Founded in 2000 by Daryle Lamont Jenkins, One People’s Project’s mission is simple: to research and report on who’s who and what’s what regarding right-wing groups, individuals, and activities. We encourage society to be vigilant against them in an effort to diminish their ability to function. When dangerous groups do not encounter resistance the result can be immeasurable harm. Working with our news source, we have been a go-to source for anyone wanting to learn more about the hate politics in today’s society. One Peoples Project aims to grow and organize against hate everywhere.

You can contribute now to help keep us going. Or sign up for our community watch to stay aware of any hate activity in your area. 

One People’s Project “Community Watch” is our national database of grassroots supporters and sponsoring organizations who are then alerted to hate group activity in their area by signing up here. After that we will help contact others to make sure that the community can defend itself, and we hold those responsible accountable. Report bonehead activity in your area so that we can alert others. As a result, we will all be a part of making sure the hate has consequences. You can help. You can be part of One People’s Project. 

After decades of activism Daryle has become the subject of a few films. Prior to this new spotlight Daryle worked for decades to expose hate. With One People’s Project he is including others, making sure that future generations can be safe from racism. Daryle’s work the short film Skin was recently nominated for a 2019 Academy Award! His work was also documented for the film “Erasing Hate” and “Alt-Right: Age of Rage”.

During the first year of Donald Trump’s presidency Daryle Lamont Jenkins combats the Alt-Right movement. While Alt-Right leader Richard Spencer fights to gain ground, culminating in a showdown in Charlottesville, Va. Order Your copy of “Alt Right- Age of Rage” Here!

Building a Grassroots Anti- Fascist Resistance

One People’s Project is working to grow out of this recent exposure and become an established resource for fighting the racist right. The white supremacy we face in our country has infected our schools, our government, our law enforcement agencies, and more. An increased presence of One People’s Project can create a safer and more peaceful world for all of us.

Idavox- The Media Outlet of One People’s Project

Our News Media Outlet keeps us up to date on some of the  more dangerous elements of the Alt-Right and various hate groups around the country and internationally. The fascist movement around the world is more organized than most Americans want to believe. We expose it to make sure people take these threats seriously. 

Please watch this video from Daryle Lamont Jenkins about helping launch One People’s Project into a bigger force in 2019.