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National Socialist Movement

- Snapshot -

The NSM, America's National Socialist Party, is the largest and most active National Socialist political party in America.

The NSM's core beliefs include: defending the rights of white people everywhere, preservation of our European culture and heritage, strengthening family values, economic self-sufficiency, and reform of illegal immigration policies, immediate withdrawal of our national military from an illegal Middle Eastern occupation and promotion of white separation.

Party Membership is open to non-Semitic heterosexuals' of European Descent. If you really care for your heritage and for the future of your family, race and nation, fill out a Membership Application today.

'Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for; it is a thing to be achieved.'
- William Jennings Bryan (1860 - 1925)

"America must be kept American"
-President Calvin Coolidge; December 6, 1923

Join Us Today!





"Putting Family, Race and Nation First while Fighting to Secure American Jobs, Manufacturing & Innovation"
"America's Premier White Civil Rights Organization - Fighting for White Civil Rights"

Official NSM Party News

Join the NSM in DETROIT on JUNE 8, 2019 to protest "Motor City Pride 2019"! Contact CommanderBurt @ nsm88.org for more information!

New Item Icon Setting the Record Straight - Press Release - March 6, 2019 (Internal Link) (PDF link)

New Item Icon NSM: Public Release: 3-1-19 (Internal Link)

New Item Icon Blogtalk is a live/interactive call in, put on by NSM. Call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to find out when the next live show starts. #(516) 453-6058 (External Link)

New Item Icon NSM Little Rock Rally, AR - After Action Report - November, 2018 (Internal Link)

- Photo Gallery -

New Item Icon NSM weekly newsletters: If they want to receive them email chiefofstaff (at) nsm88.org

New Item Icon NSM in a Battle for the Ages: Your Help Needed! (Internal Link)

New Item Icon Support the NSM - Announcement - UPDATED (Internal Link)

Conference Ohio - After Action Report - August, 2018 - (Internal Link)

ECK event in Ohio - July, 2018 - Photo Gallery - (Internal Link)

League Conference in Wetumpka, Alabama - After Action Report - July, 2018 (Internal Link)

NSM Magazine Spring/Summer 2018 (Internal Link)

NSM Legal Defense Fund - (External Link)


NSM Nationals in Temple, Georgia - After Action Report - April, 2018 (Internal Link)

- Photo Gallery -


White Lives Matter Rally Shelbyville, TN Oct, 2017 - After Action Report (Internal Link)

NSM REGIONAL APPOINTMENTS - The National Socialist Movement is pleased to announce the appointments of new Regional Directors for Region 6 and Region 9. Brandon Lashbrook  will assume the duties for Region 6 and Hal Resnick for Region 9. Congratulations to both men. Brandon can be reached at nsm88r6@gmail.com . Hal can be  reached at nsmregion9hq@gmail.com

Harry Hughes appointed acting public relations director of the NSM (Internal Link - PDF)

Rally on Oct. 28th in Tennessee - Photo Gallery (Internal Link)

NSM Magazine Fall/Winter 2017 (Internal link)

The National Socialist Movement would like to announce that Sgt. Burt  C. has been promoted to Regional Director for Region 3. This includes FL, GA, NC & SC. Sgt. Burt C. can be reached at r3nsm88@gmail.com

The National Socialist Movement would like to announce that Cpl. Kynan D. has been promoted to Regional Director for Region10. Region 10 consists of AK, ID, MT, OR & WA. Kynan can be reached at nsm88r10@gmail.com

The National Socialist Movement would like to announce that Steven is the Unit Leader and Contact Person for the state of Indiana. Steven can be reached at nsm88indiana@gmail.com .

Unite The Right - After Action Report - Aug, 2017 (Internal Link)

The National Socialist Movement would like to Welcome Hal R. as the new Unit Leader for the State of North Dakota. Hal can be reached at nsmndakota@gmail.com .

NOLA - After Action Report - May, 2017 (Internal Link)

NSM Nationals in Pikeville, Kentucky - After Action Report - May, 2017 (Internal Link)

More NSM News



Global News of Interest to National Socialist Patriots

Finland Bans the Nordic Resistance Movement (Internal Link)

SPLC loses court case for spreading false information (External Link) (External Link #2)

National Socialist Arthur Jones garnered more than 20,000 votes and won the Republican primary in the 3rd Congressional District of Illinois (External Link)

"We are not calling for the slaughter of white people - at least for now": South African parliament votes to SEIZE white-owned land as experts warn of violent repercussions (External Link) (White House Petition Link)

Sheriff's deputy is suspended without pay after he removed a National Socialist flag from private property (External link #1) (External link #2) (External link #3) (External link #4)

ERNST ZUNDEL R.I.P (Internal Link)

Hatecrime: Black Chicago teens kidnap and torture white disabled man (External Link) (External Link 2)

Rise of proudly-NS party unnerves a European nation (External Link)

Racist Dallas Shooting - "The suspect said he was upset at white people. The suspect stated he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers. ” (External Link)

