
Islamophobia is a weapon to serve the needs of a war-mongering profit-seeking system and a way of keeping the oppressed and exploited people of the world fighting among ourselves instead of against our common enemy.

The Australian Tamil Congress has expressed its “disappointment” with a March 21 United Nations Human Rights Council resolution because “very little justice has reached victims and survivors” it said.

March 26 marked four years of devastating war in Yemen. An estimated 50,000 people have been killed as a direct result of the war and 85,000 children may have died of hunger and preventable diseases.

After 43 years of military occupation of Western Sahara, Morocco has failed to legalise its status, and has not convinced the occupied Saharawi people to accept this colonial fait accompli.

A week after the Christchurch mosque attacks, thousands of people mobilised in Auckland for the “Love Aotearoa, hate racism” rally on March 24.

Palestinians will gather to commemorate Land Day on March 30. Last year, Land Day marked the beginning of the Great March of Return weekly protests in Gaza.

Land Day has its origins in 1976 when Israeli authorities conducted a brazen, large-scale theft of Palestinian land on behalf of settlers. Palestinians responded with a general strike and protests.

The nine Catalan leaders who have been in preventive detention for up to 15 months

This blog, compiled by Green Left Weekly's European correspondent Dick Nichols, based in Barcelona, follows the trial in the Spanish Supreme Court of the 12 Catalan social and political leaders, who face up to 25 years jail for alleged offences of rebellion, sedition and embezzlement of public funds. It is updated regularly.

Forget about the right-wing opposition and its self-proclaimed “interim president” Juan Guaidó — the fate of Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro will be decided by the political movement forged under his predecessor, writes Federico Fuentes.

Given the media barrage surrounding Venezuela’s “humanitarian crisis”, recent tensions on the Venezuela-Colombia border, and talks of “military options” and coup attempts, it was hard to know what to expect on returning to the country for the first time in five years, writes Federico Fuentes.

In early March, Green Left Weekly's Federico Fuentes travelled to Venezuela as part of a fact-finding mission. He visited Caracas’s poorer neighbourhoods, rural and border states to hear from those voices deliberated excluded from the media discussion on Venezuela.


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