To create an avenue for people to participate in political, cultural, educational, and social events to celebrate European heritage.

Monday, February 11, 2013

A Christian Declaration

Matthew 25:32 “All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.”

Comrades and compatriots, it is time that we separate the sheep from the goats. People have asked me to great length what I think the problem of the pro-white movement is. Some claim that it is finances, some instead say that it is infiltrators within its ranks, and others say they know for sure that the problem is this certain organization or that group. As a movement, we never look deep inside ourselves and ask what the problem really is. The problem that I see is not one of men or material; it is a deep spiritual crisis. This struggle is what I want to speak with you all about. Our failures are due to our own childish rejection of the very God that took us out of mud huts and savagery and brought us to a blessed place amongst all the peoples of the world. This battle that is raging on the earth is simply a continuation of the eternal war between the forces of Christ and those of Satan.

Christendom is the faith of Charles Martel, the conquistadors, the crusaders, Francisco Franco, and a whole host of other heroes of our people. The men who left Europe on rickety boats towards uncertain shores prayed to Christ, the Father, the Holy Spirit, the Blessed Virgin, and the Church to safeguard their journey. Odin and Thor were not on the lips of the soldiers who saved Europe at the Battle of Lepanto or of true patriots like Claus von Stauffenberg and Dietrich Bonhoeffer who gave their all to fight to restore honor to their Fatherland. For too long, we have wandered in the spiritual wilderness, and my brothers and sisters, if we are to ever see the promised land of a nation in which whites can live and raise our children safely, we must start getting our priorities in order.The first thing I would like to discuss is the word “hate.” As a Christian, I am called to hate that which is evil. Romans 12:9 says, “Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.” I hate the oppression of the innocent, I hate the murder of the unborn, I hate those who lie and deceive others. You will notice that I have not placed on that list a single racial group, person, or organization. There are certain groups on this planet who have expressly rejected Christ and actually enjoy fighting against Christianity. From the Islamic doctrine that pushes the death and subjugation of Christians, to the writings of the Jewish Talmud that state that Christ is boiling in a pit of his own fluids in Hell, to the atheistic ideology which at its very foundation denies the reality of Christ, there is undoubtedly a strong coalition of antichrists who persecute the faithful. Mark 13:13 explains it well: “All men will hate you because of me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved.” Those who fight against the Church are simply lost and confused and, much like a rabid animal, are so filled with rage and hate that they lash out at all those around them. As Jesus said in Luke 23:24, “ "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." I pity and pray for those who blaspheme God’s holy name and attack His people. 

Organized Satanic forces have destroyed the God-ordained monarchies of Europe and the empires of our people that gave civilization and Christ to those who were lost across the entire globe, and have made us weak as a people in the face of our enemies. Without the spiritual fire of the Holy Spirit, all the white race is left to do is to worship at the feet of unrestricted capitalism and every Enlightenment idea to be trotted out by our worldwide handlers to placate the masses. With no banner and no guiding light, we are easy and willing pawns for the global banksters and elites to mold us into whatever form they wish. From marching us off to countless fratricidal wars against one another in bloody struggles throughout the 20th century to having us sell out our own people for a chunk of middle-class living and the “American Dream.” We let them lead us to our own suicide: We did not put up a fight when they forced us to change our most basic social institutions, and we bowed before the Communists and foreign influences when they began pushing the homosexual and feminist agendas and allowed them to teach such filth to our children. Instead of worshiping at the altar of Christ, we are worshiping the international bankers and the government as our salvation. That is why we do not resist when they poison our minds and our culture while using the point of a bayonet to undue the laws of God and nature. Our society, much like our souls as a people, is rotting and becoming too weak to resist even the smallest advances of the enemy.

So, the true question remains: Why have so many turned away from Christianity? The answer is simple: the failure of the Church as a whole to fight heresy and the enemies of Christ. Many of the folk turn to secularism or neo-paganism because they see the weak and almost comical form of Christianity that we witness in the West today due to the corruption of most mainstream denominations by foreign and corporate influence. Mainstream American Christianity even turned me away from Christ for a period of several years due to the weakness of the modern “cultural Christians.” The total hypocrisy and the spiritual shallowness understandably has pushed away many members of the folk. Almost every pagan and secularist I have met in the movement has had a bad experience that steered them away from Christianity due to the many failings of the modern American Church. In the same way that many vote third-party in elections as a protest vote, many white advocates deflect to the neo-pagan path because they desire kinship with their ancestors and do not see another way to go. After feeling betrayed by the modern Church, they would rather sit on the fringes of society talking to imagined deities and trees than endure the sacrifice of being a part in the revival of the Church Militant.

