Infoshop News Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth

  • Hong Kong: Anarchists in the Resistance to the Extradition Bill

    Since 1997, when it ceased to be the last major colonial holding of Great Britain, Hong Kong has been a part of the People’s Republic of China, while maintaining a distinct political and legal system. The post Hong Kong: Anarchists in the Resistance to the Extradition Bill appeared first on Infoshop News. […]

  • Street Medics — Keeping Our Movements Healthy and Safe

    Over the past decade, people across the US and around the world have taken to the streets in wave after wave of popular uprising. They have camped out in city centers and remote construction sites through hot summers and cold winters. They’ve faced down militarized police forces with their chemical weapons, fire hoses, tasers, clubs, and rubber bullets. And in each of these uprisings, teams of medics have mobilized alongside protestors, warriors and protectors, to keep our movements health and safe and in the streets. The post Street Medics — Keeping Our Movements Healthy and Safe appeared first on Infoshop News. […]

  • Mutu: rethinking our radical media

    The seriousness of our times hardly needs restating. In contrast to the temporary “tightening of belts” we were promised, we’re now over a decade into what is increasingly being understood as a permanent austerity that the ruling class wanted all along, while Britain’s biggest far-right demonstrations since the 1930s combine with Tory overtures towards overt white nationalists. The post Mutu: rethinking our radical media appeared first on Infoshop News. […]

  • Rebuilding the workers’ movement for counter-power, justice and self-management

    Don’t abandon the unions, or take sides in inter-union rivalries. Build a serious, organised, non-sectarian project of democratic reform and political discussion that spans the unions, including a rank-and-file movement that fosters debate, and opens the treasure-chest of union and left history and theory. Recover the politics of disconnecting from the state as raised by, for example, Occupy and the Rojava Revolution. Replace reliance on the state and parties with struggle, and destructive inter-union rivalry with a serious project of working class counter-power. The post Rebuilding the workers’ movement for counter-power, justice and self-management appeared first on Infoshop News. […]

  • We’ve Reprinted Work and Expect Resistance

    We’ve reprinted two of our classic books, Work (2011) and Expect Resistance (2007). These books still have a lot to offer today and we’re excited to keep them in circulation. If you haven’t read them yet, here is your chance. The post We’ve Reprinted Work and Expect Resistance appeared first on Infoshop News. […]

  • Delaware Admits Failure, Drops Last Remaining Vaughn 17 Cases; Retaliation Against Prisoners Continues

    vaughn-graf.jpeg A report from the Vaughn 17 Support website about the collapse of the state’s attempts to prosecute inmates who were allegedly involved in an uprising at the start of 2017. Despite having almost all been found not guilty or had their charges dropped, the state is continuing to punish ten of the defendants… who are now in Pennsylvania, where they are being held on lockdown indefinitely… on vague and questionable grounds. read mor […]

  • Sudan: Behind the Massacre in Khartoum

    sudan header.jpg A text on the violence used by the Sudanese state against the revolutionary movement, showing the connections between Sudan and other states including the EU’s border policy. Translated and adapted by Crimethinc from the original at the Sudanese-French project Sudfa. Content note for extreme violence including rape and murder. All around the world today, we see the same three-way conflicts… In North Africa and the Middle East, this often manifests as a struggle between dictators like Bashar al-Assad and Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, militant Islamist groups, and social movements seeking democracy and egalitarianism. Crimethinc read mor […]

  • Marseille dockers refuse to load arms headed to Saudi Arabia

    comunique-6029e.jpg In Marseilles, dockers refuse to load French weapons heading to Saudi Arabia. read mor […]

  • tiny housing…BIG PROBLEM

    tiny.jpg As rents become unaffordable and property ownership becomes a luxury, tiny houses are being advocated as a way of addressing the housing crisis both here in Aotearoa and elsewhere. What type of housing we live in should not be dictated by bureaucratic whims of local or central governments and those who serve them. Pink Panther read mor […]

  • SOS CEPI Sudoeste – School Community Struggles Against Oppression in Goiás

    sudo_2.png “Since the day 15 of May when a paralisation was organized by a group of Invisible students without leaders, the ‘suspected organizers’ have been harassed, interrogated, bullied and even been subject to police persecution without any proof of ill doing save maybe participating in a peaceful protest” read mor […]

ROAR feed | ROAR Magazine Reflections on a Revolution

The Jewish Worker Jewish. Left. Not sorry.

