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Alex Jones

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Alex Jones staring down some NWO stooges.
Alex Jones after taking his HairGrowerAlpha 3000 pills
Some dare call it
Icon conspiracy.svg
What THEY don't want
you to know!
Sheeple wakers
Frogs and swastikas
Icon altright.svg
Hitler wannabes
Rebuilding racism
You see, 666 is a doubling of 33. And 33 is pi.
—Alex Jones, in a spectacular display of Not even wrong[1][2]

Alexander Emerick Jones (1974–imminent FEMA takeover) is a nutritional supplement salesman who moonlights as a psychotic[3][4] radio shock-jock and a legally certified[5] self-proclaimed "performance artist".[6] His specialty is making up conspiracy theories to amuse his audience (either that or he's the world's best parodist), and is the world's most powerful conspiracy pusher, with his shows drawing millions of views daily.[7] Any time anything interesting happens anywhere on Earth, there's a 100% chance Jones has found "proof" it is either (1) a false flag operation by the New World Order or (2) a "massive coverup operation" run by the New World Order. No exceptions. You would think the white coats would have taken him away in a straightjacket by now New World Order would've eliminated this widely-known bearer of all their secrets, but nope. For some reason they see fit to let him continue. Like all good showmen, you must understand his early work to truly appreciate his art. Jones got his start in 1995 on Access TV in Austin, and first tasted the limelight with Y2K. And he was ready: grunting about the end of money, reporting on millions of deaths worldwide, and shilling for his survivalist shop called "The Hardware Store", with guns, ammo, MREs,Wikipedia's W.svg and eight-stage water filtration systems.[8][9] And we all awoke on January 1, 2000 to… absolutely nothing.

Most Texans assumed he was done. Then 9/11 swooped in and bailed the charlatan out. Then Obama became the antichrist of choice. (Literally.[10]) Then Trump became Jones' best pal.[11]

In short: Jones has been predicting the end of the world for 24 years. And it gets worse from there. Goat help us all.


Your reputation is amazing. I will not let you down.
Donald Trump to Jones in a 2015 Infowars exclusive interview[12]

Jones is very popular. In March 2017, Jones' YouTube channel (which was an exquisitely entertaining way to kill time) had over 2 million subscribers and 1.21 billion views,[13][7][14] his daily four-hour show aired on more than 60 AM and FM radio stations and drew 2 million listeners per week,[7][14][15] and his two main websites Infowars and PrisonPlanet drew a collective 4 million unique users per month, more than Rush Limbaugh.[15] Jones has also had a cameo appearance in three films[16][17] and numerous talk shows.[7][14] In 2010, he took in revenues of about $1.5 million.[14]

Ironically, many of Jones' theories focus on about how celebrities and the powerful, wealthy elite are conspiring against society.

Conspiracy theories[edit]

I'm like a chimpanzee, in a tree, jumping up and down, warning other chimpanzees when I see a big cat coming through the woods… I'm the weirdo? Because I'm sitting in a tree going OOH OOH OOH AAH AAH AAH
—Alex Jones, describing his attempts to wake the sheeple[18]

Jones can't fart without blaming a conspiracy of bean producers.[citation NOT needed]

New World Order[edit]

See the main article on this topic: New World Order
Devil worshiping pedophiles basically run the New World Order. […] They love death and they love killing babies.
—Alex Jones[2]
They've got operations so big, grabbin your kids, they CPS 'em right out, Child Protection Services, they're on a jet, to one of — two dozen countries. And they are slaved out. And lotta times when they hit 25 years old, they — y'know, 10,000 men have had sex with 'em, they've had 30, 40 abortions, they've been used up in ways that are so hellish you can't even imagine, [slaps table] they just walk 'em right out, shoot 'em in the back of the head, and throw 'em in a vat of acid. That's how they roll, just massive, MASSIVE murder operations.
—Alex Jones[19]

Jones is the most visible (and literally the LOUDEST) proponent of the grand Unified Conspiracy Theory, where just about every current event can be tied into the NWO's nefarious schemes.[20] According to Jones' broadcasts and various "documentaries", the NWO has its roots in Biblical times and is in part the work of Satan, and later branched out with the inclusion of The Bilderberg Group,[21] Skull and Bones,[22] Freemasons,[23] and Rothschild banking family, and the Illuminati came to power. Since then, things have snowballed into a complete worldwide conspiracy of every government and corporate entity. He adheres to the notion that the NWO will be ruled by the antichrist, who will eventually be defeated by Jesus after the events of the Book of Revelation have taken place.

Frankly, a real NWO transporting him from lunatic asylum to radio show in order to cast doubt on conspiracy theories doesn't seem so crazy. Indeed, some fellow conspiracists believe this to be the case.[24]

For comic relief, Jones' rants about the NWO are interspersed with rants against his ideological kindred, who, by their own account, have organized to fight the NWO: the Islamic jihadis.

List of conspiracist views held by one Mr. Jones[edit]

