Class Struggle & Socialism


Russia's 1917 February Revolution - The first stage of a new epoch - 2017 Feb 24

Capitalist Industries Come and Go - But Collective Power of Workers Remains - 2017 Jan 08

Where To For Russia - 100 Years on From Revolution? - 2017 Jan 03

Fighting for Communism - The future that works! - 2016 Dec 22

Marxism Today: Key differences between Marxism and revisionism - 2016 Dec 22

Huggies workers strike against crap multinational - 2016 Dec 19

Working class struggle wins the battle against giant multinational brewery - 2016 Dec 13

Productivity Commission’s “fresh approach to workplace relations” - 2016 Nov 29

Workers’ wages on a slippery slide as foreign investors take profits overseas - 2016 Nov 20

Centenary of the 1916 conscription referendum: a significant defeat for the imperialist war - 2016 Nov 12

Cleaning industry workers fighting for a fair deal once again - 2016 Oct 17

"Loaded" Hourly Rates - A Disguised Wage Cut - 2016 Oct 11

Statement from the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist) - 2016 Sep 21

Workers unite in powerful support for CUB 55 - 2016 Sep 10

Construction workers organise against casualisation - 2016 Aug 29

Asbestos returns to Australian building sites - 2016 Aug 29

Imperialism is driving the attacks on CUB workers - 2016 Aug 05

Labor Hire Workers: Wage Slavery At Its Worst - But Workers Are Fighting Back - 2016 Jul 24

Ruling class relaxes: parliament set to function again - 2016 Jul 11

May 16, 1966 - 50th anniversary of China's Cultural Revolution - 2016 Jun 11

2016 Coalition Budget makes the poor pay! - 2016 May 11

May Day Rally & March, Sydney 2016 - 2016 May 06

May Day: Build the revolutionary movement for independence and socialism! - 2016 Apr 29

Disillusioned twice over! - 2016 Apr 29

The basic needs of the working class can only be guaranteed by socialism - 2016 Apr 29

Warehouse workers act on health and safety - 2016 Jan 18

MV Portland crew and MUA fight for all workers - 2016 Jan 17

Who benefits from attacks on the construction workers’ union? - 2016 Jan 02

Construction workers and firefighters clench their fists - 2015 Dec 12

14th Congress Political Report - Part 1 - 2015 Nov 25

14th Congress Political Report - Part 2 - 2015 Nov 25

Life asserts itself for locked out Hutchison workers - 2015 Oct 21

Community assemblies still strong on Sydney and Brisbane wharves - 2015 Sep 15

7-11: Exploitation and wage slavery - 2015 Sep 09

Hutchison lockout Sydney: it's not over yet! - 2015 Aug 17

Construction workers stand by union organiser - 2015 Aug 14

Rallies against racism and fascism - 2015 Jul 22

ALP national conference: clearing the air? - 2015 Jul 21

Woolworths profits up, while workers face the sack - 2015 Jul 19

Big Business Leads Attack On Workers' Shift, Weekend And Public Holiday Pay - 2015 Jul 13

Economic stagnation and contraction for the world and Australia continues - 2015 Jun 29

Canberra cleaners’ strike - 2015 Jun 22

War and Peace and capitalism - 2015 Jun 05

Imperialism is driving down wages, importing cheap labour, and exporting jobs - 2015 May 31

The 'have a go budget' - Coalition's second attempt to savage welfare spending - 2015 May 25

Workers lead the fight for a better world - 2015 Apr 30

Organisation is the key - 2015 Apr 24

When wharfies said no to fascism - 2015 Apr 23

Public Sector Workers Fight For Job Security With Industrial Action - 2015 Apr 19

Attack on workers’ shift and weekend penalty rates intensifies - 2015 Mar 25

Fascist laws will not deter struggle - 2015 Mar 17

Intergenerational Report, a 'Class Act' of theft - 2015 Mar 16

Defeat plan to revive and strengthen the ABCC - 2015 Mar 16

International Women’s Day - Women demand end to double exploitation of working women - 2015 Mar 08