P2P Foundation Researching, documenting and promoting peer to peer practices

  • Book review: The History of Community Development Financial Institutions

    Book review by Matt Cropp, republished from Democratizing Finance: Origins of the Community Development Financial Institutions Movement Clifford N. RosenthalFriesen Press, 2019 For those of us working to build the co-op economy in the U.S., Community Development Financial Institutions, or CDFIs, are strategically vital players in making more cooperation happen. Here in Vermont, knowing… Continue reading → The post Book review: The History of Community Development Financial Institutions appeared first on P2P Foundation. […]

  • Who Owns the Million Dollar Baseball?

    Modern capitalism has the conceit that only individual property owners create wealth and they therefore deserve all the rewards. It cannot comprehend the idea that commoners and commons create value. Fortunately, a brilliant young cartoonist from Canberra, Australia, Stuart McMillen, clearly explains the collective origins of wealth through a wonderful extended comic strip. It is… Continue reading → The post Who Owns the Million Dollar Baseball? appeared first on P2P Foundation. […]

  • The Circular Economy and The Access Economy

    What happens to resource efficiency, recycling and waste management in a world where disownership is becoming the new normal? Image credit As much as it may seem that the nuts and bolts of resource and waste management is about sorting machinery, storage, bins and collection systems, it is really ultimately about people. We know that if… Continue reading → The post The Circular Economy and The Access Economy appeared first on P2P Foundation. […]

  • The Bankers’ “Power Revolution”: How the Government Got Shackled by Debt

    Posted on The Web of Debt on May 31, 2019 by Ellen Brown This article is excerpted from my new book Banking on the People: Democratizing Money in the Digital Age, available in paperback June 1. The U.S. federal debt has more than doubled since the 2008 financial crisis, shooting up from $9.4 trillion in mid-2008 to over $22 trillion… Continue reading → The post The Bankers’ “Power Revolution”: How the Government Got Shackled by Debt appeared first on P2P Foundation. […]

  • Co-ops and the Global Commission on the Future of Work: Q&A with Simel Esim

    How are co-operatives responding to the world of work challenges? Interview by Anca Voinea, originally published at coop news on 1st May 2019 Simel Esim heads the International Labour Organization’s Cooperatives Unit, which manages ILO activities on co-operatives and other social and solidarity economy enterprises (SSEEs). She has been at the helm of the unit since 2012. In… Continue reading → The post Co-ops and the Global Commission on the Future of Work: Q&A with Simel Esim appeared first on P2P Foundation. […]

YES! Magazine Most Recent Articles Powerful Ideas, Practical Actions Tells the Facts, Names the Names

  • Eve of Destruction: Iran Strikes Back

    It was a helluva week on the Iran front. It started with attacks on two tankers in the Gulf of Oman on June 13th and ended with Donald Trump ordering, and then calling off, a military attack on Iran on June 20-21. How we got from beginning to end of that chapter in ongoing US-Iran saga is worth close consideration. Mor […]

  • Sorting Out Reality From Fiction About Venezuela

    Last April marked a special anniversary for Cuba but one that we should all reflect upon given the current events in Latin America, particularly in Venezuela. In mid-April 1961 three cities in Cuba were bombed at the same time from the air. Immediately the US government claimed that Cuban defectors carried out the action with Cuban planes and pilots. The media quickly “confirmed the actions”. Mor […]

  • Pickin’ and Choosin’ the Winners and Losers of Climate Change

    If you’re still in the tribe that thinks climate change is maybe not a thing, or a thing that might happen a hundred years from now, perhaps you might like to consider this: everyone else is already moving beyond that debate and starting to pick and choose who’s gonna be saved and who’s not, who’s gonna be a winner and who’s gonna be a loser. If you want to have anything to say about which of those two camps you get slotted into, maybe it’s time to reconsider your position. Mor […]

