Solidarity with the Muslim community and all other victims of racism.

Solidarity with the Muslim community and all other victims of racism.

Socialist Alliance condemns the racist, anti-Muslim terrorist atrocity in Christchurch.

Let us not forget the victims of this atrocity, nor what caused it.

Let us not be blind to the daily violence that is being experienced in schoolyards, shopping centres, trains, buses, streets and workplaces as a result of official racism. That racism is being promoted by capitalist governments to scapegoat minority groups for the pain that the rich few are systematically imposing on the many.

By actively promoting racism and Islamophobia, the Morrison Liberal-National government of Australia and the Trump US administration share responsibility for this atrocity.

The ALP opposition, which shares the Morrison government’s racist policy towards refugees, also shares the blame for this sort of right-wing terrorist violence.

Solidarity with the Muslim community and all other victims of racism! Unity against racism!