MC Alex Jones: Dropping the hottest conspiracy remix of 2017!
—Alex Jones[25]
  • Inside jobs and false flags:
  • 9/11: 9/11 was an inside job. Even being the executive producer on Conspiracy nonsense film Loose Change:Final Cut. [26][27]
  • London Bombings: Yep, another inside job. [28] The Conspiracy theories also featured prominently in his documentary waste of time "Terrorstorm" (2007). [29]
  • 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunamiWikipedia's W.svg: Just another manmade disaster.[30]
  • Hurricane Katrina: An opportunity to test out the FEMA concentration camps.[31]
  • Sandy Hook massacre: Jones has long questioned the official story of the massacre and suggests a political cover-up took place. He is blamed for inciting wingnuts to harass Sandy Hook survivors. In April 2018, the parents of two children killed in the massacre sued Jones for defamation.[32][33] On 23 May relatives of six of the 26 victims and an FBI agent who responded to the school sued Jones in Bridgeport Superior Court in Connecticut, alleging that Jones' comments have tormented them and subjected them to harassment and death threats.[34] After these lawsuits began, he has come to the mystifying conclusion that he never said Sandy Hook was an inside job, and that Hillary Clinton made fake videos of him saying it was a hoax.[35] After his lawyers had some harsh words with him, Jones came up with this lame-ass excuse in an official video deposition, "I, myself, have almost had like a form of psychosis back in the past where I basically thought everything was staged, even though I'm now learning a lot of times things aren't staged."[3][4]
  • Government-sponsored tornadoes: The 2013 Moore tornadoWikipedia's W.svg is typical: he 'confirms' that the Evil Federal Gummint is capable of causing and steering such a storm with their "weather weapons," he stopped just short of saying that the Moore tornado was one of them.[36] Rachel Maddow (a lesbian news anchor) tore Jones a new one and asked whether Jones' Republican backers would finally drop him like a rotten tomato. In it, she made a joke about wasps "hiving" underneath the UN as a ridiculous example of Jones' conspiracy mindset.[37] Jones responded as his usual gentlemanly self by calling his video response "Teaching Mr. Maddow" (and promptly removing it afterwards), in which he calls her a lying witch, and basically threatens her life if there is a revolution.[38]
  • Boston Marathon bombing: Two terrorists bombed the Boston Marathon. Three people died, over 170 were injured. Like a Pavlovian dog, Alex Jones generated a conspiracy in which the suspects were patsies of the government. Interestingly, the elder terrorist (Tamerlan TsarnaevWikipedia's W.svg) had become obsessed with conspiracies, and it seems that his delusions on the subject played a part in the bombing. Worse yet, it seems he got a large portion of his crackpot information from none other than, one of Jones' two websites.[39] It seems a twisted irony that Alex Jones himself had a hand in causing this "government-orchestrated" bombing. In addition, Jones insisted that missing Brown University student Sunil Tripathi had something to do with the bombings;[40] this particular bit of false information was made especially regrettable (if not outright disgusting) by the fact that Tripathi has since been found dead.[41]
  • 2015 San Bernardino attack:Wikipedia's W.svg A false flag.[42][43][44]
  • 2016 Orlando massacre: Jones initially argued that this massacre was a false-flag terror attack.[45] Later, Jones switched the blame to America's LGBT community for allegedly supporting the migration of extremist Muslims into the country.[46] Unfortunately, Jones was never open-minded enough to consider the idea that Orlando was a false flag by gay extremist Muslims.
  • 2018 Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School massacre:Wikipedia's W.svg of course Globalistdidit[47]
  • Gay bomb: The government is using chemicals to create gay people. It's putting "estrogen mimickers" in juice boxes and water bottles. This makes the men want to wear women's clothes and makeup and no one will have children, all ultimately designed to depopulate the world.[48]
  • Gay frogs: Followup to the above, the government and/or Big Pharma is now using chemicals to make the frogs gay.[49][50] Oddly enough, this is the one thing Jones is kind of right about: chemical runoff is creating hermaphroditic animals.[51][52][53] Except for the part where the results couldn't be replicated.[54] Let's not forget the whole point of that was to make out "oh look it's happening to frogs the water much making humans gay too. Because as we all know human biology is identical to frog biology. No difference at all.
  • Justin Bieber: "They tell your kids that you gotta love Justin Biebler,[sic] and then Biebler[sic] says hand in your guns, pass the cybsersecurity act, and, uh, y'know, uh, the police state is good, and, and then your children are turned into mindless vassals, and they look up to some twit instead of looking up to Thomas Jefferson, or looking up to Nicola Tesla,[sic] or looking up to, uh, to Magellan. [waving arms] I MEAN, KIDS, MAGELLAN IS A LOT COOOOOLER THAN JUSTIN BIEBER — I MEAN, HE CIRCUMNAVIGATED, WITH ONE SHIP, THE ENTIRE PLANET, HE WAS KILLED BY WILD NATIVES BEFORE THEY GOT BACK TO PORTUGAL, AND WHEN THEY GOT BACK THERE WAS[sic] ONLY LIKE 11 PEOPLE ALIVE OF THE 200-SOMETHING CREW, AND THE ENTIRE SHIP WAS ROTTING DOWN TO THE WATER LINE. That's destiny, that's will, that's being a trailblazer and explore.[sic] Going into space, mathematics, quantum mechanics, the secrets of the universe — it's all there! Life is fiery in its beauty, its incredible detail! [unclear] THEY WANNA SHUTTER YOUR MIND, TALKING ABOUT JUSTIN BIEEEBERRR! It's PURE EVIL! IT'S TYRANNY, PEOPLE! They're taking your intellect, your soul, and they're giving you Michael Jordan and BIEBER!"[55]
  • Victims of the New World Order: Hunter S. Thompson,[56] Gary Webb,[57] Princess Diana[58], Antonin Scalia (maybe)[59] and Prince (maybe)[60] were all murdered to cover up what they knew about the New World Order, or whatever.
  • Nerds are out to get everyone: "I tell ya folks, nerds are one of the most dangerous groups in this country, because they're gonna end up running things, but they still hate everybody, because they weren't the jocks in high school, so they play little dirty games on everybody. [begins pointing to head] They use their brains to hurt people. And I'm aware of them. Ok, I'mma — I SEE YOU, YOU LITTLE RATS!"[note 1][61]
  • Fluoride: The standard fluoride woo. (See image.) The Infowars Store "helpfully" sells "Survival Shield X-2 — Nascent Iodine", a liquid, with a serving size of 3 drops that gives 1950 µg of iodine,[62][63] nearly double the maximum amount recommended by the National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements.[64] The Edgar Cayce-inspired iodine treatment is supposed to combat water fluoridation (actually quite safe) as well as water disinfection byproducts (very safe compared to the effects of not disinfecting) with an ineffective but potentially-toxic dose of iodine.[63][65][66][note 2]
  • "Control freaks": "[waving arms, talking in high-pitched "stupid" voice] Nellies[note 3] going "ehh ehh, kill everybody, I'm a nellie" — AHHHH RGGGHHH [sits still; face disgusted] — just simpering control freaks in big nerd packs,[note 4] taking everything over, ruling everything, becoming police officers with weapons and tasering people for fun! I've had it with control freaks, and SCUM!!! [bangs table] You people are CANCER! NNNGRGGHHNGYA! [bangs table, grumbles, then smiles] All right, I'm not in a good mood now, just — I just start thinking about Bill Gates doing that little chicken neck hopping around, little murdering eugenicist. You know how he walks, like [waving arms again] "ehh heh heeeh heh heeeh", like a demonic elf, "I'm Bill Gates", heeeh heh heeeh heh heh. [sits still] I'm gonna shoot you up with something that's gonna kill you deader than a hammer! [stares intensely at screen] HOW'S THAT 30 YEAR DEATH FROM GUT DISEASE SOUND, AFRICAN CHILDREN, ROLL UP THE SLEEVES, I'M A LITTLE CHICKEN-NECKED BASTARD, AND NOBODY'S GOT THE WILL TO SEE WHO I AM?"[sic][55]
  • Atheists:
  • Are occultists: "Every time I've studied the groups that fund and run the atheist,[sic] they're not atheist, they're occultist. And I guess if they can't get people to be occultist, they will just get them to be atheist and then atheists almost always become supporters of eugenics and abortion and humans are just blobs and humans don't have any great destiny and humans are a parasite,[sic] and you just can't ignore the fruits of these people."[69]
  • Worship Satan: "This, this is their religion! Y'see, you see, at the highest level, the atheists aren't really atheists at the higher levels, they write books, these people worship Lucifer!"[69] "The establishment is always saying you shouldn't have a religion and god isn't real, but then you find out the elites who're saying they're atheists, 9 times out of 10 in my research, they turn out to be a occultist, who are Luciferian or Satanist."[69]
  • Love death: "And they do! They love death! And I'm just in love with life. And I — I'm sorry for those who've never experienced it, y'know, when they laugh at us, all these unhappy atheists and psychologists and psychiatrists that are all out there, talking about how horrible their lives are and their incredible rates of suicide."[69]
  • The world is ruled by Satanists, and Satan is real: "But, uh, atheists and people say, oh, I don't believe in the devil, well it doesn't matter if you believe in the devil or not, there are people who rule the planet who believe in the devil. […] Satan is real. Period. PERIOD. END OF STORY."[69]
  • Carrie Fisher of Star Wars fame might have been killed to boost sales. Video posted day of her death.[25] Thanks, Alex.
  • Power-bamacare-control: Powerball and Obamacare and gun control are all related because gambling and political discourse are both addictive dopamine-heavy activities. Right.[70]
  • The Obamas
  • "Bezelbub, Baphomet, Leviathan, the devil. He is the devil. Barack Obama is the devil."[71]
  • Apparently, Malia and Sasha are not really Obama's daughters. (He actually had the nerve to say this a few days before his child custody hearing.)[72]
  • Michelle Obama is apparently transgender. Jones' evidence for this? Simple! Her shoulders are wider than Barack's. Given that males generally have wider shoulders than females the only logical conclusion for one specific woman having broader shoulders than one specific man is that she must be biologically male. Any evidence of her true sex has been wiped off the internet by the New World Order (of course). Why are they so keen to hide this? Well, if people find out that the (now former) first lady is transgender they will do some digging (as if transgender-ism is not being studied by scientists already) and find out the truth! The truth that the government is putting chemicals in the water to feminize men! Luckily you can fight off the process by buying Info Wars Cave Man Formula for only $29.95![73][74]
  • "Liberal Lesbians": "Most of the so-called 'liberal lesbians' and all these groups, they just wanna have the guy with the ducks ass haircut, and the James Dean outfit. And, sure, James Dean wasn't slapping girls around, but they wanna be the ones slapping the girls around and statistically it shows it. I'm not blaming all lesbians, but it shows that most of these butch lesbians, they wanna be the guy smacking the hot chick around, they think that's manly. And a lot of the chicks, they like it, see, 'cause no man will do that to 'em, and I'm not saying it's good if a man does that, but some women like it, and if they can't find a man to smack 'em around, well they found them a girl gonna do it real good. Knock 'em upside their head. And they have 'Fifty Shades of Gray' about the sexy rich guy that's gonna chain you up. 'Course you're gonna go get chained up one time, they're gonna put that devil mask or that piggy mask on and they're gonna say, 'Now I'm gonna torture you for about six weeks, so start begging for your mommy and your daddy.' That's the liberals. They wanna get you in a dungeon. They wanna strap you down and take a buzz saw and chop the top of your head off like a pumpkin and pull it off and get a little spoon and go, when you're looking in the mirror, this is one thing I know they like to do, and they go, 'I'm gonna eat your brains now, [maniacal laughter]. Let's start, let's start at the side areas here, 'cause we don't wanna take away your sight at the back or your thinking in the front, I'm gonna eat your cerebral cortex last [more maniacal laughter], 'cause I've got POWER, I LOVE SATAN, AND I'M GONNA SUCK YOU DRY AND I'M GONNA TORTURE YOU TO DEATH! [Even more maniacal laughter]'"[75]
  • Hillary Clinton: "Folks, let me just tell you something, and if the media wants to run with this, that's fine... Hillary, reportedly, I mean, I've been told by people around her that they think she's demon possessed, okay? I'm just gonna go ahead and say it... She is a demon. This is Biblical, she's going to launch a nuclear war."[76]
  • Morning Joe Hosts: "They're like gonorrhea or syphilis... You have to understand folks, they literally wanna destroy you, okay? Do you realize how evil these guys are?"[77]
  • Demons and Dimensions: "[Various liberal thinkers, speakers, and politicians] have broken into this dimension, they wanna destroy us... If you're a good person and you take the DMT and go to the 5th dimension, 6th dimension... They act real friendly, but Mescalito gets mean later. He's a goat by the way, it's Baphomet who you meet. It happens to basically everybody. Unless you're a good guy, and then you get transported to a space prison for a couple hundred thousand years... God isn't gonna let demons into the fourth dimension."[78]


Wake up, sheeple! ALEX JONES IS BILL HICKS!

