Civil Liberties

The existence of Border Force is just as racist and authoritarian as Trump’s proposed Border Wall or Israel's Apartheid Wall.

Sam Watson, a giant of the Aboriginal rights struggle, died on November 27. A prominent author, playwright and filmmaker, Watson was also the Socialist Alliance’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander affairs spokesperson for many years.

Let's come out in big numbers to end the war on refugees on April 13 (Palm Sunday).

On the evening of September 25, a 26-year-old women was brutally bashed by another women on an Upfield line train as it pulled into Batman Station in North Coburg, and then thrown from the carriage while the train was still moving. The assault was accompanied by racist and Islamophobic abuse directed at victim.

Regardless of which major party, or coalition of parties, forms government after the July 2 election one thing we can be certain of is that the struggle for a people's movement will still be as necessary as ever, writes Ken Canning.

The February 5 announcement that the Victorian Socialists — an alliance of socialist groups, including the Socialist Alliance — will contest the upper house in the upcoming Victorian elections flags a new, exciting opening for the left and progressive movements.

With the re-election of the Coalition government, conservatives have become emboldened to intensify their agenda of transferring even more wealth and power to the already dominant at the expense of the rest of us.

Over the years, I have heard many left-wing activists say that mass peaceful protests do not achieve anything. Rather, “militant actions” which “take it up to the ruling class” are more important.

Media reports about a deal being struck this week between the Australian government and Cambodia to resettle refugees from Nauru have been denied by Immigration and Border Protection Minister Scott Morrison. However the government has confirmed that negotiations towards a memorandum of understanding were continuing.

Resistance: Young Socialist Alliance condemns the killing of three Palestinian youth by Israeli security forces and settlers in the past 24 hours. They have joined the nearly 500 Palestinians who have been injured by the Israeli occupation forces since clashes began several days ago.

The Ruddock Review has shown that the fight is not over to ensure queer kids and queer teachers are free to come out of the closet, safe from the threat of being expelled or sacked.

Our wages, living conditions and democratic rights have been fought for and won over two centuries by working people, and their basic defence organisations, the trade unions.