Open Letter to Home Secretary Sajid Javid: APPG Islamophobia Definition Threatens Civil Liberties

Open Letter to Home Secretary Sajid Javid: APPG Islamophobia Definition Threatens Civil Liberties

Addressed to the Home Secretary Sajid Javid The APPG on British Muslims’ definition of Islamophobia has now been adopted by...
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Ramadan, Woman’s Hour and No Platforming

Ramadan, Woman’s Hour and No Platforming

Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour contacted the Council of Ex Muslims of Britain (CEMB) regarding a feature they were doing about...
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5 May-4 June Send your Ramadan Stories to be posted on our social media on a daily basis to
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Ramadan Advice For Educators

Ramadan Advice For Educators

1st May 2019   Dear educational providers,   Ramadan is fast approaching, a holy month within Islam requiring Muslims to...
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Islam's Non-Believers

Made by award-winning film-maker Deeyah Khan, finds that many young British ex-Muslims live in the shadows hiding their true beliefs, running huge risks if they ‘come out’ as atheists within their religious communities.

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04jun6:00 pm8:00 pmMonthly Support Group

15jun2:00 pm5:00 pmCEMB Social - Meet & Eat

17jun12:00 pm2:00 pmProtest at Brunei Embassy to condemn stoning for homosexuality and adultery

18jun6:00 pm8:00 pm#RefugeeToo Open Mic meet Up

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Free Expression and Safe Spaces | Panel Discussion
Our lives depend on secularism, International Secularism (Laicite) Prize
Secular Jihadist - EP51: Growing Up Gay and Muslim






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