One other issue to address is the topic of National Socialism. “Nazism” as it is more commonly known has unfortunately been labeled alongside the pro-white movement for a long time. The Left-wing media constantly trots out the mantra that any pro-white individual is either involved in neo-nazi organizations or in the Ku Klux Klan. Backwards mentally-deficient men in funny costumes are given the microphone and allowed to spew hateful and downright foolish rhetoric which only serves to deter legions of passionate white men and women who genuinely love their people and keep them sitting on the sidelines, waiting for a true banner to rally behind. National Socialism from the very beginning had no qualms about betraying the right-wing parties in Germany and was openly hostile to the Church. While Hitler made passing remarks supporting Christianity, it is clear when one looks at his writings and words that his goal was to replace worship of God with a worship of the “Aryan” people and of himself. The right-wing and the monarchists thought that they could work with the Nazis to achieve a bulwark against the communists. Just as the modern pro-white movement seems to have made a silent alliance with National Socialists, we somehow are unable to look at the example of the past to know what happens to those who deal with monsters. When the Nazis seized power, they imprisoned, harassed, and killed their former allies. The people of Germany were betrayed by the rhetoric of the National Socialists, only to be dragged into a fratricidal war and shameful behaviors that embarrass the white race to this day. As the true warriors of the Fatherland bearing belt buckles that bore the eternal phrase Gott mit uns marched off to face down the international Bolsheviks, the scheming Nazi leadership and thuggish supporters sent them off to their deaths. The true colors of the Nazis were shown by Satanic pagan rituals, abuses of human rights, oppression of the Church, and the willingness to sacrifice Christian patriots by the millions to achieve their goals. How can a group say they want the best for the white race when they treat our Slavic brothers no better than animals, bomb and murder innocent white women and children in the cities of Europe, and then betray the very people who fought and died for them by ordering the destruction of food and basic supplies to punish the German people for not winning the Nazis’ two-front war? I commend and honor men like Anton Schmid, Claus von Stauffenberg, and the 77,000 men and women who were murdered by the Nazis for resisting the tyrannical regime. Most of the German population was duped into supporting the Nazis and realized too late what their true intentions were. We as a movement cannot make the same mistake twice in thinking that the pagan Nazis can be negotiated or partnered with. It is easy to look superficially at Nazis and see things that most pro-white advocates like. The strong stance against communism, opposition to international banking, and a strong folk identity all seem to be very positive things. But we cannot be deceived as the German people were, for beneath these few agreed-upon notions, the National Socialists are wolves in sheep’s clothing. I would rather die next to the heroic men of the July 20 plot than ever raise my right arm to Adolf Hitler. I myself sometimes forget to make the differentiation between the Germans of the Second World War and the Nazis. Fighting the Soviet Union and attempting to defend Germany is heroic, and it is hard not to be moved by old war footage of Wehrmacht soldiers at the front or likeable Generals like Rommel and his Afrika Korp racing through North Africa sparring with Patton. The masculine image of the German folk during World War Two is something that inspires many and is why many pro-white advocates end up buying into at least giving the Nazis a seat at the table. The men of the 21st century pro-white movement who admire Germany during this period, however, are not supporting the Nazis.While they may have been forced at gunpoint to serve under the swastika, I have almost always found that the movement respects soldiers who fought with honor, courage, and chivalry, not murderous thugs like the Gestapo. We must entirely and unquestionable denounce National Socialism and promptly remove all of their influence from our movement. If the pro-white movement wants to honor Germans from the Second World War, they should focus on the Germans who fought honorably for their Fatherland, not those who betrayed it like Adolf Hitler and his clowns Himmler and Goering.

This statement of condemnation also has to go to anyone who is motivated to join the pro-white movement by hate of other people. Hate is a destructive and reactionary impulse that is neither beneficial to the movement nor congruent with Christian values and beliefs. One should be motivated by a love of our European heritage, our culture, and the folk. Those who simply hate others are generally social rejects, mentally disturbed, and/or ignorant. We must pride ourselves on standing on virtue and principle and not be so desperate for membership that we allow every person in our organizations simply because they say they are “pro-white.” The knights of our ancestors did not have an open-door acceptance policy; new recruits to our movement must be mentally and spiritually sound in motivation. Quality always trumps quantity, and we must always remember that one fool can dramatically set back our movement and dishonor our cause.

In conclusion, the message is simple, comrades: We all must look in the mirror and evaluate why we are in this struggle. If all we want is to carve out a space for European people to live, then why is that worth dying for? Matthew 16:26 says that “What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul?” Our dedication to our culture, our families, and most importantly our faith must guide us wholeheartedly. Christ and His blessed Church are what have given us countless blessings throughout the centuries, and it is now our rejection of those founding principles that is resulting in our punishment. The murder of our children, the allowance of our culture to celebrate unnatural and immoral behaviors that violate God’s law, and the European people’s turning away from Christ are all reasons for our current plight. Will we double down on our wickedness and defiance and attempt to plot a course without the most fundamental compass, or shall we instead follow the truth and the light? While this may leave me shunned by many who will call me weak or an agent of the enemy or say that I am going soft, I simply hope that the Christians who have been caught up in this movement will assert themselves again for the Church. No longer should we attempt to appease those who spit on the very name of Christ and the Church. No longer should we align ourselves with those who will gladly stab us in the back without a second thought. And no longer should we associate with anyone guided by hate of one of God’s creations. If no one will join me, that is fine, because I take comfort in Joshua 24:15: “But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." May God bless all of you and may God bless the Occident. Gott mit uns. -Matthew Heimbach

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