hello, last night we played at the Cabbages & Kings' house party....this is what happened. We also do functions and weddings.
Hello, this is a sneak peak into what goes on during the recording of a new Bon Scotts album. (CONTAINS BAD LANGUAGE NOT FOR KIDS)
We Like War

Stirling has released his healthy spawn upon the masses. Say hi to Eleanor Catherine. We hope to see her grooving to TBS in years to come.

Bild könnte enthalten: eine oder mehrere Personen, Personen, die schlafen und Nahaufnahme

Long time no chat. But the Bon Scotts are taking a break to have babies and travel the world. Here's us post magnanimous lunch at Rosetta Ristorante. We will see you late 2017 with more tunes to dance.

Bild könnte enthalten: 5 Personen, Personen, die lachen, Schuhe, Shorts und im Freien