Camels adopted as pets by families could curb feral pest problem

Posted June 02, 2019 05:26:51

When we think of pets we often think of dogs, cats and goldfish, but what about camels?

Key points:

  • Australian families adopting camels as pets could help manage the feral pest problem
  • There are more than 300,000 feral camels in Australia, causing problems for land owners
  • The RSPCA advises people to research before buying a camel as a pet

It might sound strange, but the Mitchell family in Ripley, west of Brisbane, are one of many Australians who have embraced the idea of welcoming the dashing dromedaries into their lives.

Courtney Mitchell said not only did the animals make surprisingly good pets but adopting them might help address one of Australia's biggest feral pest problems.

"I just thought they were so cool and friendly," she said.

"I love them. They are definitely great pets."

The 15-year-old is raising the calves on her parents' large cattle grazing property.

She said she never thought about adding the desert animals to her pet collection until she met her four "boys" — Spots, Humphrey, Garfunkel and Alfie — when visiting a local camel dairy.

"I can go up and hug them and give them pats, they've never spat on me or anything or been aggressive," she said.

"They love attention. I would recommend getting them if you have enough acreage."

What's the big problem?

The owner of the country's largest commercial camel dairy, Jeff Flood, said outside-the-box thinking could help manage the country's large and complex feral camel problem.

Mr Flood, who runs Summer Land Camels with business partner Paul Martin, said Australians needed to start thinking of camels as livestock, co-grazing stock or even as domesticated pets.

"We need to move from that mindset of treating them as a pest to a managed livestock," he said.

There are more than 300,000 feral camels living in the deserts of the Northern Territory, Western Australia, South Australia, and in parts of Queensland, causing big problems for landowners.

"We would be insane not to do something with them," Mr Flood said.

"The industry is gaining momentum now. I see Australia as being leaders globally in camel products within the next decade."

Tim Carmody from Prenti Downs Station in remote Western Australia has been forced to shoot more than 2,500 camels this year alone after they reached plague proportions destroying fences, stealing feed and draining vital water points.

"Animals have been our livelihood and I don't like to see them suffering or being wasted," he said.

"It's our obligation to eradicate feral animals but it hurts, it's devastating.

"I completely support the idea of commercialising camels and we are having that conversation trying to work out a system."

Pet camels help weed management, protect cattle

Courtney's father Michael Mitchell said he bought the pets mainly for his animal-loving daughter but also to help manage weeds and benefit the cattle on his grazing property.

"The beauty of it is when there is no feed around and the grass is dry the camels will eat foliage and they eat weeds," he said.

"They also protect the herd from wild dogs."

He said he was surprised to hear that research had also shown camels could provide health benefits to cattle and sheep they graze alongside.

"I didn't know what to expect when we got them, I was thinking, 'what are camels good for?' but they have a lot of benefits," Mr Mitchell said.

"They have been really good and are chewing everything down for us so it's fantastic."

Want a pet camel? Research first

RSPCA principal scientist, Mandy Paterson, said while she did not think taking in small numbers of camels as pets or co-grazing animals would solve Australia's large-scale problems with the feral pests, looking at other ways to use the animals was a good idea.

"Thousands of camels die out west and it's not a great death, they often die of starvation and dehydration so sometimes culling is the best thing to do," she said.

"But it's always good when people think outside-of-the-box, if they can save some animals of course that is good but in the big picture sense the government needs to think of other ways to control feral species."

The animal-welfare organisation said people needed to educate themselves before taking on any pets, especially camels which can live for up to 50 years.

"People have got to realise what is involved in looking after that animal, they're like turtles and live for a long time — it's a big commitment," Ms Paterson said.

So, is it even legal?

Yes, if you have enough space and proper fencing.

Council laws differ from region to region and it's best to contact your local council before welcoming any large animal into your family.

Many areas require owners to have a minimum of 800 square metres or about 2 acres of unencumbered land free of buildings and dams for each animal.

Most councils also require residents to get a livestock permit.

Livestock means any animal that can be farmed, whether kept for farming or domestic purposes like horses, cattle, pigs, goats, sheep, deer, poultry, emus, alpacas and, of course, camels.

Topics: livestock, rural, miscellaneous-animal-production, offbeat, human-interest, ripley-4306, wa, harrisville-4307, ipswich-4305, australia, qld