Why isn't Jones dead?[edit]

See the main article on this topic: Shill

Conspirators in control of governments and slavers of entire nations could easily arrange convenient "accidents" for Jones (and others who brazenly expose their schemes).[17] Yet, the, um, "whistle-blowers" tend to remain free to continue hawking their wares. This could cause one to speculate that Jones himself is running a false flag operation in support of the Jewish lizard bankers!

Many of Alex Jones' sheeple fans have argued that if the government were to kill Jones, they would make him a martyr and "expose" themselves. This seems pretty damn odd, given how many people Jones thinks the NWO has already killed. They're already exposed. And considering how remorselessly child-eating these conspirators are, it seems unlikely they could not kill him and make it look like an accident. Unfortunately, this means that, ultimately, should Jones die from anything other than old age (and potentially even if that), his death will be turned into a conspiracy theory. Alternatively, assuming the NWO does exist, the only other plausible reason he is still alive is because he is actually on their payroll, because nothing discredits a conspiracy theory more profoundly than logic and evidence its promotion by a paranoid pantopragmatic.

Another alternative hypothesis is that he's just playing a character, thus being a "performance artist".[84] Of all people, it's his own lawyer, Randall Wilhite, who stated this, to the judge in his custody hearing.[84] Though to counteract his own lawyer's account he subsequently released a video claiming that he was "not a fake".[85]

Most logical of all, "he's not a stable person", according to his ex-wife Kelly, which is why she was demanding custody in the first place.[84] (She eventually did, due to Alex's parental alienation of her children.[86]

Political stance[edit]

I ain't no ho! I ain't no ho! I ain't no ho! I ain't no ho, I ain't no bitch![2][87]

Notoriously hard to place ideologically (although clearly located to the right on most topics), Jones' views amount to some kind of high-powered mutant hybrid of libertarianism/​paleoconservatism/​evangelicalism/​neoreaction/​miscellaneous. Because many conspiracy theories he espouses are similar to those passed around on the radical right, he is often lumped in with the conservative talk radio milieu by mainstream sources. This is something of a mischaracterization, as Jones has no discernible political stance aside from all-consuming paranoid rage. He claims the Illuminati controls the world and the "elite" conspirators he says control the world believe they're "contacting interdimensional aliens" through use of the hallucinogenic drug DMT,Wikipedia's W.svg and believe that "they are being directed by them". Jones says the entities the world-ruling conspirators worship are called "clockwork elves", and that their ultimate goal is to be granted "eternal life" after they "kill everybody".[88]

Jones identifies himself as libertarian, and occasionally, he says something in line with general libertarian principles. In practice, however, his brand usually leans towards paleolibertarianism, especially in his appeals to the traditional values he feels to be under attack by "globalists". According to the Anti-Defamation League, as of 2017, Jones "is not demonstrably anti-Semitic, but frequently expresses his distaste for "globalists", which some consider a dogwhistle term for "Jewish"."[89] However, Jones was subsequently sued by two former employees for violating the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission for creating a "disgusting, hostile environment" in the workplace, which allowed anti-Semitic remarks to be directed at a Jewish employee in one suit.[90] In the other suit, Jones was accused of making unwanted sexual advances against another employee, who happens to be an African-American woman.[90]

Jones has far more in common, ideologically and stylistically, with the John Birch Society, the Constitution Party, and the sovereign citizen movement than with Fox News, railing against the neoconservatism and neoliberalism of the Reagan and Bush administrations (lesser and greater alike) just as much as the "commie-fascism" of Bill Clinton and Obama, and proclaiming the entire political mainstream to be in service to the NWO. According to Jones, both Hillary Clinton and Obama are actual demons smelling of sulfur.[10] Obama responded with an endorsement of the RationalWiki mission statement, stating, "We live in a country where flaming nutjobs have massive audiences. We need to laugh at them more."[91] To no one's surprise, Jones is also a fundamentalist Christian.[92]

Jones also has some (but certainly not a huge) amount of following on the far-left. This was especially true during the Bush Jr. administration, where he interviewed figures such as Noam Chomsky and Dennis Kucinich, in addition to the usual who's who of far-right ideologues. This following is likely because in addition to Federal Reserve, global warming, gay agenda,[93] end times prophecy, and United Nations conspiracies, he also covers a number of conspiracy theories more stereotypically associated with left-wingers (remember, everything is a conspiracy to this man), such as 9/11 trutherism, Big Pharma, vaccine denialism, and Monsanto/genetically modified food conspiracies (useless eaters!), all things that put him at odds with many on the right. Because of his belief that these corporations are part of the NWO as well, he promotes all sorts of alternative medicine and nature woo.[note 5] As an article in The New Republic put it, Jones "occup[ies] the shadowy territory where the far-right curves around and meets the far-left."[95] It may be that he appeals more to people who possess crank magnetism than to people of a particular political ideology.

Godfather of fake news[edit]

See the main article on this topic: Fake news
If you believe Alex Jones and his Infowars stuff, then you're being a dick to your brain. You're saying *screw you* to your own brain.
—Christopher Rehage[96]


Jones is also a prolific filmmaker of direct-to-DVD films on various conspiracy topics, all of which are done in much the same style as his radio program and were available on YouTube or Google Video. Most of these films involve copious amounts of pseudohistory, and go deeper "down the rabbit hole" of the machinations of the NWO, because he knows the truth. As well as his own productions, Jones has appeared as an interviewee in the The Fall of America and the Western World.

Obligatory List of Bad Movies He's Made[edit]

According to IMDb:[97]

  • America Destroyed by Design (1998)
  • Police State 2000 (1999)
  • Are You Practicing Communism? (1999)
  • Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove (2000)
  • Police State 2: The Takeover (2000)
  • 9/11: The Road to Tyranny (2002)
  • Police State 3: Total Enslavement (2003)
  • Matrix of Evil (2003)
  • The Masters of Terror (2004)
  • American Dictators (2004)
  • Martial Law 9/11: Rise of the Police State (2005)
  • Terrorstorm (2006)
  • Endgame (2007)
  • The 9/11 Chronicles Part One: Truth Rising (2008)
  • Fall of the Republic: The Presidency of Barack Obama (2009)
  • The Obama Deception (2009)
  • Reflections and Warnings: An Interview with Aaron Russo (2009)
  • Police State 4: The Rise of FEMA (2010)
  • New World Order: Blueprint of Madmen (2012)[98]
  • Strategic Relocation (2012)
  • The Covington Kids True Story (2019)


The name's easy to remember. Just imagine information, and someone at war with it.
—Stephen Colbert[99]

The fake news website Infowars is Jones' Internet home; even the advertisements link to more conspiracy theories.[100] The site is quite popular, with an Alexa ranking of 4200 as of July 2018.[101] Much like NaturalNews, citing Infowars in an argument usually means you are completely wrong, or you may be so off that your view is literally beyond wrong, yet everyone on YouTube does it.[102]

The site appears to push anti-science and apocalyptic views. For example, it once claimed the number of volcanoes erupting was massively over average, the planet was becoming less "stable", and much of the world had entered into a time of immense earthquakes and scientists don't know why.[103] (All this despite that no such increase occurred.[104])

Recently, the site seems to be trying to push its way into the manosphere and the Stormfront crowd, with contributor Paul Joseph Watson constantly posting anti-woman ravings[105] and race-baiting articles[106][107][108][109] (including typical asshattery about white genocide[110][111][112][113][114][115][116]). Gold buggery is also incredibly common, as to be expected.[117] In other economic concerns, they follow the policy of "predict a collapse every day and it'll happen eventually"[118] so much that their economic news section is not called the typical "money" section, but is instead titled "Economic Crisis".

One Infowars contributor argued that mandatory viewing in public schools of the acclaimed historical biopic 12 Years a Slave was a tactic to "control children in government internment camps — also known as public schools" and to promote "self-destructive tribalism".[119]

The only time something with any relative truth appears on Infowars is when they post articles from the mainstream media,[120] who is supposedly in on the whole conspiracy Jones pushes, so much that any episode of Infowars is not complete without a take-down of the "lamestream media".

The Infowars Shop[121] sells his DVDs for just $20 each! And if you want your friends to know just how much more aware you are than them, you can buy T-shirts, bumper stickers, and other knick-knacks.

On the bright side, it had an excellent parody website named, though now defunct.


PrisonPlanet consists of the purest, locally-grown, truth-free bullshit.

