Homemade rosemary oil

Rosemary it`s know for its many health benefits.

  • Rosemary Oil Benefits Hair Growth. When applied over the scalp rosemary essential oil helps stimulate hair growth , since it improves scalp health. …
  • Rosemary Improves Memory.
  • Liver Detoxification and Gallbladder Function. …
  • Rosemary Lowers Cortisol.
  • Immunity boosting
  • Stomach soother
  • Anti inflammatory
  • Pain releiver
  • Antibacterial
  • Detoxyfying
  • Anti ageing effects on skin
  • Blood flow stimulant

Preparation of rosemary oil is pretty easy.When using fresh rosemary , just use a handful of fresh rosemary (you can include its flower too , because it has a lot of anti bacterial components ), wash them and make sure they are dry before using.Fill the glass container with virgin olive oil afterwards.Store it in a dark place for 2 weeks.


Categories: dyi, healthy | Leave a comment

Autumn still life

IMG_9662 IMG_9663 IMG_9665

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Home made fettuccine with vegetables

Home made fettuccine with spinach,carrots and beetroots
Jufka (petarishte) shtepie me spinaq,karrota dhe panxhar



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Kumquats in my balcony ;)


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Sea fruit soup – Supe me fruta deti

iceland-vienna-ams-alb 374


(serves 6 )

  • 2 tablespoons of  butter
  • 1   onion, diced finely
  • 3 celery stalks, sliced finely
  • 1 carrot, diced finely
  • 1 tomato diced finely
  • 150 ml  white wine
  • 1/2 kg ,  potatoes diced finely
  • 1.5 lt chicken stock
  • 500 gr salmon
  • 500 gr shrimps
  • 100 ml cream
  • sour cream to be added on top
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Melt the butter first and put the vegetables to be sauteed for some minutes.Add the white wine and let it for some minutes this way on medium heat.Add the stock and potatoes and let it simmer for some time.Afterwards add the  fish,shrimp and tomatoes and let it simmer for some more minutes.Turn off the heat and add the cream and salt and pepper.Serve it with sour cream if you wish:)

Bon appétit:)


iceland-vienna-ams-alb 376


(per 6 persona )

2 luge gjelle   gjalpe
1 qepe e prere ne forme kubash te vegjel
3 kercenj selinoje , te prera holle
1 karrote e prere ne forme kubash te vegjel
1 domate e prere ne forme kubash te vegjel
150 ml vere e bardhe
1/2 kg , patate te prera ne forme kubash te vegjel
1.5 lt leng mishi pule
500 gr salmon
500 gr karkaleca
100 ml pana
shtalp qe te serviret siper supes
Kripe dhe piper

Shkrini gjalpin dhe lerini perimet (qepen,selinon,karroten)  te skuqen per disa minuta.Shtoni veren e bardhe dhe lijeni keshtu per disa minuta ne zjarr te mesem.Me tej shtoni lengun e mishit te pules dhe patatet dhe lijini per disa minuta te zihen.Me tej shtoni dhe salmonin,karkalecat dhe domatet dhe lijini te zihen dhe per ca minuta.Kur te jete gati fikeni soben dhe shtojini kripe,piper dhe panen siper .Kur ta servirni sipas deshires mund ti vini shtalp siper supes.

Ju befte mire:)

Categories: fish, food, photography, recipes-in-english, scandinavian cuisine, soup | Leave a comment

Nuits et Noirs Magazine Nr. 1

my work included too. download the 4th part to see it.[i`m #29]
also check out the link below for more info;)
it`s cool to be part of this cool zine among artists from different places of the world;)

Nuits et Noirs magazine

NN 00 70

The magazine is designed for viewing as a PDF magazine on the computerscreen.

( not designed for printing )


It consists of 4 parts.

One can see it as a groupexhibition in four halls.

Each hall is structured according to a specific poetic logic.


Curated by RAW FORMS, Nuits et Noirs is a free magazine that iscomposed ofcontributions by contacts on social media as Facebook ; Tumblr ; Flickr.


For the first issue there are 35 contributions – from:

FranceU.K., U.S.A., Italy, The Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Germany, Australia, Hungary, Norway, Albani, Brazil, Argentina, Canada, Romania, Greece, Austria, Japan


All worksarethe property of thecreators.

