Q Society Australia Legal Defence

$77,755 of $150,000 goal

Raised by 1,148 people in 45 months
No Longer Accepting Donations
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A big "Thank You!" to everyone who stood with us and supported us with a donation over the past 26 months.

Here is the statement released earlier today:

28 February 2017

Update for our Supporters and Media Statement

Following media reports today and comments made by others, Q Society makes this response to the requests for information consequent upon this morning’s media reports.

Landmark Halal Court Case Ends in Mediation

Civil rights organisation Q Society of Australia Inc. and a halal certifier agreed to end their long-running legal dispute in a mediation session on Monday, 27 February 2017.

For details please refer to the attached settlement announcement.

The president of Q Society, Mrs Debbie Robinson, said: “From today, we are no longer forced to tie up resources in a legal dispute that could have lasted for years. We can now dedicate time and resources to our primary purpose: To critically inform Australians about Islam and the impositions of fundamentalist Muslim organisations on Australian communities. We will work diligently towards political measures to stop the Islamisation of Australia.”

Mrs Robinson continues: “The case has provided valuable media exposure for our cause. Q Society will continue to investigate and expose the practices of some halal certifiers and lobby for the implementation of three fair and simple policy proposals concerning halal certification: Mandatory labelling, apply the ‘User Pays’ principle and end workplace discrimination.”

“Under the terms of settlement, the certifier must pay for his legal costs. All donations made to the Q Society Legal Defence Fund go towards our defence costs, which I estimate to be in excess of $500,000.

“I want to thank our supporters who stood by us and so generously donated to our legal defence. The support we received shows that the Australian community spirit is alive and strong.”

Contact: Debbie Robinson
Mobile: 0422 347 176
Email: president (at) qsocietyaustralia (dot) org

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Dear Friends,

I am writing to inform you that Q Society was surprisingly able to end our 26 month long legal defence through an 11th hour settlement with the halal certifier.

You can find our own media statement with more information and the statement of settlement on the Q Society website www.qsociety.org.au

Since this legal action was brought against us in December 2014, our legal defence has cost in excess of half a million dollars in legal fees. We thank you for standing with us and contributing to this massive effort.

Yours in Liberty,

Kirralie Smith, Debbie Robinson, Peter Callaghan and Ralf Schumann
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Last and final call to book tickets for Melbourne and Sydney fundraising events.

HalalChoices and Q Society of Australia Inc present two special fundraiser events in Sydney on 9 February and in Melbourne on 10 February 2017. Join Kirralie Smith, Debbie Robinson and fellow freedom fighters for an evening of good food, good company and free expression of opinions.

In Sydney you'll meet Angry Anderson, Ross Cameron, Larry Pickering, Paul Zanetti and Gabrielle Lord, while in Melbourne we are joined by Senator Cory Bernardi, Dr Mark Durie and George Christensen MP.

This is an excellent opportunity to mingle with outspoken advocates for Liberty and Western values and show your support for this important cause.

Click the link to book your tickets: 

Sydney 9 February 7pm:  https://syd09feb16.eventbrite.com.au

Melbourne 10 February 7pm:  https://mel10feb16.eventbrite.com.au


If you can't make it, why not share this info with your connections in Sydney and Melbourne?

We greatly appreciate your support .

Kind Regards,

Ralf Schumann
Deputy President
Q Society of Australia Inc
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Just a quick note to say that Australia's pocket rocker Angry Anderson has joined the cause. If you attend our Sydney fundraiser, you'll meet Angry in the flesh.

Caricaturist Paul Zanetti has also thrown his sharp pen behind the cause. Together with Larry Pickering, we're looking forward to great Paul and Larry show on 9 February. If you haven't booked your tickets yet, there is still time: https://syd09feb16.eventbrite.com.au

Thanks again for your support and please keep on sharing the word among your connections.

Best Wishes,

Ralf Schumann
Deputy President
Q Society of Australia Inc
Angry Anderson supports our cause
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A quick update for the generous freedom fighters who support the QSA legal defence fund.

The jury trial at the NSW Supreme Court will commence 15 March and may go for up to four weeks.

To increase awareness of this important case and raise funds, good people will come together in February for special fundraiser events in Sydney and Melbourne.

HalalChoices in conjunction with QSA Inc presents:

In Defence of Freedom of Speech

Thursday, 9 February 2016 in Sydney start 7:00pm
Friday, 10 February 2016 in Melbourne start 7:00pm

Join Kirralie Smith, Debbie Robinson and fellow freedom fighters for an evening of good food, good company and free expression of opinions.

In Sydney you'll meet Angry Anderson, Ross Cameron, Larry Pickering and Gabrielle Lord, while in Melbourne we are joined by Senator Cory Bernardi, Dr Mark Durie and George Christensen MP. More special guests to be announced. This is an excellent opportunity to mingle with outspoken advocates for Liberty and Western values and show your support for this important cause.

The ticket price of $150/person includes a sparkling welcome, a variety of fine finger food and a generous serve of free speech. Drinks at bar prices.

For tickets please follow the links on the QSA website:

All proceeds and donations go towards the legal expenses incurred by Q Society of Australia Inc, Kirralie Smith, Debbie Robinson et al. in the defamation action initiated by Mr Mohamed El-Mouehly (Halal Certification Authority Pty Ltd) before the NSW Supreme Court. This is a landmark case with considerable ramifications for freedom of expression in Australia.
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$77,755 of $150,000 goal

Raised by 1,148 people in 45 months
No Longer Accepting Donations
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Created September 13, 2015
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Ron Benington
27 months ago
27 months ago
Malcolm Devenish
27 months ago
Jane Roder
27 months ago

Thanks for your good work

irene va
27 months ago
27 months ago
Stephen Keys
27 months ago
Hans Bischof
27 months ago
Geoff Stevenson
27 months ago

Donating in defence of free speech. Good luck.

Paul Warner
27 months ago
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