Jones operates another fake news website named PrisonPlanet, which takes an almost overwhelmingly negative stance towards all recent presidents and regards all government and corporations with a suspicious and twitching eye. While the latter is not necessarily a bad thing in itself, PrisonPlanet goes beyond healthy skepticism to a mind-boggling extreme; you'll soon find that PrisonPlanet takes everything to mind-boggling extremes. The bulk of the site is made up of conspiracy-related stories and advertisements hawking the kinds of products valued by keen conspiracy theorists.

Jones relies on the paranoia of a dystopian future and promotes it through PrisonPlanet's blog, his radio show, and his online store. The blog features articles that instill fear of vaccination,[122] promote conspiracy theories (see list below), and support alternative medicine,[123][124] because the big bad drug companies want your money and to keep you addicted. Unlike before, the site does not push white genocide conspiracy theories (sans once[125]), but the forums are rife with it.[126] Very little of this is actually based in reality, and in most cases, small statements of truth are projected into full-blown paranoia.

Jones can't just give you his theories; he needs lots of money to impart his nuggets of wisdom to you. There are two ways to acquire his poorly-researched, unrealistic, and paranoid delusions: burned DVDs or streamed online. He also sells books which, in a normal bookstore, would be catalogued under fiction. The second option requires a subscription to for $5.95 per month or $54.95 per year. What a deal!

The website had an Alexa ranking in the 5000s, meaning it was a reasonably popular site. (Now, it's tanked to about 30,000 to 40,000, circa 2016-2017).[127] Advertising tends to be targeted, in the sense that adverts attract more responses if they're relevant to the people reading them. For example, water purification systems and handguns are not typically advertised on websites aimed at young girls, but would be far more successful if aimed at paranoid survivalists huddling in caves waiting for FEMA to come and steal their precious bodily fluids.

Typical advertisements[edit]

If a website is touting the benefits of a certain supplement that they also happen to be conveniently selling, guess what, idiot? The article was written to sell you a product. You're reading an ad. Speaking of advertising, InfoWars is one of the worst offenders. They pretend to be the arbiters of some supposed truth, while Alex Jones bloviates every week about some supposed government takeover that he keeps promising will happen year after year. They're coming for your: guns, property, liberty. They're always coming, but never here.
Maddox, Your alternate news site sucks[128]

On Thursday August 26, 2010, the following adverts appeared on the front page of Prison Planet:[129]

  • How To Survive The Coming Martial Law In America (September 2, 2009, archived copy from August 14, 2010)
    According to the above site, a former political insider has discovered that "globalists" have a "vicious new plan to institute martial law". Worry not, though! For just $49.95 (plus $9.95 shipping), you can prepare for the inevitable institution of martial law in the U.S. by purchasing their manual. But wait, that's not all! Buy now and receive a free copy of CAMP FEMA — American Lockdown.
  • Don't Tread on Me (archived from August 12, 2010)
    A series of videos about the FEMA plans to turn the U.S. into a police state, Obama's various and nefarious plans, 9/11 conspiracies, survivalism tips (water purification and use of short wave radio equipment), and of course, the inevitable coverage of secret societies and their role in the New World Order.
  • The Fall of America DVD set (archived from July 7, 2013)
    The Fall of America and the Western World is a general guide to surviving the inevitable Armageddon that will ensue as a mixture of financial destruction and government tyranny brings freedom to an end. It must be true, since it has David Icke in it.
  • The most lethal self defense system in the world (archived from August 6, 2010)
    Can you say "McDojo"? This style of martial arts is so dangerous that they require a disclaimer to protect themselves should any of their students use their skills for illegal purposes. Although most self-defense systems focus on defense and incapacitation of attackers, this system seems to advocate the killing of every single attacker a practitioner should encounter. The following quote from the website leaves little room for doubt (our emphasis):
    "Get Lethal with the Self Defense Training System and let every attacker know HE made a fatal mistake when he stupidly picked you. We call it 'Attackers Remorse' and it's the last thing he feels before you obliterate him from existence. "
    The last part is probably hyperbole, unless they are teaching people to use balefire.
  • Millionaire Patriot Wants YOU Armed and Trained! (archived from December 30, 2010)
    A millionaire wants to give away free guns, training, and concealed weapons permits to Prison Planet readers so they can be ready to protect America from enemies, both foreign and domestic. Well, Michael Savage supports the scheme so what could possibly go wrong?[note 6]
  • The Survival Zone (archived from August 21, 2010)
    The items on sale include the "Cold Steel" Recon Tanto Knife, pepper spray, camouflage gear, gas masks, stun guns, military "ready to eat" meals, and everything else a survivalist could need, with the exception of psychiatric care.
  • Heart And Body Extract (archived from August 11, 2010)
    Not quite what it sounds like at first. A blend of herbs that'll provide a strong healthy heart, balanced cholesterol levels, improved hearing and vision, healthy erectile function in men, restful sleep, warm hands and feet, and many more things. It's a fairly standard mixture of easily found items, but their FAQ warns that "The proportion, balance and quality of herbs is crucial", so you'd better buy their version instead of just picking up the constituent ingredients yourself. Curiously, they have a page named "clinical studies", yet there are no studies listed. All they have is a collection of pictures of doctors of naturopathy. Note to the manufacturers: taking photos of "doctors" is not a clinical study.
  • SilverLungs generator (archived from August 9, 2010)
    A company offering devices for the manufacture of colloidal silver and a system for delivering it through inhalation. You too can join the Blue Man Group!
  • True Health Facts (archived copy from August 20, 2010)
    How is it that many illnesses in animals have been cured while similar ailments in humans have not? Well, it's either a conspiracy to shorten human lives, or perhaps farm animals are the true masterminds behind the NWO. They're not entirely clear on this matter, but it is explained in the DVD set they're selling. There's also a good dose of vaccine hysteria – including a conspiracy by veterinarians using vaccines to make pets sick to generate more revenue for themselves – along with the alkaline diet and pretty much every other health fad that's popular in the community that won't believe trained professionals but will happily buy products from some random guy on the Internet who calls himself "doctor" and takes the time to make a visually appalling website. (As usual, the juxtaposition of "true" and "facts" is a sign that neither word applies.)
  • Midas Resources (archived copy from August 19, 2010)
    Of course all good survivalists want to ensure they are well invested come the inevitable collapse of paper money and civilization as a whole. Paper money will be of little use when we're all hiding in caves, engaged in guerrilla war against the government, NATO and UN invasion forces. Gold on the other hand will be very useful because… well, it's not really clear how it's useful or even practical to carry heavy gold coins while running from FEMA death squads and their robotic hounds. (Midas Resources is the parent company of Genesis Communications Network, an independent radio network whose shows include the Alex Jones Show and other bullshit.[130])
  • Pure Water Freedom (archived from August 7, 2010)
    Fluoridated water is an elaborate government plot to control your mind. Not only does it help prevent tooth decay, it messes with the rest of your head too. Why buy a really inexpensive water filtration device to add to your mains, when Pure Water Freedom will sell you one for over $3,000?[131] Heck, they can sell you the replacement filters too!

A Scanner Darkly[edit]

For some reason, the people behind A Scanner Darkly- that weird cartoon/real life science fiction flick from 2006- decided to cast Alex Jones in one scene - this is due to the fact at that time Jones was friends with the film's director/writer Richard Linklater. It's one of his only roles in a non-Alex Jones production, but he still just plays the same ol' lunatic. This is one case where the actor really does fit the character. Plus, he gets tazed in the butt by the Thought Police. What's not to love?

Other dubious achievements[edit]

Alex Jones on Russian TV with Aleksandr Dugin, a Russian white nationalist. The caption reads, "Alex Jones: Trump's secret weapon". This definitely isn't proof that Alex Jones is a Russian disinfo merchant or anything, no. We're just asking questions, like, is Alex Jones a Russian disinformation merchant?
"What do you think tap water is?" he croaks, in the broadcast. "It's a gay bomb, baby!" My friend wrote back. "Who the hell is that?" he said. Why, I responded, that's Alex Jones, one of the most influential people in the United States.
Matt Taibbi[132]

Jones is a recipient of the James Randi Educational Foundation's 2013 Pigasus Award for his "accomplishments" in promoting political conspiracy theories and quack medical treatments.[133] He also attempted to initiate a public pissing contest argument with fellow loudmouth media figure Bill O'Reilly over a graphic on The O'Reilly Factor, which put the words "Hate Speech" next to a photo of Jones. Jones' apparent solution was to stage a pay-for-view boxing match between himself and O'Reilly, which, if it happens, might be the only time both contestants end up forfeiting because of cardiac issues before the match even begins.[134]

