Casey has been moved!

Casey was recently transferred to the Western Reception, Diagnostic and Correctional Center in St. Joseph, Missouri.

Please take a minute to write to him and/or donate to his post-release fund! Thanks!

Write to Casey:

Casey Brezik #1154765
3401 Faraon
St. Joseph, MO 64506

Casey’s Parole Board Hearing

Casey had a parole hearing on November 21. It seemed to have gone well. There were lots of hard questions and remarks about the reasons he is locked up from the two man parole board. They weren’t physically there; instead they were being televised to us from an office in Jefferson City. Off camera, there was a victim in the room. It’s unclear whom or if they were there to recommend he not be released. It’s possible that the victim was there in a somewhat sympathetic capacity—Casey has mentioned in the past that he heard one of the victims had openly considered his mental health and drug abuse issues as a reason for his actions. Ultimately, Casey seemed to satisfy the boards remarks and questions as much as he could. The two men said a number of times that they were impressed by Casey’s answers and reflections.

Unfortunately Casey is currently in Ad-Seg for an alleged assault (he was being bullied and had to stand up for himself) that happened just last week. This was brought up in the hearing. But it seemed like the parole board was somewhat sympathetic, agreeing and saying that sometimes you have to stand up for yourself in prison, it’s a hard place, etc. We should know in the next two to three months whether he has been approved for parole.

Fingers crossed!

Casey Transferred and Needs Parole Board Letters!

Casey was recently transferred to the Farmington Correctional Center in Farmington, Missouri. In November, he will go before the parole board for the first and ONLY TIME and he needs your help!

Thoughtful and professional letters to the parole board by people who care about Casey and are willing to offer support to him during his transition back to life outside of prison can make it more likely that Casey will be released.

You can download and print the sample letter below or, even better, write a personal letter.

Letters should include the following elements:

  • Who you are, how you know Casey, your occupation or any titles that may grant your opinion more weight
  • You care about Casey and would like to see him granted parole
  • You believe that Casey has grown and changed during his time in prison and is ready to transition to life outside of prison. Give tangible examples of the improvements you’ve seen in him including, but not limited to: working with a psychiatrist to stabilize his mental health, attending NA meetings to work on substance abuse issues, increasing positive connection with friends and family through correspondence, working hard to educate himself during his incarceration.
  • What kind of support you are willing to offer Casey upon his release: financial, emotional support, spiritual guidance, housing, help finding a job, etc. If you are willing to offer housing or a job, give specifics (e.g. address and phone number if you are offering housing or name of the business that you could offer Casey work at).

*Even though the letter should be addressed to the parole board, all letters should be sent directly to Casey and he will deliver them to the parole board:

Casey Brezik #1154765
Farmington Correctional Center
1012 West Columbia Street
Farmington, MO 63640


Sample letter:

Missouri Board of Probation and Parole
1511 Christy Drive
Jefferson City, MO 65101

Regarding: Parole Board Hearing for Casey Brezik #1154765

Dear Honorable Members of the Parole Board,

As a concerned citizen who is interested in helping Casey successfully transition into life outside of prison, I am writing to request that you please grant Casey’s parole.

Casey has been working hard during his incarceration to address his problems with addiction and mental illness and I believe that he has made substantial progress in these efforts. Despite the mistakes he has made, I believe Casey is ready to meet the challenges of daily life and would be a positive contribution to any community.

Casey’s efforts toward meeting educational and personal goals during his incarceration have been inspiring. Casey is passionate about learning and with the help of his support network he has been studying math and science related topics in preparation for pursuing a college degree upon his release while working to support himself and his wife in the meantime.

Casey is well supported by a network of people across the country as well as by his family. I am willing to provide financial, emotional and spiritual support to Casey during his transition back to life outside of prison.

Thank you for your consideration in this matter.



Got questions or need help with your letter? Email us at:
supportcaseybrezik [at] riseup [dot] net

How Can We Assure Our Future?

Help Casey meet his fundraising goals! You can donate to his Post-Release Fund Here!


Well, I’ve been trying unsuccessfully to write “the perfect” essay for the past few months now. I’ve also been putting it off in favor of easier, quicker endeavors. But, tonight I’ve ran across something that dictates I take my head out of my ass and write you now. I have no illusions that this essay will be “perfect” by any means. I’m only human.

Anyway, I was working on my calculus and ran across this problem:

Continue reading “How Can We Assure Our Future?”

An Update from Casey


Hey everyone. You may have noticed, I’ve moved to a new prison. This place, I’d say is better overall compared to where I was because we have access to more resources and more freedom of movement here. However, it’s not without its challenges. For instance they are far more petty when it comes to rules and far harsher when it comes to punishment. I guess they’re reminding us as we get closer to going home just how quickly they’ll take our new found freedom from us. Almost as if they’re actually anxiously waiting for an opportunity to do so. I’m sure that doesn’t surprise anyone.

Continue reading “An Update from Casey”

Casey has been moved!

Casey was recently transferred to a minimum security prison in Jefferson City, Missouri. This transfer has happened because Casey’s security classification has lowered and he is able to be in a lower security facility affording him slightly better communication and access to resources.

While the move has a positive note, Casey still needs our continued support. As a long-term anarchist prisoner, Casey has relied heavily on the outside movement to show support for him during his long sentence, and with alarming regularity we as a broader movement have not shown up for him as we should. With his sentence beginning to near a relative end we are pushing for a more concerted effort in showing support and solidarity for Casey.

Continue reading “Casey has been moved!”

Charlottesville, Antifa and Not Settling for Less


I have to apologize for my last post. Giving a half-assed sales pitch for a crackpot idea and then asking for your money is no way to send out my first post in over a year. My apologies for that. It’s just difficult for me to see how I could have anything worthwhile to contribute. However, I’ve been talking with some comrades and they’ve helped me gain some self-confidence. I want to talk to you about the Antifa.

Continue reading “Charlottesville, Antifa and Not Settling for Less”

Fusion-Powered Rockets, Used Cars and a New Post-Release Fund


Hello! How are you doing?! It’s been a long time since I’ve posted anything. Partially I feel bad for that but partially I consider you could probably care less. Lol. I’ve been doing alright. I’ve seen some bad times but some good times too. Most importantly, I got married March 14th, 2017. That’s been a blessing. I’ve been fairly depressed otherwise though. I’ve had a few issues in here but a big cause has been my hopeless outlook for my Anarchists in Space aspirations. Finding funds seems impossible. But recently, I’ve come across something.

Continue reading “Fusion-Powered Rockets, Used Cars and a New Post-Release Fund”