Home / Joining ISM / Training


Before becoming a part of the team in any location, volunteers have to go through a two-day training on the ground in Palestine. This training will include, amongst others, nonviolence strategies and philosophy, group decision making and cultural considerations for living and working in Palestine. In the course of this training, both you and the trainers will ensure that this is the kind of work you are prepared and ready for. If at any point during the training you or the trainers realize that this is not what you want to or can do, we’ll be happy to help you find an opportunity in Palestine better suitable to your needs, skills and abilities. This is why it’s best that you’re in contact with a support group first if possible, in order to know what to expect. The training prepares volunteers for the solidarity work ISM is doing in Palestine against the ongoing Israeli occupation. Before successfully completing the full training in Palestine, you cannot take part in any actions and activities on the ground.

Training will take place in the first week of every month, so please time your arrival around this.

Training programs and briefings outside of Palestine will also be organized, where possible, in coordination with the support groups.

Once in Palestine, you can get a Palestinian SIM card (we recommend Wataniya, as it’s the cheapest option at the moment), and call us in order to arrange for a pick-up for the training. Please let us know as soon as you’ve entered the country, so we can confirm your spot in the training, and let you know where training will take place. You can contact us at ismtraining@riseup.net, or call 00970569836783 (we also use Signal on this number).

Training may be done for free for long-term volunteers but we may charge 100NIS if we provide training and accommodation for non-ISM volunteers or journalists. Once you’ve completed the training, you will stay in one of the teams’ shared apartments. You’ll be paying 30 shekels a night for the first month. After that, you can stay in the apartment for free.

The training will include the following sections:

  • Hopes and Fears
  • ISM principles and structure
    • Solidarity and Oppression
    • Consensus Decision Making
    • Non-violent Spectrum
    • Palestinian-led
  • Culture
  • Sexual harassment and Assault
  • Responding to Violence
  • Legal
  • Media
  • Looking out for ourselves (self-care) and each other on the ground and back home