ACTU to stick with independent agenda - 2015 Mar 04

SA Premier Weatherill implements Business SA's deformed agenda - 2015 Feb 23

Workers win through strong action and unity - 2015 Feb 10

Imperialism demands more from Australian workers - 2015 Jan 31

Clean Start: Cleaners fight on for a fair deal - 2015 Jan 12

Editorial: Now is the time…. - 2014 Nov 22

“So we must fly a rebel flag…” - 2014 Nov 22

Union members and community activists unite and win - 2014 Nov 22

The last print edition of Vanguard - 2014 Nov 22

Communism: Society without class - 2014 Nov 22

Gaol teacher speaks out for prisoners - 2014 Nov 22

Victorian state election – a negative affair - 2014 Nov 22

Seamen stick up for Australian jobs - 2014 Nov 22

Whitlam sacking - a tipping point in the relentless attack on workers' rights and living standards - 2014 Nov 12

E.F. (Ted) Hill - 2014 Nov 03

Big Business: The real tax bludgers! - 2014 Oct 25

No justice for workers through the courts, no protection under Fair Work Act - 2014 Oct 25

Defend Australia’s public postal services! - 2014 Oct 25

Power struggle builds in NSW - 2014 Oct 25

Super-exploitation of migrant workers in the hotel industry - 2014 Oct 07

Aged care workers demand a better deal for themselves and the residents - 2014 Oct 07

Never overlook the class nature of the state - 2014 Sep 26

Book review: Corporate Corruption! - 2014 Sep 26

Maxine's mob takes on NSW Inc. - 2014 Sep 26

Government experiment in cutting wages - 2014 Sep 16

Build strong unions through collective action - 2014 Sep 16

No security for workers under capitalism - 2014 Sep 10

South Australia reconstructed- for whose benefit? - 2014 Aug 29

Join the fight-back! - 2014 Aug 24

Capitalism takes it out on working class kids - 2014 Aug 24

Child care workers show the way forward is through united struggle - 2014 Aug 24

Divide and rule tactics - 2014 Aug 24

As inequality grows, so does resistance - 2014 Jul 22

The age of entitlement keeps getting bigger for mining corporations - 2014 Jul 19

Poor Safety – Taking its TOLL - 2014 Jul 13

Tax the big corporations – make the rich pay - 2014 Jul 07

Saving capitalism from itself - 2014 Jul 07

Take the fight beyond parliament - 2014 Jun 27

People power can push back the austerity budget - 2014 Jun 27

Inequality gap widens as the rich get richer - 2014 Jun 27

New Royal Adelaide Hospital project unsafe for construction workers - 2014 Jun 27

The gloves are coming off, but we will win! - 2014 Jun 27

Five Principles of Socialism - 2014 Jun 03

Smash Abbott’s ‘class war’ budget! Build unity in struggle! - 2014 May 31

The people themselves develop the struggle - 2014 May 31

Federal budget dismantles welfare rights, hands over government finance to corporations - 2014 May 31

The Commission of Audit report: orders from finance capitalism - 2014 May 31

Abbott government attacks low paid cleaning industry workers pay - 2014 May 18

May Day: Workers have the power - 2014 Apr 30

The real purpose of the Royal Commission into unions - 2014 Apr 28

Queensland laws strengthen class dictatorship - 2014 Apr 28

March in March unites the people - 2014 Apr 01

Victoria's teachers take massive strike action - 2013 Aug 12

Building workers hit the streets for safety - 2013 Aug 12

Orchardists, factory workers stand together - 2013 Aug 12

Uni cuts are dumb cuts! - 2013 Aug 12

Nothing fair about Fair Work Australia - 2013 Aug 12

Ford pulls the plug - 2013 Jun 05

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