Nazis @ Swinburne University

Yeah yeah … Just when I thought I was out … they pull me back in.

Very briefly, a couple of people have contacted me regarding the distribution of some White supremacist propaganda at Swinburne University in Hawthorn. Here’s a sample:

The posters appear to have been sourced from Stormfront; the world’s leading White supremacist website, established some years ago now by Don Black, a former Klansman and convicted terrorist. Just recently, his son Derek Black, another active proponent of White supremacy, has denounced his father’s ideology, declaring that white nationalism was really about “an entrenched desire to preserve white power at the expense of others”.

Presumably, a student at Swinburne has some ‘issues’ regarding their racial identity they would probably be better off talking to a counsellor at the campus than expending their energies trying to create an unwelcoming environment for the many thousands of other students who attend the Hawthorn campus. Note that, over the last few years, nazis of one sort or another have distributed their agitprop at LaTrobe, Melbourne and RMIT universities. Most recently, stickers have been spied outside Ascot Vale train station — the same stickers (including one proclaiming ‘Death to Refugees!’) which have seen five men in court in WA, charged with criminal damage. Ascot Vale was also the site of the vicious bashing of a Vietnamese student, Minh Duong, in December 2012, by a group of self-proclaimed nazis …

In any event, props to the students unwilling to tolerate this kinda visual pollution.

About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2018 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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7 Responses to Nazis @ Swinburne University

  1. Red_Black_On_The_Attack says:

    If people find these scum in action they should be promptly kicked in the fucking face…hard…a lot.

  2. inglourious_basterd says:
  3. @ndy says:

    Yeah. V sad story. Reminds me of when Perth plasterer Paul Innes was moderating SF and posted the following:

  4. Doug says:

    The kids who attacked the Jewish family in Bondi were of Pacific Islander background, the NSW Police have confirmed it as well as other, non biased sources and it wasn’t a racially motivated assault so much as a drunken attack on people who, cliched as it sounds “Just happened to be Jewish”.

  5. Chasya says:

    You’re the one given publicity to these idiots that no one else listens to anyway, so why?

  6. @ndy says:

    Because it’s one of the things I do: monitor expressions of far-right sentiment, especially in the city I live, Melbourne. I do so partly in order to promote opposition.

  7. Pingback: Stormfront morans v Honi Soit | slackbastard

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