Ann Tiffa


Anti-Fascist News, writing and retweeting anti-fascist/anti-racist news and info, left politics and social struggle.

Joined August 2015


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  1. Retweeted
    Jun 13

    Here, we'll fix this headline for you: "Community members forced to resort to armed defense after neighbor murdered by police"

  2. Retweeted
    Jun 13

    On Saturday, June 29, the Proud Boys hate group is planning to invade downtown Portland, looking for targets for violent attacks.We are calling the community to come out to the streets of Portland on June 29, 2019, to defend our city against this attack.

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  3. Retweeted
    Jun 9

    Tens of thousands of people marched through Warsaw with rainbow flags on Saturday, demanding equal rights for gays and lesbians amid government efforts to discredit the LGBT movement as a threat.

  4. Retweeted
    Jun 9

    You can fight hate. Join forces with others in your community to stand up to bigotry. Educate yourself about extremism. Support victims of hate-motivated violence. Pressure leaders to make change. Teach acceptance, diversity and inclusion.

  5. Retweeted
    Jun 9

    We analyzed the writings of Alexander Slavros — an Eastern European essayist who ran the neo-fascist website Iron March — and have identified him as Alisher Mukhitdinov.

  6. Retweeted
    Jun 6

    In our interview with the dark folk two-piece Byssus, we discuss resistance to colonialism, the private mourning of songwriting, and how to create a window to another future through music.

  7. Retweeted
    Jun 5

    Brexit Party campaign chief sacked from party after investigation reveals he stood for the BNP Kevin Moore stood as a candidate for the BNP before being appointed to his role with the Brexit Party in May 2019

  8. Retweeted
    May 30

    Didn't think we'd start today agreeing with something the British Army put together, but here we are!

  9. Retweeted

    Good Night White Pride! 🌈 Antifascist Unicorn Action 🦄 ✨ ✨✨✨

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  10. Retweeted
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  11. Retweeted

    Remember that time when Richard Spencer got glitter-bombed? ✨✨✨ Antifascist Unicorn Action 🦄 Glitterbomb Division ✨ Glitter gets everywhere and NEVER comes off. ✨ Puke magical sparkly glitter all over fascists! ✨ ✨🌈🦄💖🌈🦄✨

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  12. May 27

    Let's shut this who thing down, Jack Donovan should not be allowed to continue selling his stuff at Audible. via

  13. Retweeted
    May 25

    The Trump administration is full of people with ties to anti-LGBT hate groups, like C-FAM and Family Research Council. Rolling back civil rights for transgender Americans has always been their plan.

  14. Retweeted
    May 26
  15. Retweeted
    May 26

    Our guide to fascism and the far right in Europe - parts 1&2 now online From Austria to Ukraine... We’ll be updating elections table and info as results come in      

  16. Retweeted
    May 23

    What do "white genocide" and the "great replacement" have in common? They're both white nationalist talking points that reflect white nationalists' fear white people & culture are under attack from multiculturalism.

  17. Retweeted
    May 22

    The reactionaries are getting concerned: "One of the most insidious communist propaganda outlets in the country is a website targeted at high school-aged girls: Teen Vogue."

  18. Retweeted
    May 23

    The hellscape of late neoliberal capitalism. “Workers have used high achievement on the games to push managers to reward them with extra Swag Bucks, a proprietary currency that can be used to buy Amazon-logo stickers, apparel or other goods.”

  19. Retweeted
    May 22

    Tommy Robinson’s goons bricked three anti-racist activists in Salford

  20. Retweeted
    May 23

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