All creators are mentioned in the PDF files, as well in the list below.

No use of any material is allowed.


View original post 630 more words

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happy Saint Valentines from Yummania:)








here you may find : recipe for hashure

Categories: desert, food, photography, recipes-in-english, turkish cuisine | Leave a comment

Hasselback Potatoes / Patate Hasselback


Hasselback potatoes or as i or many others would call accordion potatoes are a kind of baked potato dish. Their name is derived from the restaurant where they were first introduced in the 1940s, Hasselbacken in Stockholm, Sweden which opened in that city in 1748 and where they are called hasselbackspotatis.


Ingredients :
8 large potatoes
4 tbsp butter, cut into small cubes
some rosemary leaves for making it spicy
black or red pepper

Rinse and scrub the potatoes well because their skin won`t be peeled.
Boil them in salted water for about 20 minutes. This step is optional to shorten the time of their baking in the oven as well as to make sure their skin is very clean.But it`s up to you anyways.

Cut across the potatoes in thin slices as seen on the pics, but make sure not to cut them all the way.
Lay the potatoes on a baking sheet. Fill them equally with the butter cubes and some rosemary leaves .Sprinkle the salt and pepper.
You can pour some olive oil over them to make them more crispy.
Bake them in a pre-heated oven at 200°C until they are ready.

Bon Appétit !


Patatet Hasselblack jane nje menyre gatimi i patateve duke i pjekur ato.Ato u serviren per here te pare rreth viteve `40.Kete emer e kane marre nga restoranti i hapur ne vitin 1748 ne Stokholm, Suedi , qe quhej Hasselblacken .Edhe patatet e gatuara kesisoj u quajten hasselbackspotatis.


Perberesit :

8 patate te medha
4 luge gjelle gjalpe
nje sasi gjethesh rozmarine
piper i kuq ose i zi


Shpelajini dhe ferkojini patate mire perpara pasi do te perdoren e gjithe lekure.Zijini per rreth 20 minuta ne tenxhere.Kete hap mund ta injoroni nese deshironi , por jua keshilloj qe te siguroheni qe patatet jane lare shume mire dhe per te shkurtuar kohen e pjekjes.
Me tej merrini dhe pritini patatet sic e shihni ne fotot e patatet e pjekura ,por beni kujdes mos ta prisni deri ne fund.Vendosini ne tepsi.
Mbushini zonat e prera me gjalpin dhe disa gjethe rozmarine .Hidhini siper kripe dhe piperin.Pastaj hidhini pak vaj ulliri siper per ti bere lekurat me kerce dhe vijini te piqen ne 200°C deri sa te jene gati.

Ju befte mire!


Categories: eni turkeshi imagery, food, photography, recipes-in-english, scandinavian cuisine, veggie, yummania | Leave a comment

Celery & beetroot soup / Supe me selino & panxhar


This time i`ll share with you a nice, healthy soup , done using some lovely autumn veggies , such as beetroot & celery:)
I find them both very photogenic :)Especially beetroot with its perfect color:)

Ingredients for this soup :

3 normal size beetroots
1 celery (with 4-5 stems)
1 big onion
2 fresh onions
some balsamic vinegar
1 lemon`s juice
olive oil
one chicken broth or you might use water from boiled chicken as well


Preparation :

Peel and chop the onion, celery and beets .Let the onion and the celery be fried for a short while using the olive oil.Spice with salt & pepper.
Afterwards add the beets , chicken broth and the balsamic vinegar.Add some water too, but not too much.[note: you don`t have to add more water if you`re using water from the boiled chicken already].
Let them be cooked.When all the veggies are smooth , puree the whole thing.
Let it get cold , and give a chance to the flavors to mix.
When serving you might add some lemon juice , some cut fresh onions and yogurt for more enhanced taste.

Bon Appétit !




