What do you know about the European Migrant Smuggling Centre?

June 1st:  A long read from Are You Syrious on the EUROPOL project, and whom it really helps.

Legal: can I hide my face from police facial recognition camera?

May 25th: You’ve probably seen the headline: “Police fine man for hiding his face from facial recognition camera”.

Brighton: a business threatens to blacklist SolFed member

May 24th: The Brighton Solidarity Federation is currently in dispute with CJ Barbers, a barber shop which owes one of SolFed’s members two months in unpaid wages.

Royal College of Nursing to support decriminalisation of prostitution

May 21st: The Royal College of Nursing (RNC) has voted yesterday in favour of the motion that “this meeting of Congress calls upon the RCN Council to lobby governments across the UK to decriminalise prostitution.”

What will the European Games bring to ordinary Belarusians?

May 27th: As Minsk prepares to hold another sports mega event this summer, it’s worth thinking about the people who have to bear the cost.

The story of Poland’s wild-living cows who were sentenced to slaughter

May 22nd: At the beginning of the month, some of you may have noticed news reports in the English speaking media reporting that some 185 cows are living wild in Poland after being abandoned by their carers.

Refugee struggle: secret document could prove Turkey is not a safe third country

May 20th: Germany’s largest pro immigration advocacy organization PRO ASYL, together with Refugee Support Aegean (RSA) have urged the European Asylum Support Office  (EASO) to release a potentially crucial report on the Turkish asylum system.

Careful comrade, your class is showing. XR has some problems.

April 26th: There has forever been this disconnect between the more radical and liberal anarchists which keep us somewhat isolated from each other, even when our political positions more or less mirror each other.

Diving into our early syndicalist histories

April 20th: It is a standard cliché of Marxist attacks on anarchism to contrast “individualistic” anarchism with “collectivist” syndicalism.

The HMP kids: Damage done by IPP sentencing

April 10th: Darcey Hartley’s dad, Ian, has been in prison for over 13 years, even though he was only required to serve two years and 11 months.

The Tories After May

May 28th: It’s not unusual for a party leader to resign the day after an election.

Some thoughts on Bristol University disciplinary action against trans student

May 18th: CW: Transphobia The Univeristy of Bristol continue their prolonged harassment of trans student Nic Aaron, deciding to postpone – yet again – disciplinary proceedings that have already stretched on for over a year.

Brexit and Migrant Women: What Does the Future Hold?

May 16th: With Brexit still a very much undecided concept, and a second referendum, no-deal and Theresa May’s withdrawal agreement still very much on the table, it remains an uncertain time for many communities in the UK.