A 91-year-old Pennsylvania man who has for years lectured to school groups and others about what he said were his experiences at Auschwitz now says he was never a prisoner (External Link)


Confederate Memorial In Louisville To Be Removed (External Link)

Rival White Groups Unite (External Link)

White Man Killed by Black Man at Gas Station, Wife Seriously Injured (Internal Link)

SPECIAL INVESTIGATION -- This shocking Facebook video below shows a series of black men visibly trespassing onto someone's property and removing their property -- a Confederate Flag!
For sake of legal fairness to these young men, we ALLEGE that what we have seen in the video actually happened. Since this video was publically posted in Facebook, NSM Media invites you to see for yourself and decide:
For anyone curious on investigating this, the jurisdiction of this incident can be verified by contacting Facebook. The local police of the area in question have been made aware of this video and the related incident. NSM Media nor the National Socialist Movement do NOT in any way imply, suggest nor recommend anything except for PROPER LEGAL ACTION against these ALLEGED IDIOTS! 

National Socialists plan return to Toledo for demonstration (External Link)

White students to no longer be majority at school (External Link)

Guatemalan Town Expels All Jews for Causing ‘Ill Will’ (External Link)

Suspended NYC Cabbie: "I'm A National Socialist—What You Guys Call A Nazi" (External Link)

Detroit mob attack (External Link)

NSM & White Community in the New York Times (External Link)

30,000 Golden Dawn Supporters March in Athens (External Link)

Obama, you are President of a Country, not Chairman of the Board (Internal Link)

Scholar warns of genocide in South Africa (External Link)

Nordic National Socialists marched in Stockholm (Internal Link)

2,000 supporters of the Golden Dawn party marched through central Athens (External Link)

Report about the Riots held out in the Greek City of Patras (Internal Link)

Greece: Golden Dawn - Party which campaigned hard against illegal immigration set to win 7% of parliamentary vote (External Link)

1,500 march in Latvia to Honor SS (External Link)

American taxpayers give Israel over $8 million per day (External Link)

White nationalists to meet in Eaton (External Link)

Commander Schoep's exclusive interview with the magazine "Draculina" (External Link)

Lt.Hiecke's interview with a Russian news crew in Wasthington D.C. (External Link)

Freedom of Speech and Political Oppression = Prison in Germany Free Axel Moeller! (Internal Link)

Hungarian patriots remember the anti-communist revolution of 1956 (External Link)

Racially Motivated Attacks on Whites in Milwaukee (External Link)

One man's war on drugs (External Link)

Norwegian mass murderer ardent supporter of Israel (External Link)

Hero Taken From Grave (External Link)

Commander Rockwell's (Deputy) Major J.V. Morgan has passed on (Internal Link)

Stormtrooper Louis Vincent Mostaccio, born 8 February 1926 died in the Bronx, New York on 19 January 2011. He was 84 years old and is in Valhalla.  Another Party old Fighter we honor in memoriam.

Swastikas at the Kremlin (External Link)

The Greek National Socialists (Golden Dawn) in Riot vs. Reds and Police (External Link) (Video)

National Socialists Reportedly Take Over East German Village (External Link)

Israel's ex-president Katsav guilty of rape (External Link)

White South African family killed execution style. Black killers vowed more deaths (External Link)

Black Farmers to get BILLIONS of US Tax Dollars (External Link)

35th anniversary of Franco's death opens old wounds (External Link)

National socialist takes seat in local Swedish council (External Link)

Downed at last: Nazis' hero pilot dies at 97 (External Link)

Bulgaria joins the fight! (External Link)

Israeli court releases racist rabbi (External Link)

Illegal Immigrants hate America - Photo Report from AZ (Internal Link)

National Socialism is for everyone! (External Link)

Chicago assault victim returns home to Northern Ireland (External Link)

Whitewashing Black Racism (External Link)

While American Citizens are out of work and American families in the need of health care ... the ultra leftwing gov is spending 15 million dollars of American citizens hard earned money on non-sense.  How many millions has the US given to the Ukraine for the millions of Ukrainians killed by the USSR?  (External Link)

Ariz. gov: Most illegal immigrants smuggling drugs (External Link)

His honor was true (Internal Link)

Massacre at Sea - 19 killed as Israelis target aid ship convoy (External Link)

Italia! Italy's Northern League (External Link)

Illegals Taking Your Jobs and Jews Taking YOUR Money! (External Link)

Protesters, patriots clash at anti-racism rally (External Link)

Dresden 2010 (Internal Link)

Adolf Hitler, the Irish folk music fan (External Link)

Left wing Extremist Obama lifts HIV ban of people coming to USA - wants to turn USA into 3rd world cesspool! (External Link)

Canadian Catholics and Protestants Anti-Semitic? Government says YES! (External Link)

Israel Admits to Organ Harvesting (External Link)

Fire attack on West Bank mosque - Jewish settlers are suspected of being behind an attack on a mosque in the north of the occupied West Bank (External Link)

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