On June 9, 2013, Jones was interviewed by the normally calm BBC News correspondent Andrew Neil over his appearance at the Bilderberg conference protests. Jones took the opportunity to shout and scream numerous conspiracy theory bullet points, and repeatedly mentioned the address of his website. Towards the end of the interview, Neil sternly said, "You are the worst person I have ever interviewed." Afterwards, Jones shouted, "INFOWARSDOTCOM! Liberty is rising! Liberty is rising! Freedom will not stop! You will not stop freedom! You will not stop the republic! Humanity is awakening!" During Jones' rant, Neil turned to the camera and deadpanned, "We have an idiot on the program today."[135] [136]

Jones also appeared on Piers Morgan's program on CNN to rant, rave, and carry on on the topic of gun violence, drawing allusions to Hitler, Stalin, and Mao, because they thought a mass removal of guns would happen in America. He also plugged his petition to deport Piers because of his issues with the Second Amendment and called him "a hatchet man of the New World Order". He was unable to answer a simple question about gun related deaths in the US vs. the UK. As a form of admission to defeat in the ensuing "debate", Jones ended the interview by mocking Piers' distinctive speech patterns by speaking in a cheesy, phoney-baloney English accent.[137]

Jones was also responsible for the creation of a truly awful science fiction meme on his show by insisting the joint US-Russia plan to place Syria's chemical weapons under international control was, in fact, part of a cunning plan to kill off the human race and replace it with cyborgs.[138]

In December 2013, Alex Jones announced he would be boycotting the NFL because of its decision to ban a commercial submitted by a rifle manufacturer at the 2014 Super Bowl.[139]

Infowars has a German website which translates some English articles into German, and has an article archive tracing back until 2006. [140] Its most read article is "Das Geheimnis der Zitrone" ("The secret of the lemon"), an article that claims lemon is 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy ("Es ist 10.000-mal stärker als Chemotherapie.").[141]

While director Richard LinklaterWikipedia's W.svg considers the fellow Texan a friend (even giving Jones cameos in his films Waking Life and A Scanner Darkly, where he essentially plays himself[17]), Linklater has disavowed Jones' innumerable conspiracy theories[142], but Linklater also admits to distributing Infowars-produced 9/11 Truther material to actors like Bruce Willis.[143]

The pilot episode of the 2016 revival of The X-Files features an eerily familiar Alex-Jones-a-like attempting to blow the whistle on a government/alien conspiracy in conjunction with Fox Mulder and Dana Scully.[144] The show creator agrees with parts of Jones' conspiracist worldview.[145]

As of 2017, Infowars, as well as Breitbart and other right-wing news websites, are reportedly under FBI investigation for a possible role in colluding with Russia to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election.[146] In response to the investigation, Jones said, "I'm not gonna sit here and say, 'I'm not a Russian stooge,' because it's a fucking lie."[146] Jones also admitted to being on RT News "probably 100 times or more."[146]

In late April 2017, Alex Jones seems to have pulled a Rush Limbaugh and lost custody of his children... notably for being severely unstable. According to his lawyer, Jones was just acting as a character on Infowars, but during the trial, Jones stated (unsolicited and apropos to nothing in the trail) that George Soros was personally behind making marijuana more potent. Jones was also repeatedly reprimanded by the judge for making obvious gestures and facial expressions directed toward the opposing council and jury.[147] During the trial, it was revealed that Jones was formally diagnosed with Narcissistic personality disorder (a clinical term for egomania), which is characterized by feelings of entitlement, grandiose sense of self, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for other people. His pathological narcissism is such that he sabotaged his own legal team by openly undermining his own defense's claims that he is not as crazy in real life as he is on his show.[148]

In the more bizarre news, Alex Jones was hounded by a neo-Nazi website, The Daily Stormer, for allegedly having a Jewish wife and not being anti-semitic enough. Seriously.[149]

The Alex Avalanche[edit]

You may not like it, but this is what peak anti-globalist performance looks like.
That's what happens when you're on Super Male Vitality, Brain Force, Caveman and Fluoride Shield all at once.

The Alex Avalanche is a particular debating style common to Jones; in fact, it's the only rhetorical technique he ever employs. The Avalanche is similar to the Gish Gallop, wherein the interviewee completely dominates the discussion, not allowing the interviewer, or any other panel members, an opportunity to interject and add their own thoughts or opinions. The Alex Avalanche is the Gish Gallop on meth, as it involves screaming, wild gesticulations, crying, loud grunting, flop sweat and generally throwing a tantrum befitting Jones' overdeveloped-baby-like appearance.

The phrase was coined following Jones' antics during his appearance on the BBC's Sunday Politics, where he ranted non-stop about the Bilderberg Group and how they were behind the implementation of the Euro, which was somehow originally a Nazi plot.[150] Meanwhile, on Alex Jones' Facebook page, his supporters complained about his poor treatment on the show and that he wasn't given time to "explain himself", apparently blind to the fact that the man was given ample time because he didn't shut up for five minutes.[151] The tirade was a simple repeat of his performance against Piers Morgan on the subject of gun control.[152]

Crumbling empire[edit]

In response to the ongoing 2018 lawsuit against Jones by parents of the Sandy Hook massacre as well as accusations of Jones using hate speech, several media platforms barred or greatly restricted his presence, including Facebook, Apple, YouTube, and Spotify Stitcher.[153][154] Paypal later followed suit and banned Infowars and related sites, stating that Paypal "found instances that promoted hate or discriminatory intolerance against certain communities and religions, which run counter to our core value of inclusion."[155]

Fellow-Texan Ted Cruz bravely came to Jones' defense by grossly botching a paraphrase of the Martin Niemöller poem against persecution and anti-semitism;Wikipedia's W.svg Cruz's rendition was, "As the poem goes, you know, first they came for Alex Jones. That does not end well".[154]

Although Jones claims that he's being censored,[156] he apparently ignored or forgot to read the terms of service that appear on his own Infowars website:

You will not post anything libelous, defamatory, harmful, threatening, harassing, abusive, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, racially or ethnically objectionable, or otherwise illegal.

Remember: you are a guest here. It is not censorship if you violate the rules and your post is deleted.

In 2019, Facebook banned Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, and Infowars and four other individuals (Louis Farrakhan, Paul Nehlen, Milo Yiannopoulos and Laura Loomer) as "dangerous individuals and organizations".[158][159]


Surprisingly, Jones has managed to get a number of high-profile guests on his show (and, not so surprisingly, a lot of high-profile nutters), including:

In a nutshell[edit]

He's dumb
He's ridiculous
And he's selling you something

See also[edit]

Si vous voulez cet article en français, il peut être trouvé à Alex Jones (français).

External links[edit]



  1. You bet we are.
  2. Besides selling a possibly toxic dose of iodine, InfoWars engages in other quackery. Including referring to "Dr. Group" as an authority for promoting and selling supplements. Group is actually Edward F. Group III, who is a chiropractor, naturopath and nutritionist, not an MD.[67] InfoWars sells one of Group's products, "Global Healing Center's Oxy-Powder", which has a recommended dose of 1537 mg per serving.[68] This dose is more than 4 times the maximum recommended dose of 350 mg/day.[64]
  3. We presume "nervous nellies".
  4. Alex Jones is the first "sociologist" to conclusively study the pack behavior of nerds.
  5. Consider his complete agreement with Mike Adams on the Angelina Jolie breast cancer gene "hoax", for example.[94]
  6. See Timothy McVeigh.


