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Deborah Neale

Tips and rumours

Tips and rumours

Parliamentarian's book choices revealed ... Shorten joins the commercial radio cringe festival ... Scott Ryan is back ...

Are we the bad guys? Australia's ruthless past with East Timor

Are we the bad guys? Australia's ruthless past with East Timor

In her new book Crossing the Line Kim McGrath exposes Australia's brutal opportunism towards East Timor, and the atrocities we were willing to condone to serve our national interest.

What Business Insider's rambling hatchet job gets wrong about my work on copyright

What Business Insider's rambling hatchet job gets wrong about my work on copyright

A recent piece in Business Insider insults Rebecca Giblin's academic integrity. Here is where it goes so horribly wrong.

Our politicians and media are in denial about the cause of terrorism

Our politicians and media are in denial about the cause of terrorism

Our media never stops to ask how all of this terrorism started in the first place. The overwhelming evidence is clear: the invasion of Iraq in 2003, writes former head of Prime Minister and Cabinet John Menadue.

LEAKED: Qantas responds to Margaret Court's gay marriage-related boycott

LEAKED: Qantas responds to Margaret Court's gay marriage-related boycott

Qantas is prepared to go to great lengths to appease Court.

Liberals in crisis -- from ascendancy to chaos in four years

Liberals in crisis -- from ascendancy to chaos in four years

In 2013, the Liberal Party dominated Australian politics. Now it is in disarray, riven by factions, struggling to fend off a resurgent Labor, and vexed by One Nation. Bernard Keane and Josh Taylor examine where it went wrong.

Tips and rumours

Tips and rumours

Dr John Howard? ... Oz truants ... Aunty's EBA row ...

Quite the sense of self, Barnaby

Quite the sense of self, Barnaby

Don't forget he is Deputy PM.

Witness K gets international recognition

Witness K gets international recognition

It’s one of the more disgraceful, and criminally underreported, examples of the current government’s war on whistleblowers (and one entirely supported by Labor): the harassment of Witness K, the former ASIS agent who revealed ASIS’ illegal bugging of the East Timorese government in 2004 for the benefit of Australian resources companies. Later today, Witness K’s […]