Hi, we’re Oath.

Oath is home to the sites and apps you know and love, like HuffPost, Tumblr, Yahoo Mail, TechCrunch, and many more.

Our stories and services connect with 1 billion people around the world every day.

Our technologies make sure you have experiences that reflect your passions, interests, and goals.

So you feel like one in a billion.

Getting to know you

When you scroll and swipe across our sites and apps, we start learning what you like and get better at showing you more relevant stories, videos, and ads.

We also remember you when you return to our sites and apps, so you don't need to log in every time.

We achieve this using cookies and other tech with less fun names.

Data done right

We use data to improve your experiences across our sites and apps.

It helps us bring you the stories you want to see, deliver agreed-upon services like email, carry out necessary business operations, and more.

We conduct these operations in accordance with the latest data protection laws.

It takes a team

It takes teamwork to bring you the best experiences with our brands.

We may provide information to our parent company Verizon, our partners, and other parties for product improvements, research and analysis, and to help them provide you more relevant experiences and ads.

Take the controls

Your privacy is as important to us as it is to you.

That's why we give you controls.

You can see and manage your account information, marketing preferences, location data, search history, and more.

Your security

Protecting your data is our priority.

Our global security unit operates across our company, with a mission to monitor, detect, and investigate.

We also strive to build privacy and security directly into the products we create to provide you with better performance and protection.

Meet Oath

We’re the media and technology company that connects with 1 billion people around the world through sites and apps like Yahoo, AOL, HuffPost, Tumblr, TechCrunch, Engadget and more.

Getting to know you

Every day, Oath’s sites and apps are building millions of stories and features. We want to make sure you’re seeing the ones most connected to your interests. That starts with data. We collect and rely on data from a variety of sources, such as information you provide to us, information from your devices, information from cookies and other technologies, information from other parties, and more.

A full description of the information we collect and rely on can be found in our Privacy Policy.

Data done right

How we use data

We use information we collect to do a variety of things that we believe ultimately helps us provide better user experiences and products . If you want the exhaustive list, you can read it here in our Privacy Policy. Here are some examples though of how we use data: to personalize ads, to conduct research that supports product innovation, to deliver content, to provide reporting for internal and external clients, to defend against fraud and abuse and more. We encourage you to check out our Privacy Policy.

How advertising works

All the great stories you read, videos you watch, and services you use across Oath’s house of brands are brought to you by advertising. Data helps us do things like show you ads that are relevant to you and contact you with marketing.  We use our technologies to sell and match ads and deliver them to you across your devices and on our properties as well as on sites and apps outside of our company. We also help advertisers and publishers connect to offer relevant advertising in their apps and websites.  

For a more complete explanation of how advertising works, please visit our Privacy Policy.

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 To learn more about how we use your data, check out our Privacy Policy.

It takes a team

Playing well together requires sharing information with our teammates consistent with our Privacy Policy.

This team can include:

  • Our parent company Verizon, and other Oath companies and affiliate brands
  • Trusted partners who work on behalf of Oath and under our directions
  • Publishers, advertisers, and other companies

Take the controls

Think of data as a set of tools. We use them to build the best possible site and app experiences, but you have the controls. You can visit our Privacy Center at any time to review and manage your data.

Your security

We know security is important to you. Oath has technical, administrative and physical safeguards in place to help protect against unauthorized access, use or disclosure of customer information we collect or store.