#UnionRadio - May Day 2019

Tuesday, 30 April 2019 - 1:32pm

From 3CR’s inception the union movement has been a proud part of the 3CR story, that is why we dedicate 12 hours of special programming from 7am - 7pm on Wednesday 1 May to talking about the history of worker’s rights,  current industrial disputes, the struggle for fair workplaces and wages, union support for First Nation's sovereignty campaigns, solidarity movements with workers globally, the vital support that the union movement can play in broader environmental and social justice issues around the world, alongside music from the movement that continues to celebrate and inspire action.

7am Wednesday Breakfast
Eiddwen and Will kick off the day with MAY DAY events, workers cooperatives, Len Cooper from Trades Hall and John Budarick discussing the need to protect and fund multicultural media in Australia - especially in reference to the upcoming election.  Listen here.

8.30am Stick Together 
Stick Together is Australia’s only national radio show dedicated to union and workplace justice issues.   May Day presenter is Annie McLoughlin. She brings you recordings from the International Workers Memorial Day ceremony that was held on Monday 29th April outside Victoria Trades Hall where there was a call for Federal Industrial Manslaughter Laws.  Listen here.  

9am City Limits
Vibrant discussion about urban environment, federal and state government services and local campaigns.  The first week on the month focuses on transport so the May Day special will focus on workers in the transport industry and solidarity between community campaigns around roads and transport issues and unions.  Listen here.

10am Anarchist World This Week:  May Day – The Facts!
The history of May Day, both internationally and in Australia, is linked with the history of the Anarchist movement.  On May Day, presenter Dr. Joe Toscano will be celebrating the 133rd anniversary of the Australian Anarchist Movement and talks you through that history.  Listen here.

11am  Fire First 
A historically informed, critical analysis of Aboriginal affairs and the ongoing political movement for land rights, treaty, sovereignty and the cessation of genocide.  For May Day, Robbie will look at union support for the Djap Warrung campaign to protect 800 year old sacred trees and culturally significant sites under threat from the Vic Roads Western Highway extension and the largely unpaid work of caring for country.  

12 – 2pm Blak Betty brings you Stolen Wages updates and the current continuation of this story under Federal Government's Community Development Programme, for employment of First Nations people in remote areas.

2 – 4pm Lazy Wednesday Afternoon: May Day music for the workers.

4 - 5pm  Radical Australia
Radical Australia reclaims Australia's radical past. Listen in as Joe yarns with a different guest each week about their experience in movements and campaigns for progressive social change. Seeking to understand what is happening in Australia today so we can radically alter the future.  On May Day we feature Kevin Bracken, long time social justice activist with the Maritime Union of Australia.  Listen here.

5 - 5.30pm Brainwaves
This week on Brainwaves, the team discussed employment and mental health and the WISE Ways to Work program run by WISE Employment. The program is a new initiative that helps people living with mental illness prepare to enter the workforce and supports them throughout their journey to paid employment. Our guests this week were Elena Ashley, program manager at WISE Employment, and Terry Deacon, peer coach.  

5:30 - 6pm Dirt Radio  Did you know that workers regularly donate an average of 6 hours of unpaid work a week?  Megan Williams and Em Gayfer chat with Eleanor Coffey from the Redgum Cleaning Cooperative about how worker owned cooperatives improve working conditions, wages and safety.  Listen here.

6 - 6.30pm Asia Pacific Currents
(APC) is the program of Australia Asia Worker Links (AAWL). AAWL works to build international solidarity links between workers as the best means to develop and strengthen workers' rights in the Asia Pacific region.   We'll bring you stories and interviews with labour and human rights activists of the Asia Pacific region, updates on solidarity campaigns and reports of labour and progressive struggles in the region.  

6.30-7pm Completada Bailable – Completada Bailable will highlight women in Latin American struggles and their contribution to anti capitalist struggles and workers rights. Broadcasting in English and Spanish.

May Day 3CR kitchen stickers
Each year on May 1, International Workers Day, communities from around the world join in to celebrate the achievements of the labour movement and to show solidarity with the continued struggle for labour rights everywhere.



#UnionRadio - May Day 2019

30 Apr 2019
12 hours of dedicated May Day programming.

May Day 2018

Each year for International Workers Day, communities from around the world join in to celebrate the achievements of the labour movement and to show solidarity with the continued struggle for labour rights everywhere.