3 panxhare te mesem
1 selino (me 4-5 kercej brenda)
1 qepe e madhe
2 qepe te fresketa
pak uthull balsamike
lengu i nje limoni
vaj ulliri
nje buljon pule ose leng nga mishi i zier i pules


Qeroni dhe prisni ne copa te vogla qepen, selinon dhe panxharin.
Lijeni te skuqen pak qepa dhe selino duke i shtuar dhe kripen e piperin.Me tej shtoni dhe panxharin , buljonin ose lengun e pules dhe uthullen balsamike.(nese perdorni leng pule nuk ka nevoje te shtoni me uje, nese jo shtoni pak uje ne supe).Lijeni te zihen dhe pasi te zbuten te gjitha perimet , perdorni mikserin per ta kthyer ne forme pureje.
Lijeni disa ore sa te ftohet dhe aromat e saj te perpunohen e perhapen.

Pra servirjes mund ti hidhni siper dhe leng limoni , qepet e fresketa dhe pak kos.

Ju befte mire!


Categories: food, healthy, photography, soup, spices, veggie | Leave a comment

Autumn breakfasts – Mengjese vjeshte


Welcoming autumn , my top favorite season and its poetic breakfasts 🙂





Categories: breakfast, eni turkeshi imagery, photography, yummania | Leave a comment

Beautiful kitchens – volume I


Starting from today, time after time I`ll also share here photos of kitchens or eating places i loved 🙂
The very first time will be about the kitchen of the beautiful Nissim_de_Camondo museum.

This family well known for their contribution and love to arts and culture , had already impressed me before with the beautiful stairs , which were frequently visited by me during my long stay in Istanbul;)




I had a very short time left in Paris , so I had to be super quick in seeing the whole museum and taking pics 🙂
I hope you`ll enjoy the kitchen`s pics as much as i enjoyed being there:)











Categories: cultures, eni turkeshi imagery, food, kitchen, nissim de camondo, photography, places, travel | 2 Comments

Home made goodies

Aloe Vera, Rosemary, Peppers ,Basil , Strawberries .
That`s up to now.What about you? Are you cultivating any organic plant/veggie/fruit in your garden/balcony?:)










Categories: eni turkeshi imagery, healthy, home made, life style, mediterranean, photography, recipes-in-english, yummania | 2 Comments

Apple cake & camomile :)


I love the spring mood . With all the fragrances, colors,lights,sun, rain…
It`s like it keeps you inspired all the time .
Profiting from this amazing blooming time, me & mom decided to get some fresh camomile herb and dry it in order to make some camomile tea in the days to come. We`re only having cold tea lately , it`s really cool:)





Besides , an apple pie was made .
The beautiful roses surrounding us , made everything look so much better.
Here`s the apple cake recipe :

3 cups flour
1 cup sugar
1 tablespoon baking soda
3 eggs
1 cup sunflower oil
1 tablespoon vanilla
1 tablespoon cinnamon
5 tablespoons of cacao
5 apples
250 gr chopped walnuts

Mix the flour, sugar,cacao , cinnamon , soda and salt in a bowl . In another bowl mix the eggs, oil, vanilla. Add the apples and nuts and mix . Afterwards add the mixture to dry ingredients and mix them together.
Bake at 180°C until ready.

Bon Appétit !


Categories: desert, food, photography, recipes-in-english, tea time, yummania | 4 Comments

cold linden tea / caj i ftohte bliri

cold linden tea / caj i ftohte bliri

it already feels like summer in Albania.
in such days, one of the things i enjoy best is cold linden tea.i love its smell and lovely red color.
in Tirana we are quite lucky actually, cause you might smell this wonderful fragrance in many streets of the city:)

enjoy some cold linden tea in case you`re experiencing an early summer in your country too 🙂

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Baked salmon with veggies / Salmon i pjekur me perime


I love salmon and always try to cook it differently.This time it came out really nice and piquant, just the way i like it:)
For this super easy and yummy recipe you`ll need :

For 2 persons:

2 salmon fillets
4-5 peppers in different color (only one color would do as well , but i do love colors :- )
2 tomatoes
some tomato sauce (i used a ready made one ,which had basil included)
2 carrots
5 cloves of garlic
some laurel leaves
black pepper
freshly squeezed lemon juice
olive oil

Chop the veggies (pepper,tomatoes,carrots) finely and fry them shortly using olive oil on a pan altogether with the garlic.In the end you may add the tomato sauce,laurel, black pepper and salt over the mixture.Cook them shortly altogether.
Meanwhile ,spray the lemon juice over the salmon fillets.
Afterwards you can put the mixture and the salmon fillets to be baked in a preheated oven under 150 ° until they are ready.

