Anti-Capitalist and Anti-Globalization Movements

The anti-capitalist movement is a worldwide movement of movements of people that seek the end of capitalism with a vision that proclaims “Another World is Possible!” The protests in Seattle in 1999 may be the most famous manifestation of these movements, but these current for social change go back many years.

Welcome to the oldest online information source on the anti-globalization and anti-capitalist movements.

The Struggle So Far


J18 – June 18th, 1999 – Worldwide
N30 / “Seattle” – November-December – Worldwide


A16 – Anti-IMF/WB Protests – April – Washington, DC
May Day 2000 (Worldwide)
Republican National Convention – July 29 – Philadelphia, USA,
Democratic National Convention – August 11 – Los Angeles, USA
S11 – World Economic Forum – September 11 – Melbourne, Australia
S26 World Bank/IMF – Prague, Czech Republic
G20 – November 20 – Montreal, Quebec


J20/U.S. Inauguration January 2001 – Washington, DC
WEF – January 27 – Davos
A20 / Quebec City April 2001 – Quebec City, Canada
May Day 2001 (Worldwide)
EU Summit – June 15 – Gothenburg, Sweden
G8 – Genoa – July 2001
September 29, 2001 – Washington, DC


WEF – February 1 – New York City / Davos
World Social Forum – February 1 – Porto Alegre, Brazil

EU Summit – March 15 – Barcelona, Spain

IMF/WB – April 20 – Washington, DC
G8 summit at Kananaskis, Alberta – June 26 — Calgary, Alberta and Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
IMF/WB – September 27 – Washington, DC


Anti-War – February 15 – Global
G8 – September 14 — Cancún, Mexico — Fifth Ministerial of the WTO collapses
FTAA – 2003 – Miami


WB/IMF – April 2005 | Washington, DC


Washington, DC: Activists Confront IMF and World Bank

What is the anti-globalization movement?

The anti-globalization movement is an effort to counter the perceived negative aspects of the current process of globalization. Although adherents of the movement often work in concert, the movement itself is heterogeneous and includes diverse, sometimes opposing, understandings of this process, alternative visions, strategies and tactics. Thus, more nuanced terms include anti-capitalist/anti-corporate alternative globalization. Participants may use the positive terms global justice or fair trade movement; or Global Justice and Solidarity Movement (GJ&SM); or Movement of Movements; or simply The Movement.

Some factions of the movement reject globalization as such, but the overwhelming majority of its participants are aligned with movements of indigenous people, anarchism, green movements, and to a minor extent communism. Some activists in the movement have objected not to capitalism or international markets as such but rather to what they claim is the non-transparent and undemocratic mechanisms, and consequences, of globalization. They are especially opposed to neoliberalism, and international institutions that promote neoliberalism such as the World Bank (WB), International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) and the World Trade Organization (WTO); neoliberal “free trade” treaties like the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), the Multilateral Agreement on Investments (MAI) and the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS); business alliances like the World Economic Forum (WEF), the Trans Atlantic Business Dialogue (TABD) and the Asia Pacific Economic Forum (APEC); as well as the governments which promote these agreements, institutions, and policies. Still others argue that, if borders are opened to capital, borders should be similarly opened to allow free and legal circulation and choice of residence for migrants and refugees. These activists tend to target organisms such as the International Organization for Migration and the Schengen Information System.

Source: Wikipedia

Archive – Calls for Action

PGA Call for Qatar, Cochabamba declaration from Peoples Global Action

News and Analysis

Why do we call ourselves anti-capitalists?
Over the last few years – essentially the last five years since the Birmingham G8 summit in 1998 – a movement has grown up that has been called – and has called itself – anti-capitalist. So the direct action movement in this country – and probably some of the people in this room – can fairly claim a little of the credit for having created this movement, which has spread across the world and has particularly taken to the streets in big demonstrations outside the summit meetings of the WTO, IMF, World Bank, G8, EU, NATO, FTAA, NAFTA etc.

Debacle in Doha
Don’t believe the tripe – the recent WTO meetings were a disaster for workers and for developing nations. Along with passage of fast track in the US, they mark a major leap forward for the program of corporate globalization.

