jordan, 20 March 2019

According to teacher union estimates, the Ford government’s education “reform” will result in the elimination of nearly 10,000 teaching jobs and class sizes of up to 40 students.

Nationwide strike by primary school educators in the Netherlands

By Harm Zonderland, 18 March 2019

The militant struggle of teachers in the Netherlands is part of an international strike wave among educators spanning five continents.

Strike looms for University of Illinois at Chicago graduate students

By George Gallanis, 16 March 2019

The Graduate Employees Organization (GEO) is determined to avoid a strike at all costs and ram through a sellout agreement.

São Paulo teachers’ union shuts down one-month strike

By our reporters, 15 March 2019

The union called an end to the strike after a clear majority of teachers voted to continue it.

Argentine teachers go back to work after three-day strike

By Rafael Azul, 15 March 2019

This year’s three-day walkout, like a two-day strike and mobilizations in 2018, failed to win wage increases to compensate for inflation.

The college admissions scandal and the rigged system of admissions at elite universities

By Gabriel Black, 15 March 2019

The scandal involving charges against 50 individuals, including 33 parents, is a window into the anti-democratic character of the entire world of admissions processes in higher education.

Teacher sickouts in Kentucky, protests in Maryland and Texas

By E.P. Milligan, 14 March 2019

Thousands of teachers are fighting for more school funding, higher wages, and an end to attacks on public education.

Trump proposes slashing public education by $7 billion

By Shelley Connor, 14 March 2019

Trump’s proposed budget, released earlier this week, would cut education spending by over $7 billion while transferring billions to charter and private schools.

Aiming to quash strikes, US teacher union launches campaign to prop up Democrats

By Nancy Hanover, 12 March 2019

Amid increasing strikes and struggles in defense of public education across the US and the world, the teachers’ unions are launching a new initiative to stifle the class struggle and corral teachers behind the capitalist political parties.

As teacher anger explodes across US

How to fight for public education in Indiana

By WSWS Teacher Newsletter, 11 March 2019

Teacher strikes are escalating in the fight against a brutal drive by big business to privatize education and further plunder public education.

“We may walk out because we need drastic change”

Indiana teachers rally against low pay, attacks on public education

By George Marlowe, 11 March 2019

While more than a thousand Indiana teachers rallied in the state Capitol against a decline in teacher salaries over the last 20 years, the unions are actively working to prevent any mass walkouts.

Teachers speak out at Indianapolis rally to defend public education

By our reporters, 11 March 2019

Teachers attending Saturday’s rally denounced low pay, the promotion of charter schools and other privatization schemes, while chanting "strike!" multiple times.

Kentucky teachers speak against attacks on public education

By our reporters, 11 March 2019

Teachers in Kentucky are holding discussions and seeking to develop their fight for pension rights and the defense of public education in the face of sabotage by the state and local teacher unions.

Jefferson County, Kentucky teachers continue sickouts in defiance of unions

By our reporter, 8 March 2019

As sickouts by teachers in Kentucky’s largest school district continued into the second day, the unions were desperately working with state and local officials to shut down the protest.

Atlanta School Board prepares a fresh assault on public education

By Kranti Kumara, 8 March 2019

With charter schools already proliferating within Atlanta, pro-privatization policy leaders are set to implement a new plan for closing and charterizing public schools.

Germany: Opposition growing among teachers, public sector workers to Verdi’s sell-out agreement

By Ulrich Rippert, 8 March 2019

The continuation of low-wage jobs in many parts of the public sector, including the care professions, education and childcare, will further exacerbate staff shortages and intensify workloads.

Democratic Socialists of America and Jacobin cover for union sellout of Oakland teachers strike

By Norisa Diaz, 8 March 2019

The function of the DSA and other pseudo-left organizations is to provide a political cover for the unions, which are doing everything they can to isolate and suppress the rebellion of teachers.

Teachers strike wave spreads across five continents

By Eric London, 7 March 2019

From Bamako to Buenos Aires and Sacramento to São Paulo, the teachers’ strike movement shows the international character of the class struggle.