Bon Appétit !

Shqip :

Tave me salmon dhe perime

Me pelqen shume salmoni dhe perpiqem shpesh here ta gatuaj ne menyra te ndryshme.Kete here doli shume e mire dhe pikante ashtu sic me pelqen mua:)

Per kete recete shume te lehte e te shijshme per dy persona do t`ju duhen:

2 fileta salmoni
4-5 speca shumengjyresh (edhe vetem speca njegjyreshe mund te perdorni, nuk eshte e thene, mua me pelqejne ngjyrat kjo eshte arsyeja:)
2 domate
salce domateje (ajo qe perdora une ishte e perzier me borzilok)
2 karrota
5 thelbinj hudhrash
gjethe dafine
piper i zi
leng limoni i fresket
vaj ulliri

Pritini perimet (specat,karrotat, domatet) holle dhe jepini nje kaverdisje te shkurter me vaj ulliri se bashku me hudhrat.Me tej shtojini dhe salcen e domateve, kripen e piperin e zi e gjthet e dafines dhe perzijini dhe pak.
Ne anen tjeter hidheni lengun e fresket te limonit mbi filetat e salmonit.
Me tej vijeni miksturen qe pergatitet me lart se bashku me filetat e salmoni ne nje tepsi dhe lijeni te piqet ne temperaturen 150 ° sa te jene gati.

Ju befte mire!

Categories: fish, food, healthy, photography, recipes-in-english, veggie | 4 Comments

Strawberry & cocoa ice cream /Akullore me luleshtrydhe dhe kakao


To prepare this yummy ice -cream, I used.
500 gr of heavy cream
3 tablespoons of cocoa powder
200 gr dark chocolate
250 ml milk
6 tablespoons of honey
one pinch of salt
5 egg yolks
200 gr of strawberries
a pinch of chopped pistachio
100 gr of vanilla

Whisk the heavy cream and cocoa powder together until the cocoa is dissolved.Put them in a saucepan and heat them for a while , while continuously whisking them.Drop the finely chopped dark chocolate over the saucepan and keep on whisking.Remove it from the heat. Put the homogenous ice cream base in a bowl .

Afterwards mix together the milk, honey,the pinch of salt, in a saucepan under a medium temperature.On the other side whisk the egg yolks in a bowl.Add some part of the milk mixture over the bowl where the egg yolks are found, whisking them all continuously. In the end , add this to the pan where the rest of the milk mixture is being heated.Keep on stirring them all under a medium heat , until it gets thickened. Once ready add this mixture to the firstly prepared cacao mixture ,altogether with the vanilla, chopped pistachio and finely chopped strawberries.Mix them together and let them in the fridge to get frozen.
Serve it with some more strawberries 🙂
Bon Appétit:)

Albanian – Shqip :

500 g krem
3 lugë kakao pluhur
200 g çokollatë me perqindje te larte kakao
250 ml qumësht
6 lugë mjaltë
pak kripe
5 te verdha veze
200 g luleshtrydhe
pak fëstëk i shtypur
100 g vanilje

Perzini se bashku kremin me pluhurin e kakaos deri sa kakao te tretet ne krem.Hidhini ne nje tenxhere dhe perzijini nen nje temperature te mesme , duke i rrahur vazhdimisht me nje luge.Me tej shtojini siper dhe cokollaten e erret te copetuar holle dhe perzijini dhe nje cope kohe se bashku.Hiqeni tenxheren nga zjarri dhe permbajtjen qe perfituat hidheni ne nje tas.

Ne nje tenxhere tjeter perzini se bashku qumeshtin, kripen, mjaltin se bashku nen nje tem[erature te mesme.Ne nje tas rrihini te verdhat e vezeve se bashku.Hidhni ne kete tas pak nga mikstura e qumeshtit dhe perzijini mire.Me tutje hidheni kete te fundit ne tenxheren ku eshte pjesa tjeter e mikstures me qumesht e perzijini mire deri sa te ndjeni qe do te trashet.Me tutje hidheni kete miksture te fundit , mbi miksturen e pare me kakao dhe shtojini siper vaniljen, fëstëkun e shtypur dhe luleshtrydhet e prera ne copa te vogla.Perzijini te gjitha se bashku dhe me tej lijeni tasin ne akull qe te ngrihet masa.Akullorja eshte gati.Servireni ate me disa luleshtrydhe me shume 🙂

Ju befte mire !

