
One Nation, Greens set for millions in federal election windfall but Clive Palmer's party misses out

Updated May 21, 2019 13:46:22

Clive Palmer's United Australia Party spent tens of millions of dollars on the election, but voters mostly overlooked the upstart political party, meaning it will recoup just a fraction in public election funding.

Key points:

  • Political parties are set to receive tens of millions in taxpayers' dollars after the election
  • Pauline Hanson's One Nation is set for funding boost
  • Clive Palmer's United Australia Party missed key funding thresholds

Instead, millions will flow to the major parties, the Greens and One Nation.

Pauline Hanson's party looks to be eligible for close to $3 million based on initial calculations — an increase of more than a third when compared to 2016 — as a result of running more candidates in Lower House seats.

The Greens' strong performance in the Senate is set to secure around $9 million, around a quarter more than last campaign.

Advertising funding

Under public election funding laws, parties and candidates that receive more than 4 per cent of votes in a House of Representatives or Senate race are eligible for funding.

The amount is calculated at the rate of $2.76 per vote, rising with inflation each year, but amounts of funding also increase due to population growth.

The major parties receive the bulk of funding — $33 million for Coalition parties this election and $27 million for Labor.

One Nation and the Greens were the major movers in 2019, increasing their share of funding considerably.

One Nation increased the number of candidates it ran in the Lower House from 15 to 59, and 46 of those are set to reach the 4 per cent funding threshold.

The Greens increased their support in every Senate race except in the NT.

Centre Alliance and Derryn Hinch's Justice Party suffered significant funding reductions.

Prominent independents will also receive funding.

Despite losing, Kerryn Phelps will be eligible for around $90,000 and Rob Oakeshott $80,000.

UAP's modest return

The United Australia Party looks likely to secure around $640,000, but failed to meet the funding threshold in every Senate race except the Northern Territory.

Based on current counting, it will fall less than 1 percentage point short in Queensland, which could have delivered a windfall of more than $300,000.

Following the election, Mr Palmer rejected the notion his campaign had been a failure after it was estimated his party spent $50 million in advertising.

"Scott Morrison has been returned as Prime Minister and he's only done so because of the 3.5 per cent vote of United Australia Party," he said.

"That 3.5 per cent gives you a 7 per cent margin in play and that's been the difference.

"Our Shifty Shorten ads across Australia … I think have been very successful in shifting the Labor vote."

Under new rules brought in for this election, parties will only receive as much funding as they spent on the campaign up to the amount for which they are eligible.

They will need to provide evidence of electoral spending and the ABC understands the Australian Electoral Commission is preparing for possible disputes.

The system of public funding was introduced in 1984 so that parties did not have to rely exclusively on donations.

But some experts argue it is not working and parties are still too reliant on private money.

Party by party

Party2019 estimateIncrease from 2016
One Nation$3,033,400$1,288,000
United Australia Party$656,100$656,100
Katter's Australian Party$197,700$38,400
Centre Alliance$131,500-$1,113,800
Shooters, Fishers and Farmers$89,800$72,000
Jacquie Lambie Network$85,900$11,900
Christian Democratic Party$84,900-$204,100
Liberal Democrats$63,900$14,700
Victorian Socialists$41,800$41,800
Reason Australia$15,600$9,100
Derryn Hinch's Justice Party$14,400-$566,800
Animal Justice Party$12,300-$22,200
Australia First Party$12,300$12,300


Note: Funding estimates are based on vote counts as of May 20.

Topics: government-and-politics, minor-parties, greens, liberals, alp, political-parties, federal-elections, australia, vic, tas, sa, qld, nt, wa, nsw, act

First posted May 21, 2019 11:54:56