
Milo Yiannopolous Got Married, But to Whom? Alt-Right Leader Who Slammed Gay Rights Celebrates Wedding

Conservative commentator Milo Yiannopoulos is escorted to the University of California, Berkeley campus where he is expected to speak to dozens of supporters on September 24, 2017. JOSH EDELSON/AFP/Getty Images

Milo Yiannopolous has tied the knot with his long-term boyfriend in Hawaii, the alt-right provocateur announced on his Instagram feed over the weekend.

In pictures posted by Yiannopolous, the couple apparently recite their vows under a tree, while in another they pour champagne into a tower of glasses. In both, the identity of Yiannopolous's groom, identified only as “John,” is carefully obscured, with his back to the photographer in the first picture and his face obscured in the second.


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"It's official," Yiannopolous captioned one picture, after the ceremony at the Four Seasons Resort Hualalai on Saturday.

While the former Breitbart editor is openly gay, he has established a reputation for defying what he claims are politically correct taboos in the name of free speech, drawing accusations of Islamophobia and misogyny. He was permanently banned from Twitter in 2016 for his involvement in a trolling campaign against African-American actress Leslie Jones.

Among his targets has been the gay rights movement. "Gay Rights Have Made Us Dumber," declared Yiannopolous in a 2015 article, where he wrote that gays should "get back in the closet."

He told Bloomberg last year he generally didn't employ gay people because he “didn't trust them,” and has also defended Trump’s controversial ban on transgender people serving in the military, claiming they are mentally ill.

In a recent interview, however, he indicated that his opposition to the gay rights may be changing. He told Australian network Sky News's Bolt Report in September that he thought churches shouldn’t be obligated to perform same-sex marriages, but believed that “having recently fallen in love myself, I don’t think there is a strong enough case against gay marriage in a civil sense.”

Though reticent about revealing the identity of his boyfriend, Yiannopolous previously claimed that the man is a Muslim and they've been in a relationship for 10 years.

In a February appearance on Real Time with Bill Maher February, Yiannopolous criticized the media for describing the alt-right as an “antisemitic, white supremacist, hateful, bigoted, racist, homophobic” movement, because he was a “gay Jew [with] a black boyfriend.”

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