

Grassroots media reporting on environment, social justice, peace and workers' rights. 'The only way to overcome poverty is to give power to the poor.'

Se unió en noviembre de 2009


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  1. retwitteó
    hace 11 horas

    They're saying what we're thinking! The school kids are right - let’s make May 18 a

  2. retwitteó
    hace 10 horas

    Onya Grandma! The school kids are right - let’s make May 18 a

  3. retwitteó
    hace 10 horas
  4. retwitteó
    hace 11 horas

    In case you're not sure what Green Left Weekly's position is on these elections :)

  5. hace 11 horas
  6. hace 11 horas

    Thousands of construction workers walked off the job and marched through Sydney on

  7. hace 11 horas

    School Strike 4 Climate activists walked out of school and rallied outside the offices of Labor and Liberal politicians today.

  8. hace 11 horas

    Protesters gathered outside the US consulate in Sydney to mark and call for the release of whistleblower journalist Julian Assange, who faces possible extradition to the United States

  9. hace 12 horas

    The electoral defeat of the right in Spain on April 28 is a cause for celebration for all progressive people, writes Dick Nichols.

  10. hace 12 horas

    Remember the lesson of the 2007 campaign: Don’t surrender the capacity of mass mobilisation and on-the-job organisation for just one election result, writes former ACTU executive Brian Boyd

  11. hace 12 horas
  12. retwitteó
    hace 14 horas

    'The bizarreness of Australian politics was summed up in multi-millionaire mining magnate Clive Palmer’s election advertisement accusing Labor of “supporting the big end of town'

  13. retwitteó
    hace 15 horas
  14. hace 15 horas

    We are heading to Canberra for the final rally at Parliament House on May 5. Join us to tell Adani and governments that coal mining and all fossil fuel mining are sunset industries.

  15. retwitteó
    hace 15 horas

    I stand with the climate strikers. There is no greater issue facing not only our species, but thousands of others too.

  16. hace 15 horas

    "We have 3 simple, demands: stop Adani, no new coal or gas & 100% renewable energy by 2030. But there is one small obstacle: money. Politicians have chosen the allure of wealth over health, happiness and life.'

  17. retwitteó
    hace 18 horas
  18. retwitteó
    2 may.

    Sex workers in Queensland are campaigning to decriminalise sex work 30 years after this was recommended by an Inquiry into state police corruption. The current legal framework...

  19. retwitteó
    hace 17 horas
  20. hace 15 horas

    'If you had asked 5-year-old me what I was scared of, I would’ve said the monster in my cupboard. Ten years later and I’m scared of the monster in Parliament House.'


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