Union describes walkout as “disruptive”

Kentucky teachers’ sickout closes state’s largest district

By Naomi Spencer, 7 March 2019

The mass action, organized by a new group calling itself “JCPS Leads,” forced Jefferson County Public Schools to cancel school for the second time in the space of a week.

“The unions are trying to divide the students and teachers”

Oakland students oppose sellout of teachers strike, plan to continue fight to defend public education

By Genevieve Leigh and Kayla Costa, 7 March 2019

There is growing anger among students and teachers in Oakland, California over the shutdown of the seven-day Oakland teachers strike by the Oakland Education Association.

The betrayal of the Oakland teacher strike and the way forward for students

By the International Youth and Students for Social Equality, 7 March 2019

The OEA has declared the strike over, but students, teachers and parents are determined to continue and expand the fight to defend public education.

Students and teachers outraged as

Oakland, California school board passes devastating budget cut following union sellout

By Evan Blake and Gabriel Black, 5 March 2019

The betrayal of the seven-day teacher strike by the Oakland Education Association has opened the door to deep cuts and school closings.

Denver schools ax jobs in wake of contract pushed through by union

By Andrea Peters, 5 March 2019

After just three days on the picket line, the union sent teachers back to work with about two hours’ notice, claiming that it had won a major victory.

Oppose Eastern Michigan University’s privatization schemes!

By IYSSE at Eastern Michigan University, 5 March 2019

University administrators are currently considering privatizing its housing services following the recent privatization of its dining and parking services.

Amid widespread opposition, union declares end to Oakland teachers strike

By Joseph Santolan, 4 March 2019

Hours after angry teachers denounced the sellout agreement during a mass meeting, the Oakland Education Association claimed the deal had been ratified.

Vote “no” on sell-out agreement

Union pushes contract in effort to shut down Oakland teachers’ strike

By Joseph Santolan, 2 March 2019

The deal leaves $30 million of district budget cuts and school closures intact, while allowing school closures, giving teachers raises below inflation, and addressing none of their other pressing demands.

As Oakland strike enters seventh day, union keeps teachers in dark on negotiations

By Norisa Diaz and Joseph Santolan, 1 March 2019

The rank-and-file strike committee, at a meeting Thursday night, exposed the anti-democratic measures of the OEA leadership.

Oakland strike, mass “sickout” in Kentucky

Teacher anger exploding across the United States

By Nancy Hanover, 1 March 2019

A summary of teacher struggles underscores the need for educators to break the grip of the unions in order to unify in a common fight to defend public education.

Oakland teachers continue strike as Kentucky teachers launch statewide sickout

By Joseph Santolan, 28 February 2019

As teachers in Oakland California begin their sixth day on strike, the wave of teachers struggles, begun in West Virginia a year ago, continues to expand across the United States.

“We always have money for wars but not for public education”

Oakland teachers and students speak as strike reaches critical juncture

By our reporters, 28 February 2019

Teachers, students and other workers expressed their determination to fight on the fifth day of the strike by 3,000 educators in Oakland, California.

The global struggle of teachers

By Jerry White, 26 February 2019

Throughout the world, teachers have come to the forefront of the struggle against decades of austerity and levels of social inequality not seen since the 1920s.

Growing calls for nation-wide struggle as unions work to shut down Oakland teachers strike

By Joseph Santolan, 25 February 2019

The Oakland Education Association is collaborating with the Democratic Party, which controls California, to end the strike on the basis of an agreement that will facilitate the continued assault on public education.

Sao Paulo teachers, public workers strike against attack on pensions in Brazil

By our reporters, 25 February 2019

Teachers have been on strike since February 4 in opposition to a pension reform that would significantly increase their required contributions.

Oakland, California teachers press for expansion of strike as union seeks to contain struggle

By Evan Blake, 23 February 2019

Despite its rhetoric, the OEA is working to isolate teachers from their class allies and prevent a broader struggle in defense of public education.

“Everybody needs to go on strike”

Charleston, West Virginia residents support teachers fighting to defend public education

By our reporters, 23 February 2019

The unions called off the West Virginia teachers strike amid a growing national strike wave and broad support in the working class.

