It's Going Down

Eugene, OR Alt-Right Trolls Behind ‘Boston Antifa’ Exposed

Last month we published an article on It’s Going Down explaining the situation that Boston, MA area antifascists are dealing with after their Facebook page was deleted and subsequently hijacked by some unknown trolls. For the past month and a half, “Dustin” and “Quinn” have been posing as “Boston Antifa” on Facebook and youtube (and now twitter), creating videos and making posts that would make any real antifascist cringe. These posts have also made the alt-right meme community cringe as well, having been duped into believing these clowns were representative of our movement and turning it into a laughing stock.

Notice how many Alt-Right neo-Nazis are liking their posts? There is a reason for that.

‘Boston Antifa’ tried to present themselves as an offshoot of antifa, who wanted to “reform” the movement. They used photos and video clips taken from actual Boston Antifa actions and used them as their own in their videos, and they often targeted Boston’s North Shore Antifa as being provocateurs or alt-right trolls. For the majority of our comrades, there was no confusion as to North Shore’s legitimacy and the Boston Antifa page being run by trolls, but for the alt-right fucks that thought they were legit and the many folks who unknowingly interacted with these people, we hate to say it: we told you so.

Thanks to the outstanding work of our comrades in our tech team, we are happy to present to you the personal information of the fascist troll couple “Dustin” and “Quinn” behind the fake Boston Antifa accounts:

“Quinn” is Alexis Esteb



Some of the youtube accounts that Alexis follows on YouTube

“The government rocks dude! Yeah, down with…globalism or…the Jews…man.”

“Dustin” is Brandon Krebs

We believe his FB page is currently deleted.

Note: This twitter account follows a variety of pro-Trump, Alt-Right, and Alt-Libertarian accounts. 


This information suggests they are currently in the Eugene, OR area

Hopefully this information can be of use to comrades in the Eugene, OR area!
Now back to organizing actual antifascist resistance…
– New England Antifascist Action

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