  • “Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran”

    Was the U.S. spy drone that Iran shot down On Thursday, June 20th, in international airspace, or was it over Iranian airspace as Iran insists? Flight coordinates in strategic locations are easy to access, but that misses the point altogether. Here is the point: The U.S. has acted belligerently and violated the most basic tenets of Mor […]

  • The West’s Disgraceful Silence on the Death of Morsi

    Ye Gods, how brave was our response to the outrageous death-in-a-cage of Mohamed Morsi. It is perhaps a little tiresome to repeat all the words of regret and mourning, of revulsion and horror, of eardrum-busting condemnation pouring forth about the death of Egypt’s only elected president in his Cairo courtroom this week. From Downing Street Mor […]

Monthly Review An Independent Socialist Magazine

  • Notes from the Editors, June 2019

    buy this issue The situation in Venezuela has become extremely dire due to Washington’s heightened economic warfare, its continuing attempts to engineer a political coup, and its growing threats of massive military intervention—all aimed at bringing down the Bolivarian Republic. The recent seizure of Venezuelan oil assets in the United States and its gold reserves in British banks, as well as the sanctioning of Venezuelan oil sales, have come on top of a long series of economic sanctions—beginning with the Obama administration and now intensified under Trump’s—that constitute nothing less than a modern form of siege warfare, extended to food supplies and medicine. But the Venezuelan Revolution has managed to resist in the face of the economic and political warfare of the most powerful imperialist nation in the world, and the reasons why are to be found in the nature of the Bolivarian Revolution and the Venezuelan people themselves. | more… Sourc […]

  • Superbugs in the Anthropocene

    The promise of a world without disease has been replaced by warnings of evermore virulent pathogens, created by the very drugs that were supposed to save us. Scarcely a day passes without more news of people contracting infections or infectious diseases that cannot be cured by the strongest medicines available. Antimicrobial Resistance is a global health crisis driven by two major factors: the spectacular ability of bacteria to adapt to threats, and a pharmaceutical industry and health care system that puts profit before people. In addition to devastating climate change, the Anthropocene may be defined by epidemics that medicine cannot cure. | more… Sourc […]

  • Energy, Economic Growth, and Ecological Crisis

    Can economic growth continue forever? This relatively simple question has posed some intellectual headaches for modern capitalism. Capital cannot tolerate any limits—that is, the drive for growth and the search for new markets are both necessary for the political and economic survival of capitalism. Viewed in this light, the implications of the question present something of an existential challenge to the current order. Capitalism cannot acknowledge any natural limits to economic growth, for that would mean acknowledging its ultimate demise. To keep up the pretense that capitalism represents a quasi-eternal and invincible system, most political leaders and economists who support the current order have begun reciting a series of elaborate narratives about the relationship between human economies and the natural world. | more… Sourc […]

  • The Yellow Vests in France

    The Yellow Vests (gilets jaunes) movement first appeared in October 2018 and is active everywhere in France. As this article was written, the spontaneous mobilization was in its twenty-first week. The demonstrations are mainly organized around traffic circles, where protesters block transportation lines. While their concrete demands are about wages, these demands are not presented by workers’ actions aimed at defending the value of labor power, but rather as part of a citizens’ movement, as referred to by the media and many of the demonstrators. In this way, the site of political confrontation has been shifted. | more… Sourc […]

  • The Contemporary Contours of Imperialism

    Situated largely within the Marxist debates on imperialism—but addressing the liberal formulations too—The Changing Face of Imperialism: Colonialism to Contemporary Capitalism is an important intervention regarding the material basis of imperialism and its three-hundred-year-old history of unequal power relations. The book broadly addresses five issues: (1) the nature of finance capital and the novel yet familiar processes of value extraction; (2) the world of capital; (3) global production networks and labor regimes; (4) the institutional system of nation-states in the new global order; and (5) the nature of integration from colonial regimes to now. | more… Sourc […]

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