Vote “No” on sell-out contract!

As voting takes place, Denver teachers angry over tentative agreement

By Nancy Hanover and George Marlowe, 23 February 2019

The WSWS Teachers Newsletter urges teachers to reject the deal, which does not resolve any of the issues concerning poverty wages for teachers or the broader attack on public education.

Students speak out against closure of Oregon College of Art and Craft

By our reporters, 23 February 2019

After years of deceit and backroom talks, the administration and Board of Trustees announced that they will close and sell-off OCAC by the end of the semester.

For a unified struggle of Oakland students and teachers to defend public education!

By the International Youth and Students for Social Equality - Berkeley, 23 February 2019

The IYSSE supports and applauds the tens of thousands of teenage students in Oakland who have protested in solidarity with their striking teachers.

Support Oakland teachers! For a general strike to defend education!

By WSWS Teacher Newsletter, 22 February 2019

The call must go out in every workplace in the Bay Area, across California, the US and internationally: “The Oakland teachers must not fight this decisive battle alone!”

Oakland, California teachers walk out as unions sabotage West Virginia strike

By Jerry White, 21 February 2019

Teachers in Oakland, California have walked out of schools in the latest of a series of strikes by educators in the US and internationally against austerity and social inequality.

Trump regime targets “loser teachers” in red-baiting tirade

By Nancy Hanover, 21 February 2019

Speaking in El Paso last week, Donald Trump, Jr. launched into a vicious McCarthyite attack on public school teachers, one of a series of anti-socialist diatribes by the administration.

West Virginia educators remain defiant in second day of statewide strike

By Tom Eley, 20 February 2019

The unions’ attempts to declare “victory” have so far failed to convince teachers, who remember all too well similar claims after the betrayal of their statewide strike last year.

“They’ll tell you one thing and turn around and do another”

West Virginia teachers denounce attack on public education

By our reporters, 20 February 2019

Teachers and their allies condemned attacks on public education and expressed enthusiasm for the expansion of strikes.

Chicago Teachers Union shuts down strike at CICS charter schools

By Alexander Fangmann, 20 February 2019

Despite hailing it as yet another “victory,” the union agreed to a deal that leaves conditions and teacher compensation at charter schools well below traditional public schools.

Oakland, California teachers set to strike this week

By Ben McGrath, 18 February 2019

Oakland educators are faced with a struggle against the Democratic Party and the teachers’ union, which have collaborated in decades of budget cutting in Oakland and across California.

Anger grows among Denver teachers, as union gloats about closed-door negotiations

By Andrea Peters, 18 February 2019

The tentative agreement reached by the union cuts compensation for some school employees and deepens union-management collaboration in merit pay.

The State, Business and Education: How rapacious corporations are dismantling public education globally

By Erika Zimmer, 16 February 2019

Billionaires, global tech companies and national governments are imposing a profit-driven, user-pays system.

Union shuts down Denver teachers strike

By Trévon Austin, 15 February 2019

The Denver Classroom Teachers Association cut a deal in the early hours of Thursday morning and told teachers to return to work before voting on the contract.

Wright State University reaches tentative agreement with faculty enshrining health and pay cuts

By Alexander Fangmann, 15 February 2019

The agreement codifies most of the demands made by the university’s administrators and board of trustees, and should be rejected by faculty.

Union rushing to end Denver teachers strike

By Nancy Hanover, 14 February 2019

Denver teachers should take a warning from the experience of Los Angeles teachers and resist any attempt to rush through a deal that abandons critical demands for substantial increases in pay and school funding and a reduction in class sizes.

Denver teachers battle merit-pay system that is backed by unions, Democratic Party

By Andrea Peters, 13 February 2019

Teachers in Colorado’s largest city are continuing their decisive fight against low pay, performance-based compensation and underfunding of the schools.

Striking Denver teachers speak out

By Rebecca Decario, 13 February 2019

On the second day of their strike, teachers picketing at East High School described the inherent inequalities of merit pay.