  1. Aaron Dykes on Alex Jones TV: Aaron Talks About Bill # "666" (Dec 7, 2009) The Alex Jones Channel (YouTube)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Lulzy Moments From Alex Jones by Morrakiu (Jan 13, 2010) YouTube. Archived at:!eToDQIAA!OU-IbfnlDqC6ljwpEV-IFycjM4rP9koeGZHV9yHauD0
  3. 3.0 3.1 Infowars Host Alex Jones Blames "A Form of Psychosis" for Sandy Hook Truther Claims by Daniel Politi (March 30, 201910:21 AM) Slate.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Alex Jones Sandy Hook Deposition Scarlett Lewis, Plaintiff vs. Alex E. Jones, Infowars LLC and Free Speech Systems LLC, Defendants. Cause No. D-1-GN-18-006623 in the District Court of Travis County, Texas (3/14/2019).
  5. Alex Jones Lawyer: ‘He’s Playing a Character’
  6. Right-Wing Pundit Fights to Keep Custody of His Kids by Ryan Kocian (April 19, 2017) Courthouse News Service.
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 Who is Alex Jones? by Devin Burghart (October 18, 2011) Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights.
  8. Alex Jones Y2K: Party Like It's A Nuclear War! by Mason L. Bilderberg. iLLumiNuTTi.
  9. Remember that time Alex Jones tried to start a Y2K riot? by Matt Novak (7/16/15 1:00pm) Gizmodo.
  10. 10.0 10.1 Alex Jones: Hillary Clinton Is a Literal Demon Who Smells Like Sulfur (People Around Her Said So) by Robyn Pennacchia (October 11, 2016) Patheos.
  11. Conspiracy Theorist Alex Jones Says President-Elect Trump Called To Thank His Audience. Jones: Trump Says He Will "Be On In The Next Few Weeks" by Ben Dimiero ( November 14, 2016 9:52 AM EST) Media Matters for America.
  12. Trump praises 9/11 truther's 'amazing' reputation by Eric Bradner (Updated 2228 GMT, December 2, 2015) CNN.
  13. The Alex Jones Channel: Description YouTube
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 Who Is Alex Jones, Anyway? Five Fun Factoids — Forbes
  15. 15.0 15.1 Alex Jones Is About To Explode
  16. Rant from Waking Life.
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 Scene from A Scanner Darkly.
  18. A Few Words on Alex Jones, Insane Clown of the Apocalypse Posse by Hal Mundane (18 Jul 2014).
  19. Alex Jones Lulz 6 by Morrakiu (Jul 14, 2010) YouTube. Archived at:!yPwxxChb!wxpZtofvfoBiGXQHh16HU7IwgCWNMMWrYOoLMaBknIE
  20. New World Order archive Prison Planet.
  21. Bilderberg archive Prison Planet.
  22. Skull and Bones archive Prison Planet.
  23. Freemasonry archive Prison Planet.
  24. The Alex Jones Machine
  25. 25.0 25.1 Carrie Fisher Dead At 60 — What Really Happened? (Dec 27, 2016) Alex Jones Channel, YouTube
  26. imdb
  27. 9/11 archive Prison Planet.
  28. London bombings archive Prison Planet.
  29. Terrorstorm, Via Youtube
  30. The Tsunami: More Than a Natural Disaster? Prison Planet.
  31. Katrina archives Prison Planet.
  32. Sandy Hook parents sue conspiracy theorist Alex Jones for defamation. Reuters, 17 April 2018.
  33. Matthew Haag, Sandy Hook Parents Sue Alex Jones for Defamation. The New York Times, 17 April 2018.
  34. More families of slain Sandy Hook children sue right-wing radio host Alex Jones ABC News, 23 May 2018
  36. Alex Jones Explains How Government "Weather Weapon" Could Have Been Behind Oklahoma Tornado: The Government "Can Create And Steer Groups Of Tornadoes," But Jones Isn't Sure That Happened In Oklahoma by Oliver Willis & Ben Dimiero (May 21, 2013 4:42 PM EDT) Media Matters for America.
  37. What passes for wingnut humor? Alex Jones gives us a demonstration by Steven Payne (2013/05/25 · 12:52) Daily Kos.
  38. Classic Alex Jones. Bingo, Mr. Maddow! by Gennady Chernyak (Jan 14, 2011) YouTube.
  39. Tamerlan Tsarnaev was an Alex Jones fan: The elder brother and alleged mastermind of the Boston bombings read Infowars, according to a relative by Alex Seitz-Wald (Tuesday, Apr 23, 2013 02:08 PM PDT) Salon.
  40. Jones Still Reporting the Wrong Suspect by Ed Brayton (April 24, 2013) Patheos: Dispatches from the Culture Wars.
  41. Body of Missing Student at Brown Is Discovered by Jess Bidgood (April 25, 2013) The New York Times.
  45. Alex Jones Already Calling Orlando a 'False Flag' by Sam Reisman (11:32 am, June 13th, 2016) Mediaite.
  46. Alex Jones Blames LGBT Community For Anti-Gay Orlando Attack by Secular Talk (Jun 14, 2016) YouTube.
  48. New Levels of Absurdity: Alex Jones Says The Government is Turning Us Gay with Chemical Warfare: The conspiracy nut tells his truther narrative about marriage equality by Alex Seitz-Wald (June 27, 2013) Alternet.
  49. Alex Jones Talks About Gay Frogs by WontonMitUns (May 24, 2015) YouTube.
  50. Alex Jones Gay Frog Press Conference: Big pharma chemicals creating homosexual biosphere (March 17, 2017) InfoWars.
  51. Pesticide atrazine can turn male frogs into females by Robert Sanders (March 1, 2010) Berkeley News.
  52. Male Frogs May Be Turning Female Thanks to Estrogen in Suburban Waste by Douglas Main (9/7/15 at 6:41 PM) Newsweek.
  53. Animals' Sexual Changes Linked to Waste, Chemicals by James Owen (March 1, 2004) National Geographic News.
  54. Does Atrazine Influence Larval Development and Sexual Differentiation in Xenopus laevis? by Werner Kloas, et al. (2009) Toxicol. Sci. 107(2):376–384.
  55. 55.0 55.1 Alex Jones: Funniest Moments Ever (Part 1) by Steven Venus (Aug 16, 2012) YouTube.
  56. The Murder Of Hunter S. Thompson Prison Planet.
  57. The Murder Of Gary Webb Prison Planet.
  58. Archive: Murder of Diana Prison Planet.
  59. Alex Jones: Did The NWO Murder Scalia? (Feb 16, 2016) InfoWars (YouTube).
  60. Prince Revealed NWO Secrets To The Public (Apr 22, 2016) InfoWars (YouTube).
  61. Alex Jones: Nerds Are Evil People with Brains Want to Take Us Over by ShadeManVendetta (Apr 20, 2013) YouTube.
  62. Survival Shield X-2 Infowars Store (archived from March 3, 2017)
  63. 63.0 63.1 The Online Store Where Preppers Buy Their Bulls**t Cure-Alls by Ashley Feinberg (Feb 18, 2015, 10:30am) Gizmodo.
  64. 64.0 64.1 Nutrient Recommendations: Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements (2011).
  65. How Alex Jones Uses Fear of the Government to Sell Diet Supplements by Spenser Davis (Jul 22 2016, 6:00am) Motherboard Vice.
  66. Fluoride: Poison On Tap Documentary: Fluoride exposure can have serious health consequences by Edward Group (November 17, 2015) Infowars (archived from February 4, 2016).
  67. Meet the Man Behind Global Healing Center: Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM Global Healing Center
  68. Advanced Liver Cleanse Pack InfoWars
  69. 69.0 69.1 69.2 69.3 69.4 Alex Jones Says Atheists Worship Satan (May 15, 2012) YouTube.
  70. $1.3 Billion Powerball Winner Announced (January 11, 2016) InfoWars.
  71. Alex Jones: Funniest Moments Ever (Part 5) by Steven Venus (Mar 30, 2013) YouTube.
  72. Jonathan Tilove, "On the eve of his own child custody trial, Alex Jones suggests Obama’s daughters aren’t his own", Austin-American Statesman
  79. InfoWars Anchor Wears Tin Foil Hat! by THElNFOWARRlOR (Jan 23, 2015) YouTube.
  80. the power of alex's aluminum hat by metaljacket 35 (Dec 28, 2016) YouTube.
  81. Alex Jones Funniest Moments Ever! Part 3 by Steven Venus (Mar 18, 2013) YouTube.
  82. Video offers "irrefutable proof" that Bill Hicks is Alex Jones by Ben Cannon (Nov 24, 2014 4:27 PM) A.V. Club.
  83. Alex Jones is Bill Hicks!? (Sunday, May 26, 2013) The Atlantean Conspiracy.
  84. 84.0 84.1 84.2 Jonathan Tilove: "In Travis County custody case, jury will search for real Alex Jones", Austin-American Statesman
  85. RWW News: Jones: I Am Not Fake! by RightWingWatchdotorg (Apr 18, 2017) YouTube.
  86. Alex Jones Loses Primary Custody Of His Children, Huffington Post.
  87. YouTube: Alex Jones Tv 1/2:The Pimp Game! (Jul 29, 2009) InfoWars.
  88. Globalist Elite — Guidance by Machine Elves Contacted Through DMT Alex Jones Radio Show (archived copy from May 14, 2012).
  89. Alex Jones: Five Things to Know Anti-Defamation League
