The 109th Down Under Feminists Carnival is up!

the logo for the Down Under Feminists Carnival - the international symbol for 'female' with the Southern Cross in the centre

At Opinions @, Rebecca presents DUFC #109! Go have a read.

The Carnival will be taking a break this coming month – we’ve run dry on volunteers to host. If you’ve hosted in the past or have considered hosting, please contact me at chally.zeroatthebone [at] gmail [dot] com in order to volunteer or else use the DUFC contact form. You’ll get submissions to help you out and I am of course on hand for anything you need. Hopefully we can fill up all those hosting slots and the break will only last the month!

Check out the Down Under Feminists Carnival homepage for more information.


Categories: gender & feminism, linkfest, social justice

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