
if you weren't so racist you wouldn't have pushed everyone over to the YARD. ever fink about that? maybe it's you what's the real YARDie

Earlier this week, YARD donated just over $2000 to the Community Care Network, a local charity initiative which assists Aussies experiencing homelessness through food drives, coordinating various other homeless support initiatives and many other forms of assistance. It was your support through pre-ordering our recent run of fresh YARD tees that did this, YARDies. So THANK YOU. 🐩

If any of you didn't manage to get in a YARD tee and want to help, or just straight up want to support CCN in other ways, no fucken worries mate, visit their page to learn more.

(We've had requests from late-comers who want to get a tee so for those of you despo to get one, no fucken worries mate, there'll br another little follow-up pre-order run soon. DM the page if you haven't already, no fucken worries mate.)

YARD Debate Challenge: Proud Boys!
Merry YARDsmas! It’s the One Year Anniversary of YARD! To celebrate, let’s enjoy some RARE FOOTAGE of some of the EARLIEST RECORDED YARD YELLS - outside Milo Yiannopoulos’ paid speaking event in Melbourne, in November 2017! What a treat! Some context, because one year on perhaps some of it doesn’t make so much sense: - The ‘paedophile-enabler’ stuff references the fact that Milo made comments laughing and joking about paedophilia. Imagine the shame of wanting to pay money to someone like that, eh? - We were never gonna doxx anyone. We just do the yells, pals. See, in late 2017, the demographic of people attending far-right events had become wet-behind-the-ears punters who wanted to fund far-right events, but didn’t see why they deserved to cop the attentions of the left. It was entertaining to yell at them about being doxxed - a staple of far-left/right ‘relations’ - and watch them get all shook. They looked like kids caught with their hands in the cookie jar. MERRY YARDSMAS!
Stefan Molyneux The Extremely Reasonable Racist thanks Australia for letting his Canada sized ego into the country. The bit about Australians unanimously rising up to defend his Youtube fame is uh-mazing. We can't wait to share our Yells with the stooges who bought tickets to see this turkey!