Green Left Weekly Radio

Friday 7:00am to 8:30am
A weekly source of alternative information which aims to inspire action and organisation to put people and the environment first.Covering international political issues and struggles against the exploitation of the people and exposing the bias in mainstream media that preferences the power brokers and denies access to information.


Green Left Weekly Radio Collective


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29 March
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Green Left Weekly Radio

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Friday 1 March 2019

7:00am Acknowledgement of Country

7:02am News: General existential dread about climate change, have a great day

Speaking of existential dread, India and Pakistan might be having a water war. Awesome.

Le Bon Ton Con: Hospitality workers organise against wage theft

7:15am Jacob and Zane speak with NTEU national president Alison Barnes about the new campaign to combat sexual harassment of staff on campus. Alison says there is chronic underreporting of sexual harassment by staff even though women are aware of the appropriate channels to report to, and this is intrinsically linked to the high rate of casualisation in the sector.

7:28 News: Academy awards give top gong to "the green book" over blackKKlansman, exposing the tokenistic commitment to centering actors and directors of colour and the stories of people of colour. 

Liberate housing from the unfree market: building lots more public housing is the most effective way to tackle the affordability crisis

7:40am: Jacob and Zane speak with Solidarity Magazine editor and Aboriginal rights activist Paddy Gibson about the breathtaking hypocrisy and double standards of conservatives who backed the racist NT intervention to tackle a fabricated child sexual abuse epidemic. These same politicians and commentators - like Tony Abbott, John Howard, Andrew Bolt, and Miranda Devine - are now vigorously defending catholic cardinal George Pell even after he was convicted of acts of paedophilia.

8:00am Activist Calendar

8:05am music: "Stove Lighter" by Camp Cope

8:10am Zane and Jacob speak with Fatima, one of the organisers of the upcoming global school strike 4 climate on March 15. Preparations are going well with the rally on track to be bigger than its predecessor last year. An organising meeting for students will be held in the city tomorrow.

8:24am News: Jordan Peterson's appearance on abc's QandA, including a question from racist witch hunt organiser Milo Yiannopoulos explicitly procured by the show's producers, is the latest sad reflection of the rightward drift of the ABC.


If you have queries or stories for the above programs contact 3CR's Current Affairs Coordinator, Gab Reade. 

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