Categories: desert, food, fruit, photography, recipes-in-english | 4 Comments

Keep it fruity & healthy :)








check here for more fruit goodness 😉

Categories: fruit, healthy, photography, recipes-in-english | Leave a comment

Broccoli & Cauliflower Balls/ Qofte me brokoli dhe lulelaker


Tired of less healthy, fried meat-balls?
Try some vegetable balls then;)
This one is one of my favorites.Easy to prepare and much healthier:)

Ingredients used ;

1 bunch of broccoli
1 bunch of cauliflower
1 bunch of fresh dill
1 bunch of fresh parsley
2 eggs
1 spoon of flour
200 gr of curd
black pepper

Steam cook the broccoli and cauliflower.Chop and mix them altogether with dill and parsley in a mixer.Mix them with the 2 eggs ,flour, pepper & salt afterwards.
You may fry them, but i advice you to simply bake them, to save yourself the calories and side effects 🙂
Bon Appétit

Qofte me brokoli dhe lulelaker

Perberesit e qofteve :

disa lulka brokoli dhe lulelakre.
koper dhe majdanoz i fresket.
2 veze
nje luge miell
200 gr gjize
kripe dhe piper i zi

Gatuajeni brokolin dhe lulelakren ne avull.Me tej copetojini dhe perzijini bashke brokolin, lulelakren dhe majdanozin e kopren ne mikser.
Perzijini ne fund me miellin, vezet, kripe dhe piperin e zi.Brumi i qofteve, kesisoj , eshte gati.
Ju keshilloj ti piqni pastaj ne furre ne vend qe ti skuqni.

Ju befte mire:)


Categories: food, photography, recipes-in-english, veggie | Leave a comment

Yummania`s New Year`s Eve table













Categories: food, life style, meze, photography, recipes-in-english, traditional | 4 Comments

Colorful bread rolls / Kulece shumengjyresh

It`s the last hours til the New Years eve now and most of you , celebrating at home must have finished cooking 🙂 But i wanted to share this new , amusing recipe with you anyways:)


It`s a very easy and nice looking recipe 🙂
I have already shared something similar before . oregano bread , recipe was this time modified with vegetables , in order to get something fancier:)

Ingredients for colorful bread rolls:

400 gr flour
1 cup of coffe olive oil
2 tea spoons of sugar
2 tea spoons of salt
1 spoon of yeast
1 + 1/2 glass of water
one handful of oregano

You can mix all of the above ingredients to profit the dough.Let the dough to get ready for about 45 minutes (covered with a slightly wet napkin) and afterwards , cut the dough in pieces to mix them with the veggies to make it colorful 🙂
I used carrots, spinach and beet root.So my dough was cut into 3 pieces.
The carrots and beet roots were boiled firstly.All of the vegetables were finely chopped. Then each part of the dough was respectively mixed with one of the vegetables.

They were baked in a preheated oven under 180°C,. In the end they looked so cute, just like macaroons:)

Bon Appétit & Happy New year 🙂


Receta ne Shqip :

Me rastin e vitriut 🙂 mendova te ndaj me ju nje recete zbavitese:)
Kam ndare dicka te ngjashme me pare ne fakt ketu : buke me rigon
.Ndryshimi i vetem ne te eshte ta ndani brumi e pergatitur si per buken me rigon , ne sa pjese te doni ju (me sakte ne aq pjese sa perime do perdorni) dhe ta perzini me perimet e grira imet ne mikser.
Ne rastin tim u perdoren karrota,spinaq dhe panxhar. Karrotat dhe panxhari u zien perpara.


Pasi ta perzieni cdo pjese te brumit te pergatitur si per buken me rigon, me perimet perkatese, piqeni ate ne 180°C, deri sa te jete gati.

Ju befte mire dhe Gezuar Vitin e Ri 🙂


Categories: bread, brumera, food, photography, recipes-in-english, yummania | Leave a comment

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