Rodney Culleton quits One Nation citing 'un-Australian behaviour'

Move comes after months of instability and disagreement with Pauline Hanson, who said he was ‘not a team player’

'A pain in my backside': Pauline Hanson on Culleton's resignation

Senator Rodney Culleton has quit One Nation, citing “personal attacks and un-Australian behaviour” towards him by the One Nation team and the party’s policy-making on the run.

In a statement released late on Sunday night, Culleton said he would continue to represent Western Australia “independently of One Nation” but leaving open the possibility of joining another party.

He said the One Nation leader Pauline Hanson’s public criticism of him had been accompanied by demands for his resignation and control over his diary and office by Hanson and her chief of staff, James Ashby.

Hanson told Channel Seven’s Sunrise that Culleton had failed to attend party room meetings and was quitting because One Nation refused to pay his legal bills in the high court and bankruptcy proceedings.

“Rod Culleton is a pain in my backside. I am glad to see the back of him,” Hanson said, confirming she had told him she wanted him to resign, but only after he had asked her.

Culleton’s resignation caps off months of instability in which Hanson agreed to the Senate referral of his eligibility to the high court, Culleton split from his colleagues on the backpacker tax and Hanson said One Nation couldn’t work with Culleton because he was not a team player.

He had previously said that he would serve his term with One Nation, and that he “wouldn’t want to be a rat” and would only leave the party if forced out.

The lower house MP Bob Katter has consistently supported Culleton, including attending both of his high court appearances, and has left the door open to take him on board Katter’s Australia party if One Nation “ratted” on him.

In the statement, Culleton said policy decisions had been “run in morning media, with no consultation, discussion or agreement from the party room”.

“Personal attacks and undermining, un-Australian behaviour towards myself and my team, [have] been ongoing and terms dictated to the team.”

Culleton did not regularly attend One Nation party-room meetings, citing other business and preparation for his high court case, and at times was unaware of policy changes including the party’s willingness to accept a backpacker tax of 15%.

He said the backpacker tax was a “case in point” of lack of consultation because the 15% compromise, first reported by Guardian Australia, was “dictated” to him despite his clear intent to match New Zealand’s level of 10.5%.

Hanson said it was “completely incorrect” that there had been no consultation on policy. Describing the party’s daily meetings, she said staffers and parliamentarians discussed upcoming legislation and “we are briefed on which way we’re going to go on that legislation”.

Culleton said he had been “consistently committed” to One Nation policies, including supporting the Australian bid for Kidman station. Hanson backed the successful Gina Rinehart Shanghai CRED joint venture.

“I can no longer tolerate the lack of party support for my positive initiatives, including the recent abandonment of One Nation’s pre-election commitment to a banking royal commission,” he said.

Hanson announced she had negotiated with the government for a Senate inquiry to include banks’ repossession of agricultural land due to loan defaults, a key plank of Culleton’s mooted royal commission. She said she had negotiated the inquiry to help farmers now and “further down the track” would get a full royal commission. She accused Culleton of “bullying the prime minister” by being “demanding” and “over the top” in a meeting about the banking sector.

Culleton criticised Hanson, Malcolm Roberts and Brian Burston for not backing a successful Senate motion calling for more evidence relating to the referral of his eligibility to the high court.

Pauline Hanson says she can’t work with One Nation’s Rod Culleton

The senator, who had been convicted of larceny in his absence at the time of the election but the conviction was later annulled, said One Nation had approved the referral “without evidence”.

He said when Hanson recruited him, she promised One Nation would be different to the major parties, and allow its members to vote on conscience. “One Nation promised to be different but in practice has failed to deliver on this and many other fronts.”

Culleton said he remained committed to represent his constituents to the best of his ability, and would deliver the “best outcome for Australians”.

“In supporting One Nation policy, I would have thought it reasonable to expect some measure of support or at the very least, some discretion and respect from the party leader and my party colleagues – there has been none,” he concluded.

Hanson said she had no say over Culleton’s replacement. In an earlier interview she had noted that if the high court found him ineligible, a recount election could result in his brother-in-law winning the seat, which would mean the party would be on “the same merry-go-round”.

On Monday Hanson apologised to voters for choosing Culleton. “It is a shame this has happened,” she said. “I am sorry to the people. I did not expect him to be this type of man.”