The WikiLeaks Party Announces Independent Review

admin —  August 21, 2013

– issued on behalf of WLP National Council and all WLP Federal Election Candidates

The WikiLeaks Party is today releasing, because of its commitment to transparency, the emailed instructions sent last Friday evening to Party members involved in organising the lodgement of Group Voting Tickets (‘GVTs’) for each of the states in which the Party is running candidates – New South Wales, Victoria and Western Australia. The Party is also announcing it will hold an independent review into the preference communication and GVT compilation processes. If necessary, the Party will also issue instructions to its members and supporters in the states concerned, on how to vote below the line.

At 8.16pm on Friday an email was sent to Party members setting out the National Council’s decisions on preferences, which defined the way the GVT was to be structured. That decision was as follows:

“Victoria – Greens put WLP at number 2 and WLP has Greens first of majors
and drops Shooters and FF/Christian groups below majors.

NSW – Greens preference WLP at 3, with Pirates at 2, and WLP puts Greens
above FF, Shooters and Christian Right.

WA – Greens preference WLP at 2 and WLP puts Greens first of major parties
and above Christian right and Shooters.”

* Extract from email: FW: RE: WLP NC meeting Friday 16/8/13 8.16PM

In response to concerns expressed by our supporters and members about the errors made in some GVTs, the Party, in line with its values, is commissioning an immediate independent review. The aim of the review will be to ascertain why National Council directives were not achieved.

While these directives were completely achieved in the State of Victoria, where Julian Assange, Leslie Cannold and Binoy Kampmark are standing for the Senate, this was not the case for all states.

Due to the low vote of the parties concerned, the chance that the errors could have an effect on Senate make-up is remote, even without modification.

If we are unsuccessful in having the AEC adjust the submitted preference nominations to meet the National Council’s directives, we will release a “how to vote below the line” card so all supporters and voters can follow our true preference nominations, or select their own, so any remaining errors on our GVTs will not be passed on to our voters.

The review will also examine how the Party can improve its preferences decision-making process to ensure that a similar situation is unlikely to arise in future elections.

We will release the results of this review to members and supporters immediately on its completion.

The Party unreservedly acknowledges that the errors made in GVTs have angered many supporters and members and the Party apologises for those errors.

Julian Assange says, “We are a new party, comprised of hard working people donating their time, not career politicians. However this is no excuse. We can and will do better.”


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