Violent thugs attack speaker at Art of the Impossible book launch

This is taken up from Catallaxy: Violence at Kates’ book launch of my The Art of the Impossible which you can order here. This is how the story was conveyed.

I’ve heard reports of actual fisticuffs at Steve Kates’ book launch. Andrew Bolt was attacked by left-wing thugs. Word is that Andrew fought off his attackers, and has it on tape – expect to see an awesome Bolt Report tonight.

Update: From Andrew’s blog

… masked Left-wing protesters attack me outside a Melbourne book launch. Police are now looking for a Left-wing fascist with a big bruise on his face and another between his legs. They also want to speak to a tubbier protester once he’s stopped running. We’ll show the video tonight.

STEVE NOW ADDS: You hear that Andrew has been attacked and you fear only the worst but while this time they went off worse for wear, it is a true worry that this is our world now. We are people for whom words, argument and reason are what counts, but for the psychopaths on the other side they have nothing to offer but vacuous cliches and violence.

The afternoon, in spite of its start, was fascinating and I enjoyed hearing Andrew’s views on Trump and the massive problems we face. We are in a war, but it is our own modern Thirty Years War which no one today can be certain of its outcome. As for my book, we sold out every copy. But let me just mention this which is a comment from the earlier post advertising the launch:

It’s everything you say it is. I enjoyed it immensely. Good luck with the launch.

So thank you to Mique who has become the first person to have actually read and then comment on the book.

Every day provides an additional example on why we are fortunate Trump is president and how bad things could get without him.

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