Melony Attwood made distressed triple-0 call over murder with Aryan Nations boyfriend

Updated March 15, 2018 22:26:49

Walking into your home to discover your partner and father of your young son beaten to death and lying in a pool of blood would be an experience too horrific for most to even imagine.

So the distress Melony Attwood expressed in a call she made to triple-0, on April 22, 2016 hardly seems surprising — but what is disturbing, is the fact it was all an act.

She knew who had murdered her partner Alan Taylor, because she was the one who had planned it, in a plot to get her hands on his life insurance.

Earlier this week, Attwood was found guilty of Mr Taylor's murder. She faces a possible life jail term and will learn her fate in May when she is sentenced with her lover Robert Edhouse.

A recording of the triple-0 call was released by WA's Supreme Court on Thursday.

Excerpt from Attwood's triple-0 call

Attwood: Alan? Oh my God, there's blood everywhere (crying).

Operator: Blood? Did you say there's blood everywhere?

Attwood: Yes. (crying) Oh my God (crying). He's on the floor. Alan? Alan?

Operator: You need to take a few breaths so I can understand what you're saying.

Attwood: There's blood all over the bedroom, and he's on the floor.

Operator: Who's on the floor?

Attwood: Alan.

Operator: Is he breathing?

Attwood: I don't know. Alan?

The court has previously heard Attwood had been in a relationship with fly-in fly-out worker Mr Taylor, 42, for about nine years, but by April 2016, the then 35-year-old had "tired" of him.

She was in a new relationship with Edhouse — the president of white supremacist group Aryan Nations — who was 16 years her junior and living with her at Mr Taylor's Girrawheen home.

According to state prosecutor Justin Whalley, the pair came up with a plan to kill Mr Taylor, even discussing ways it could be done, such as pushing him off a balcony, or giving him a "hotshot" of drugs.

In the end he was bashed with a hammer as he lay in his bed, the day after arriving home from shift on the mines.

Edhouse carried out the attack with the help of two Aryan Nations associates, who Mr Whalley said were "roped-in" to the murder plot to form what he called "a death squad" to execute the plan.

Attwood appears not to have taken part in the actual murder. Her role it seems, was to turn up the music of German heavy metal band, Rammstein, to "drown out the sounds" of what was happening, before scattering items around the house to make it look like there had been a burglary.

After the murder, Attwood, Edhouse and the two young associates went to see the movie The Jungle Book to try to create alibis.

They later went to an apartment in Maylands, where according to the young woman who lived there, they laughed and joked about what they had done, and Attwood boasted about getting a lot of money from Mr Taylor's life insurance.

Attwood returned to the Girrawheen house later in the afternoon, and after "seeing" the damaged door, made her call to triple-0 saying she believed someone had broken-in.

She told the operator the house had been trashed and pretended to break down in tears as she described seeing blood everywhere and Mr Taylor lying on the floor.

When the operator asked her if she thought he had caused the injuries to himself, she replied through sobs she did not think he had.

Lies and denial continued

In her interview with police, Attwood maintained her stance of denial, telling detectives she had no idea about how Mr Taylor came to be killed.

She pleaded not guilty to a murder charge and, along with Edhouse and one of the associates, Corey Dymock, 21, stood trial over four weeks in WA's Supreme Court.

She did not give evidence, but Edhouse did, claiming the murder was committed by the fourth associate, because he was angry Mr Taylor did not want him staying at the Girrawheen home.

That associate, whose identity is suppressed, pleaded guilty to a murder charge, and received a reduced sentence in return for testifying at the trial.

The jury deliberated for almost four days, before finding Attwood and Edhouse guilty of murder, while Dymock was convicted of the lesser offence of being an accessory to the crime.

All three were remanded in custody and will be sentenced in May.

Topics: courts-and-trials, murder-and-manslaughter, perth-6000

First posted March 15, 2018 21:02:47