Abdullah Sameer

أَلَا يَعْلَمُ مَنْ خَلَقَ وَهُوَ اللَّطِيفُ الْخَبِيرُ Does He who created not know, while He is the Subtle, the Acquainted? (67:14)

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Why I left Islam – Core Issues

These are the main issues I found with Islam.  If you want to understand the real problems I found, start here.


Dialogues and discussions I had after leaving Islam.  Some thoughts


These are not why I left Islam.  They are reflections after leaving Islam.  Keep in mind that even if I was completely wrong about every single one of these, it would not make me come back to Islam.  As a Secular Humanist, I find these to be troubling issues we find and they seem to show that Allah is not the intelligent supreme being that sent us a beautiful wise religion but rather a 7th century invention with barbaric rules and orders that matched that early era but do not belong in today’s world.


Sometimes history is not what it seems


You can also see my published posts on Medium

Also see Why are Muslims running away?

My videos

Interview with Tania Joya

Sometimes she looked at herself in the mirror and questioned her choices. “I thought, ‘Why am I hiding myself? Why am I hiding for God?’ I missed the wind in my hair.”

I am going to be interviewing Tania Joya as she shares her story of becoming a religious Muslim, marrying a an American convert who rose to the ranks of being one of the highest members in ISIS, and how she left him and that life behind.


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