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'One dead as shots fired' at Sudan protestersAt least 10 others wounded after security forces open fire near protest site in Khartoum, a doctors' committee said.

          25:40  Inside Story

Is Sudan's military prepared to give up power?   by Inside Story


Defiant demonstrators vow to continue Khartoum sit-in         Middle East

Sudan army says protest site a threat, closes Al Jazeera office      02:01  Middle East

Sudan protesters threaten civil disobedience campaign   by Imran Khan

            Sudan29 May 2019 20:59 GMT

Pregnant woman killed in Sudan after security forces clash Street vendor was killed after soldiers shot at each other for unknown reasons near the army headquarters. 

       Africa29 May 2019 18:52 GMT

Sudan strike: Pregnant woman killed at protestTensions are high on the streets of Khartoum as protest leaders vow to continue their actions.

  02:16     Middle East29 May 2019 10:34 GMT

Sudanese protesters strike over civilian rule, challenging armyTwo-day nationwide strike in Sudan to pressurise army to pave way for civilian transitional government.

  02:25     Sudan28 May 2019 17:28 GMT

Sudan protesters begin two-day strike to pressure militaryThe two-day strike comes hours after army chiefs accuse protest leaders of not wanting to share power.

  03:43     Sudan27 May 2019 08:57 GMT

Sudan military council chief ends UAE visit amid meddling warningGeneral Abdel Fattah al-Burhan ends visit to UAE as negotiations between protesters' movement and army falters.

       Saudi Arabia24 May 2019 17:02 GMT

Top general: Sudan will back Saudi 'against all threats, attacks'Deputy head of Sudan's military council meets Saudi crown prince, says Sudan will continue to send troops to Yemen.

       Opinion23 May 2019 20:05 GMT

Why Sudan needs a slow transitionRushing the country into an early election would be a major mistake. 

 by Kholood Khair

       Sudan21 May 2019 14:36 GMT

Sudan protesters plan general strike as talks falterCall for strike comes as protesters and military fail to reach a deal on who will lead Sudan's three-year transition.

       Sudan19 May 2019 20:40 GMT

Sudan's opposition and ruling military council resume talks Alliance for Freedom and Change insists a civilian-led authority govern the country during the three-year transition.

       Sudan18 May 2019 21:26 GMT

Sudan's military says talks to resume as barricades removedGenerals say negotiations with protest leaders will resume on Sunday following 72-hour suspension over Khartoum unrest.

       Middle East18 May 2019 15:51 GMT

Sudan protests: Learning during the overnight sit-inEvenings at Sudan's sit-in at army headquarters, where thousands have gathered to demand the military council hand power to civilians, has become an opportunity for learning to many Sudanese.

  02:23     Egypt18 May 2019 12:17 GMT

Egypt blackface sketch about Sudanese spotlights racism in regionSpeaking what she thought would pass as Sudanese Arabic, Shaimaa Seif, wearing blackface, chatted to commuters on a bus.

       Sudan17 May 2019 20:31 GMT

UN expert slams 'excessive use of force' against Sudan protestersUN Sudan expert calls for 'thorough' probes into killings of demonstrators amid breakdown in political transition talks.

       Sudan16 May 2019 19:09 GMT

Sudan protesters decry military council's suspension of talksProtest leaders slam move to halt negotiations over political transition for 72 hours, vow to keep demonstrating.

       Sudan16 May 2019 12:22 GMT

Sudan protesters regret military's suspension of talksPro-democracy protesters vow to press on with sit-in after military council suspends talks after violence in Khartoum.

  02:57   Show More   Opinion     Why Sudan needs a slow transition by Kholood Khair

       The many mothers of Sudan's revolution by Nisrin Elamin - Tahani Ismail

       In the Middle East, a new military crescent is in the making by Marwan Kabalan

       The political calculations of Sudan's military regime by Ahmed H Adam

         IN-DEPTH   SudanSudanese protesters 'defiant' in face of Bashir's emergency laws    SudanSudan protests: 'This time it's different'    SudanReporter's Notebook: An unexpected run-in in Sudan    SudanA journey through Sudan's golden era of music                     News  Programmes  Opinion  About  Investigations  Contact Us  Video  Privacy Policy  Cookie Policy  Cookie Preferences    Facebook  Twitter  Google+  RSS  Podcast  YouTube  SnapChat             About   About Us  Press Office  Awards  Code of Ethics  Terms and Conditions  Privacy Policy  Cookie Policy  Cookie Preferences  Community Guidelines  Work for us  HR Quality     Connect   Contact Us  Apps  Social  Channel Finder  TV Schedule  Podcasts  Newsletter  Submit a Tip     Our Channels   Al Jazeera Arabic  Al Jazeera English  Al Jazeera Mubasher  Al Jazeera Documentary  Al Jazeera Balkans  AJ+     Our Network   Jetty  Al Jazeera Centre for Studies  Al Jazeera Media Institute  Learn Arabic  Al Jazeera Centre for Public Liberties & Human Rights  Al Jazeera Forum  Al Jazeera Film Festival  Al Jazeera Hotel Partners      © 2019 Al Jazeera Media Network


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