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William Bowe

Editor of The Poll Bludger

William Bowe — Editor of The Poll Bludger

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, is one of the most heavily trafficked forums for online discussion of Australian politics, and joined the Crikey stable in 2008.

The growing importance of Chinese-Australian voters

The growing importance of Chinese-Australian voters

The Chinese-Australian community has significant influence in several key seats.

Palmer's preference deal with the Libs is important for two reasons

Palmer's preference deal with the Libs is important for two reasons

Certainly the deal is of use to Palmer in his bid for a Queensland Senate seat. But that's not all.

Warringah polling shows that it's lonely being Tony

Warringah polling shows that it's lonely being Tony

Abbott is going full local candidate this time because he's facing a genuine challenger — and the early polling was terrible for him.    

The right's fragmentation problem is causing cracks

The right's fragmentation problem is causing cracks

Divided votes and increased competition — David Leyonhjelm's recent failure may be a bellwether for things to come on May 18.

The smart money points to a Labor win, but Libs retain some hope

The smart money points to a Labor win, but Libs retain some hope

To get into a position where it is even able to cling to minority government, the Coalition will need to hack a path through seats currently held by Labor.

With the NSW election results now in, what comes next?

With the NSW election results now in, what comes next?

Stagnating votes, plot twists, and dogs that failed to bark — an analysis of the weekend's election results.

A hung parliament is a very real possibility for NSW

A hung parliament is a very real possibility for NSW

The only other likely outcome is an outright Coalition win, despite the problems Gladys Berejiklian has in regional areas.

Forget the leadership rumours, the Nationals have to get through NSW first

Forget the leadership rumours, the Nationals have to get through NSW first

As federal Nationals whisper of a pre-election leadership spill, the NSW branch has its own share of problems in the imminent state election.

The Liberals' women problem strikes again in WA

The Liberals' women problem strikes again in WA

A recent preselection in the WA seat of Stirling has cost the Liberals an opportunity to persuade women in Perth that they should keep faith with the party.

No, this isn't Morrison's 'Tampa moment'

No, this isn't Morrison's 'Tampa moment'

It's going to take a lot more than the goings-on of the "Canberra bubble" to transform the medivac loss to the Coalition's advantage come election time.