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               googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1430377943388-2'); });        The Listening PostJulian Assange: Journalist, publisher, info warrior ... spy?  The indictment of Julian Assange under the Espionage Act. Plus, the erasure of Palestinian history in Israel's archives.

   Featured   The Stream Why do the lights keep going out in Zimbabwe? The Stream also discusses Botswana's move to allow elephant hunting and freedom of expression in Mauritania.

    Earthrise Life After Conflict: Healing the Environmental Wounds of War earthrise looks at ways of healing one of the silent and often forgotten casualties of war - the environment.

    Inside Story Is Netanyahu buying time? New elections will be held in Israel after Benjamin Netanyahu failed to cobble together a coalition government.

    The Listening Post The media momentum for war with Iran Hyped-up headlines and unspecified threats vis-a-vis Iran. Plus, the online horrors faced by female journalists.

    Counting the Cost Argentina's crisis: Where did it all go wrong for Macri? We ask whether Argentina's champion of the free market can stay in power as a populist makes a comeback.

    UpFront Did Ellen Johnson Sirleaf do enough for Liberia? Africa's first female president discusses corruption, nepotism and her handling of war-crime prosecutions.

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 The Stream Are US-Iran relations headed towards military conflict? War of words and escalating tensions are stoking fears of military clash. 

 Inside Story How will nationalists push their agenda in Europe? The far-right makes gains after the European Parliament elections but not the clean sweep some had feared.

 The Listening Post Is the US media beating the drums of war on Iran? How inflammatory headlines, unnamed sources and decades of misinformation in the US media over Iran play their part.

 All Programmes 101 East A weekly current affairs documentary programme that focuses on Asia, its diverse cultures, and conflicting politics. 

  Al Jazeera Correspondent From addiction to digital devices to the search for the roots of yoga, Al Jazeera correspondents take us on their journeys of discovery. 

  Al Jazeera Documentaries Al Jazeera's documentaries seek to engage, inform and inspire with a wide range of stories from around the world.

  Al Jazeera World A weekly showcase of one-hour documentary films from across the Al Jazeera Network. 

  Counting the Cost A weekly look at the world's top business and economics stories. 

  Fault Lines A weekly programme examining the US and its role in the world by asking tough questions and holding the powerful to account. 

  Head to Head Interviews with attitude, tackling the big issues of our time with Mehdi Hasan. 

  Inside Story Al Jazeera journalists and guests dissect and discuss the day’s top story. 

  People & Power Al Jazeera’s weekly investigative documentary programme that looks at the use and abuse of power. 

  Talk to Al Jazeera Al Jazeera journalists sit down with top newsmakers from around the world. 

  TechKnow A series exploring how the latest scientific and technological discoveries are changing our lives.

  The Listening Post A weekly programme that examines and dissects the world's media, how they operate and the stories they cover.

  The Stream An aggregator of online sources and discussion, seeking out unheard voices, new perspectives and untold angles.

  UpFront With the thrust and parry of rigorous debate, Mehdi Hasan cuts through the headlines to challenge conventional wisdom, highlight contradictions and uncover double standards.

  Witness An inspiring documentary series that brings world issues into focus through compelling human stories.

  The Big Picture The Big Picture documents the full story behind the most pressing issues of our times

 Archived Al-Nakba  A series on the Palestinian 'catastrophe' of 1948 that led to dispossession and conflict that still endures.

  The Secret of the Seven Sisters A four-part series that reveals how a secret pact formed a cartel that controls the world's oil.

  Shujayea: Massacre at Dawn A powerful film with exclusive footage from the day of the Israeli assault on the densely populated Shujayea district.

  I Knew Mandela Who was the man behind the legend? We get an insight into Nelson Mandela's life through the eyes of people who knew him

 Show more archives    MUST-SEE PROGRAMMESPeople & PowerDelhi's Deadly AirPeople and Power investigates the shocking levels of air pollution making it deadly to breathe in India's capital.

Pollution, India, Health

People & PowerPeacekillers Insight into the remarkable attempt to bring peacekeepers who committed crimes against the most vulnerable to justice.

Nigeria, Sierra Leone, United Nations

Featured DocumentariesOur Man in Cairo: El-Sisi and the WestHow the US and EU are turning a blind eye on Egypt's human rights record for their own economic and political interests.

Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, Egypt, Human Rights

Featured DocumentariesIran 1979: Legacy of a RevolutionWhat is the legacy of Iran's Islamic revolution and how does it affect Iranian society more than three decades later?

Middle East, Iran


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