  90. 90.0 90.1 Alex Jones Is Accused of Discrimination and Sexual Harassment by Former InfoWars Employees: One staffer says he was dubbed "The Resident Jew," another claims she was groped. by Kanyakrit Vongkiatkajorn (Feb. 28, 2018 8:13 PM) Mother Jones.
  91. That's exactly what a demon would say Free Thought Blogs: Pharyngula.
  92. Christian Idiocy 13 (Alex Jones Edition) by thesunofjuda (Aug 1, 2009) YouTube. Examples of Fundie Alex Jones]
  93. Enough of Gay Tyranny by bzerbel (December 26, 2013) InfoWars.
  94. Angelina Jolie inspires women to maim themselves by celebrating perverted double mastectomies by Mike Adams, via Natural News (May 15, 2013) '"InfoWars.
  95. Truther Consequences: Meet the next Glenn Beck by Michelle Goldberg (October 6, 2009) The New Republic.
  96. If you believe Alex Jones and his Infowars stuff, then you're being a dick to your brain. You're saying *screw you* to your own brain. by Christoph Rehage (3:41 PM - 4 Apr 2017) Twitter.
  97. Alex Jones Credits via IMDb
  98. New World Order: Blueprint of Madmen (Full Length HD) ChangeDaChannel Via Youtube, Uploaded on 29th February 2012
  99. Infowars' Alex Jones Is Trump's CAPS LOCK Advisor The Late Show with Stephen Colbert (Feb 23, 2017) YouTube.
  100. Infowars Witness the horror.
  101. Alexa Site Info,
  102. 10 Things the Elite Are Planning for You in the Next 4 Years (2013-2016) YouTube.
  103. 40 Volcanoes Are Erupting Right Now, And 34 Of Them Are Along The Ring Of Fire: You may not have noticed, but our planet is becoming increasingly unstable by Michael Snyder (via The Economic Collapse webshite) (May 15, 2015) InfoWars.
  104. Debunked: Significant Increase in Volcano Eruptions by Mick West (May 15, 2015)
  105. Neomasculinity: The Male Backlash Against Toxic Women: Should men be ashamed of masculinity? by Paul Joseph Watson (May 18, 2015) InfoWars.
  106. Oath Keepers: Prepare for Economic Collapse. Obama trying to start race war (July 7, 2015) InfoWars.
  107. New MTV Show Publicly Shames White People For "What They’ve Done in America": White People documentary hosted by illegal immigrant features young Americans crying over their "white privilege" by Paul Joseph Watson (July 9, 2015) InfoWars.
  108. The Truth About the Michael Brown Shooting: Who are the real racists? by Paul Joseph Watson (November 19, 2014) InfoWars.
  109. Black Crime Facts That The White Liberal Media Daren't Talk About: Police brutality targeting blacks will not subside until this becomes part of the national conversation by Paul Joseph Watson (May 5, 2015) InfoWars.
  110. Hillary's VP: Whites Must Become a "Minority" to Atone For Racism: 'The burden is on Caucasians' by Paul Joseph Watson (August 16, 2016) Infowars.
  111. Professor Calls For "Whiteness" to be "Abolished": "We need to… demolish the whole concept" by Paul Joseph Watson (April 6, 2016) Infowars.
  112. Lena Dunham Skit Celebrates Extinction of Straight White Men: 'I Feel Pretty Good About It'. "Well white men are a problem, straight white men are a big problem, that's for sure." by Chris Menahan (November 3, 2016) Infowars.
  113. The Truth About White Privilege: What's "white privilege" and what are they NOT telling you about it? by Kit Daniels (December 17, 2015) Infowars.
  114. Bernie Sanders: Very White. Things get complex and expensive when viewed through a racist lens (January 21, 2016) Infowars.
  115. Hillary Clinton Blames Whites, Cops for Deaths of Young Black Men: "I will call for white people, like myself, to put ourselves in the shoes of those African-American families" by Neil Munro (Breitbart) (July 9, 2016) Infowars.
  116. Is New Star Wars Movie Anti-White? We investigate (October 22, 2015) Infowars.
  117. Feds 'lose' audits for Fort Knox Gold: Freedom of Information Act request draws telling response Reposted from RT (July 4, 2015) Infowars.
  118. America is Running Out of Time! Is an economic collapse imminent? by Darrin McBreen (July 10, 2015) Infowars.
  119. 12 Years a Slave to Become Mandatory Viewing in Government Schools (February 28, 2014) Infowars.
  120. Dozens Dead After Terror Attack in Turkish Border City: More than 100 reported wounded reposted from CNN (July 20, 2015) Infowars.
  121. Alex Jones' InfoWars Store Fine, go ahead and click here. Feel your brain deflate.
  122. Vaccines: The Deadly "Cure" PrisonPlanet (archived copy from August 9, 2008).
  123. Dumbing Down Society: How to Reverse its Effects
  124. How to Detox Fluorides From Your Body by The Vigilent Citizen (Aug 2, 2010) PrisonPlanet.
  125. Rush Limbaugh: 'Somebody Needs to Tell Me Why It’s Wrong for White People to Vote Their Interests' by Chris Menahan (November 10, 2016) PrisonPlanet.
  126. "white genocide" Google search
  127. Site Info (archived April 20, 2016).
  128. Your alternate news site sucks Maddox
  129. Prison Planet (archived copy from August 24, 2010). This isn't an exact copy of the page, but it's damn close.]
  130. Genesis Communications Network on SourceWatch
  131. 6 Stage Water Filter
  132. Taibbi, "Megyn Kelly Vivisects Bloated Conspiracy Hog Alex Jones", Rolling Stone 21 June 2017.
  133. JREF's Pigasus Awards "Honors" Dubious Peddlers of "Woo" JREF web site (01 April 2013).
  134. Alex Jones Fires Back At 'Coward, Punk, Rat Bastard' O'Reilly: 'You Think You're So Tough?!' by Matt Wilstein (7:11 pm, May 30th, 2013) Mediaite.
  135. Andrew Neil calls Alex Jones an idiot in Sunday Politics clash: US shock jock lambasted by BBC TV presenter after interrupting fellow guest to warn viewers over 'Bilderberg Group puppeteers' by Alexandra Topping (Sunday 9 June 2013 13.00 EDT) The Guardian.
  136. BBC host to Alex Jones: ‘You are the worst person I have ever interviewed’
  137. Alex Jones vs Piers Morgan On Gun Control — CNN 1/7/2013 YouTube.
  138. Alex Jones Links Syrian Weapons Proposal To Human Extinction Plot: Jones' Globalist Theory Connects Weapons Inspectors To Plans For Replacing Humans With "New Species" Of Human-Machine Hybrids by Brian Powell (September 11, 2013 9:15 AM EDT) Media Matters for America.
  139. National Movement to Boycott NFL Launched: Pro-Obamacare NFL launches war on Second Amendment by Adan Salazar (December 3, 2013) InfoWars. Alex Jones boycotts the NFL.
  140. Infowars-Deutschland
  141. Das Geheimnis der Zitrone (Das Geheimnis der Zitrone) Infowars-Deutschland.
  142. Linklater’s conspiracy The Washington Times (Tuesday, November 21, 2006).
  143. Richard Linklater Interviewed by Alex Jones
  144. My Struggle (The X-Files)
  145. Fox's X-Files revival has controversial new theories
  146. 146.0 146.1 146.2 FBI investigating if right-wing sites had role in campaign hacks by Jason Silverstein (March 21, 2017, 11:13 AM) New York Daily News.
  147. InfoWars’ Alex Jones Loses Custody Case, Ex-Wife Wins Right to Decide Where Children Live
  148. Callum Borchers, Alex Jones is a narcissist, a witness testifies. And he’s undermining his own attorneys. The Washington Post, 20 April 2017.
  149. SPLC report
  150. Alex Jones blasts at the BBC One Sunday Politics by MehdiZejnulahu (Jun 9, 2013) YouTube. My brain hurts.
  151. Alex Jones — "Paul Joseph Watson just confronted Bilderberg member Ed Balls at the BBC. Video coming soon."
  152. Alex Jones Piers Morgan Part 1. 1776 Will Commence Again' If Guns Taken Away
  153. Alex Jones loses his empire — but not because he's a liar by Molly Roberts (August 7, 2018 at 8:39 PM) The Washington Post.
  154. 154.0 154.1 'First They Came for Alex Jones': Ted Cruz's Crusade Against Facebook Reaches New Extreme: While liberals and the media cower, the Texas senator heroically defends the influential conspiracy theorist — and all others — from the tyrannical censorship of Big Tech. by Justin Miller (August 6, 2018) Texas Observer.