Monopolise Resistance? – how Globalise Resistance would hijack revolt
The anti-capitalist movement is at a key point in its development. Three years ago it hardly existed. The next three years will be crucial. This is why we’ve decided to make public our fears that all this good work could be undone by people who have nothing to do with this resistance but instead want to take it over for their own ends. This pamphlet is an attempt to show why the Socialist Workers Party and Globalise Resistance are trying to do just that. While working closely with ‘respectable’ anti-globalisation groups, the SWP/GR increasingly attack those involved in direct action, describing us – just as the gutter press does – as disorganised, mindless hoodlums obsessed with violence. They are willing to make these attacks so they can portray themselves as more ‘organised’ and, therefore, the best bet if you think capitalism stinks and want to do something about it.

Only Poetry Can Address Grief: Moving Forward after 911 by Starhawk
n the middle of the Anti-Capitalist Convergence march in Washington DC last month, I found myself nose to nose with a line of police attempting to push the crowd back. I was facing an angry but very short policewoman so in my case it was actually nightstick to bosom. “Get back, get back!” she was shouting, but our line was not giving ground. I explained to her, calmly and I thought, quite reasonably, that we were not going to get back, because there was nowhere for us to go.

After the Fall –Our Future is Now by Crimethinc
When I laid down my weary head to rest on Monday, September 10, 2001, I felt that I had a fairly clear idea of where the anarchist project was heading in the next few years and of what my part in that project was to be. We were picking up momentum, patiently building the infrastructure that we hoped would ultimately facilitate the system’s demise and occasionally confronting it, overtly by day and covertly by night..

After Genoa–Reform or Revolution? by Max Kolskegg
The Same New World: Antiauthoritarian Politics after September 11 by Cindy Milstein
Cincinnati Correspondence by Alias Salem
PGA Caravan Crosses South America
Hold the Vision by Starhawk
The Geology of Protest
After Genoa: Why We Need to Stay in the Streets by Starhawk

Theory and Practice


Active Revolution by James Mumm


A wager for anarchism on itself by Aristides Pedraza

Further Reading

A ‘Petri Dish’ in the Pacific
Last year, two close associates of one of the most powerful members of the U.S. House spent part of their New Year’s holiday 8,000 miles from Washington in the Northern Marianas. Although the islands are known for their balmy weather, golf courses and great snorkeling, the trip could hardly be described as a junket–the advisers to House Majority Whip Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) were there on a political mission.

Additional Content at Infoshop

Infoshop News has comprehensive news coverage on the anti-capitalist movements.

Reader's Guide to Anticapitalism
A <a data-cke-saved-href=”comprehensive list of articles and books on the subject of anti-capitalism.

Special Infoshop Features

Anarchist Briefing Center on the World Bank and IMF
History of anti-APEC activism
May Day 2001

Organizations & Movements

50 Years Is Enough
Anti-Capitalist Convergence
Homes Not Jails
Jobs With Justice
Left Turn
Mobilization for Global Justice – DC
Reclaim the Streets
World Bank Bonds Boycott
WTO Action


Against APEC
Boycott Nike
Buy Nothing Day
Clean Clothes Campaign
Disgruntled zine
Ending Corporate Governance
First USA Unethical Business Practices
Fucked Company
IWW (Join this union!)
Just Do It! Boycott Nike!
Kill a Multi
Helps you locate the polluters in your community.
We Need Underwear (Anti-Borders)


Adbusters Magazine
Big Box Stores
Yahoo’s Consumer Opinion index
The WTO and Sustainable Development: An Independent Assessment
The WTO: History, Structure, and Analysis
Notes on NAFTA: The Masters of Mankind by Noam Chomsky
Corporate Watch
Mutual Aid by Peter Kropotkin

Focus on Companies


Whats Wrong With Ronald McDonald?

Anti- Wal-Mart

Sprawl Busters
Wal Mart Sucks

Boycott Nike

Fall 2001 anti-World Bank Protests in Washington, DC