  155. PayPal bans Alex Jones, saying Infowars 'promoted hate or discriminatory intolerance' by Brian Fung (September 21, 2018) The Washington Post.
  156. 🚨 Breaking! 🚨 Tech Giants Admit Alex Jones #Censorship Part of A Larger Take Down Of Internet Freedom 🚫 by @RealAlexJones (August 8, 2018) Twitter (archived on 8 Aug 2018 20:04:07 UTC).
  157. Infowars LLC, Terms of Use & Privacy Policy (archived from August 8, 2018).
  158. Facebook Bans Alex Jones, Louis Farrakhan And Other 'Dangerous' Individuals by Matthew S. Schwartz (May 3, 20198:12 AM ET) NPR.
  159. Community Standards: 2. Dangerous Individuals and Organizations Facebook.
  160. Mike Adams"Health Ranger"on Alex Jones Tv 1/5:Chemical-Based Medicines Don't Work! The Alex Jones Channel (Sep 28, 2009) YouTube.
  161. Astronaut "Buzz Aldrin" on Alex Jones Tv 1/4:Magnificent Desolation The Alex Jones Channel (Aug 17, 2009) YouTube.
  162. Sherrif Joe Arpaio Full Intreview by Open Mind(August 23.2017)'YouTube.
  163. Syrian Girl: NWO Hijacking Video Games to Socially Control Youth by The Alex Jones Channel (Oct 4, 2014) '))
  165. Chuck Baldwin on the Alex Jones Show by the Official Chuck Baldwin (May 23,2013)'YouTube.
  166. "He Criticized David Hogg And Was Banned From The Internet" InfoWars - Alex Jones Channel (September 2018)
  167. Russell Brand Blasts MSM Lies in Mindblowing Interview The Alex Jones Channel (Aug 31, 2013) )
  168. [1] "Lord Monckton: The Evil of the Hard Left" by 1000frolly (Jan 28, 2017) Youtube.
  169. Lord Christopher Monckton on Alex Jones Tv 1/5:Lord Monckton Talks About Climategate by The Alex Jones Channel (Nov 27, 2009) YouTube.
  170. Alex Jones Interviews Noam Chomsky (Part 1) by TrystanCJ (May 19, 2007) YouTube. Noam is bored, wants to debate Alex Jones.]
  171. Alex Jones Interviews Noam Chomsky (Part 2) by TrystanCJ (May 19, 2007) YouTube.
  172. Piers Corbyn on The Alex Jones Show 1/4:The Lies and Deception of Global Warming The Alex Jones Channel (Dec 18, 2009) YouTube.
  173. Alex Jones Interviews Steven Crowder by News Blip March 22,2018"Youtube" .
  174. Vox Day Visits Alex Jones by NewsBlip (Aug 9, 2018) YouTube..
  175. Lou Dobbs on the Alex Jones Show (Part 1) by urWURLDnow (Mar 6, 2008) YouTube.
  176. Alex Jones Show: Wednesday (9-12-12) Dinesh D'Souza by ConspiracyScope (Sep 12, 2012) ]YouTube..
  177. Alexsander Dugin Putins Brain Joins Alex Jones By Alt Right Tankie Eurasianist April 5,2017 YouTube..
  178. David Duke Debates Alex Jones (8-18-15) ConspiracyScope (Aug 18, 2015) YouTube.
  179. Nuclear Armageddon if WWIII Starts: Lyndon LaRouche Reports (February 11, 2012) InfoWars.
  180. Joseph Farah: Obama is A Walking False Flag! The Alex Jones Channel (Jul 5, 2012) YouTube. Farah: 'Spy drone' buzzed my home.
  181. Nigel Farage on Alex Jones Tv 1/3: Farage Attacks EU President As "Quiet Assassin" of Nation States The Alex Jones Channel (Feb 26, 2010) YouTube.
  182. Louis Farrakhan: Angel or Devil? In this powerful, unprecedented interview, Alex Jones and Farrakhan break the mold. (January 20, 2016) Infowars.
  183. Yukihisa Fujita on the Alex Jones Show (March 31, 2008) InfoWars.
  184. Alex Jones Intrviews Ben Garrison Junes 27,2017 "Youtube"
  185. Alex Jones and Faith Goldy on Miltant Censorhsip(October 2,2018)"Youtube"
  186. Dick Gregory Real Black History Secrets - ALEX JONES, INFOWARS Daily Motion.
  187. Griffin interview
  188. Food Babe: Modern Beer Is Chemical Soup: Full Interview by The Alex Jones Channel (Jun 11, 2014) YouTube.
  189. "Bombshell Interview: Sy Hersh Exposes The Obama-ISIS Alliance" The Alex Jones Channel (Dec 30, 2015), YouTube. [Archive]
  190. "Seymour Hersh on the Alex Jones Show 12/30/2015" FloydAnderson (Jan 1, 2016) YouTube.
  191. Icke interview Alex Jones interviewing David Icke. Hold me, I'm scared.
  192. Presidential Candidate Gary Johnson Exposes Government Abuses and Hypocrisy by The Alex Jones Channel (Jan 20, 2014) YouTube.
  193. Adam Kokesh Calls For Illegitimate Government Overthrow by allupinurbutt0 (May 6, 2013) InfoWars (YouTube).
  194. Dennis Kucinich on the Alex Jones Show:Impeachment Time pt1 by The Alex Jones Channel (Jun 13, 2008) YouTube.
  195. Michael Marcavage on the Alex Jones Show:Free Speech Zone p1
  196. Alan Keyes on the Alex Jones Show by Dean Henderson August 16,2009'YouTube.
  197. Mike Judge Interview by The Alex Jones Channel (Jun 19, 2008) 'c'YouTube.
  198. Alex Jones interviews Gavin McInnes ... and they end up punching each otherby Rojee Radio Youtube, December 16, 2018
  199. Texe Marrs and Alex Jones Talk about Israel by Floyd Anderson]. YouTube, 20 March 2019
  200. Human Freedom: It's Now or Never! | Alex Jones and Stefan Molyneux by Stefan Molyneux (Dec 14, 2013) InfoWars (YouTube).
  201. Dave Mustaine Unchained: Infowars Exclusive by The Alex Jones Channel (Mar 17, 2012) YouTube.
  202. Ralph Nader on The Alex Jones Show_9/23/08"Liars & Thieves"1/3 by The Alex Jones Channel (Sep 23, 2008) YouTube.
  203. Jones Interviews Paul Nehlan August 8 2016YouTube.
  204. Chuck Norris on The Alex Jones Show "Ron Paul was Right" 1/2 by The Alex Jones Channel (Oct 1, 2008) YouTube.
  205. Ron Paul on The Alex Jones Show 1/2" Prepare!!" by The Alex Jones Channel (Nov 5, 2008) YouTube.
  206. Dr. Rand Paul on The Alex Jones Show 1/3:Running for The 2010 Senate Seat by The Alex Jones Channel (May 21, 2009) YouTube.
  207. Alt-Right 'PizzaGate Expert' Starts GoFundMe for Her Podcast, Internet Revolts by John Bonazzo (01/30/17 2:17pm) The Observer.
  208. Authors Risk Career Publicly Supporting Trump: Political views frowned upon in liberally biased writing community (October 14, 2016) InfoWars.
  209. Twitter Purge of "Alt Right": Censorship of alternative media ramping up as Trump prepares to take office (November 17, 2016) InfoWars.
  210. Lew Rockwell on Alex Jones Tv 1/3:Obama's Puppet Masters Have Been Busy by The Alex Jones Channel (Jun 12, 2009) YouTube.
  211. Dave Rubin Joins Infowars LIVE To Talk About The Cult Of The Left
  212. Luke Rudkowski Alex Jones Show Part 1 by truth911today (Sep 25, 2011) InfoWars (YouTube).
  213. Immortal Technique Interview
  214. Liberal Professor Speaks Out Against SJW's And PC Culture by The Alex Jones Channel (Mar 7, 2016) YouTube.
  215. [Alex Jones interviews Charlie Sheen on September 11 - Part 1] by Moonhunter19 (Jan 26, 2009) InfoWars (YouTube).
  216. The Alex Jones Show 2012-09-05 Wednesday - Richard Stallman - Chris Hedges by Astonisher3 (Sep 5, 2012) InfoWars (YouTube). Chris Hedges, who is the opposite of Alex Jones on the truth scale, also is a guest on this episode.
  217. Comedian Doug Stanhope in-studio on Alex Jones Tv 1/5: The Eugenics Debate
  218. Doug Stanhope Interview - Part 2
  219. Doug Stanhope Interview - Part 3
  220. Doug Stanhope Interview - Part 4
  221. Doug Stanhope Interview - Part 5 by The Alex Jones Channel (Apr 24, 2010) YouTube.
  222. The American Citizen is The New Indian with Activist John Trudel 1/2 by The Alex Jones Channel (Dec 29, 2011) YouTube.
  223. The American Citizen is The New Indian with Activist John Trudel 2/2 by The Alex Jones Channel (Dec 29, 2011) YouTube.
  224. Alex Jones & Donald Trump Bombshell Full Interview by The Alex Jones Channel (Dec 2, 2015) YouTube.
  225. Bombshell Jesse Ventura Interview on The Alex Jones Show 1/7 by The Alex Jones Channel (Mar 12, 2010) YouTube.
  226. Alan Watt & Alex Jones: Nwo Shaping Our Culture to Their Design 1/4 by The Alex Jones Channel (Jun 2, 2011) YouTube.
  227. Libertarian Transgender Speaks Out On Liberal Persecution by The Alex Jones Channel (May 20, 2016) YouTube.
  228. Yiannopoulos And Alex Jones Discuss Current Events In Studio by OpenMindYouTube.May 15,2018
  229. Alex Jones' Mis-Infowars: 7 Bat-Sh*t Conspiracy Theories: From "false flag" attacks to man-made hurricanes, a look at the favorite talking points of the "most paranoid man in America" by Eric Killelea (February 21, 2017) Rolling Stone.