Ralph Cerminara, soldier who warned of another Cronulla riot, is a fraud, according to military impostors website

THE former Australian “soldier” who promised another Cronulla-style race riot has been described as a liar amid reports he was discharged from the Army.

news.com.auSeptember 16, 20146:20am

Ralph Cerminara was “unceremoniously discharged” from the Australian Army. Picture: www.anzmi.netSource:Supplied

THE former Australian “soldier” who posted a chilling video promising another Cronulla-style race riot has been described by his peers as a “liar”, “wannabe” and “loud-mouthed bully”, amid reports he was discharged from the Australian Army.

Ralph Cerminara posted the video to YouTube, promising “another Cronulla is coming, and I can’t wait until it does, because this time, we’re going to show you who’s boss”.

Mr Cerminara is not one of the leaders of the fringe Australian Defence League group, as previously reported.


“Even if the law wasn’t on my side, I’d continue doing it.”

“Even if the law wasn’t on my side, I’d continue doing it.”Source:YouTube

But a website, Australian & New Zealand Military Imposters, claims Cerminara to be “another one of the new generation of fools who think they can claim operational service in Afghanistan and get away with it”.

The website claims that while Mr Cerminara did serve in the Australian Army from 2002-2004, he was “unceremoniously” discharged on the grounds of “Retention Not in the Service Interest”.

He was discharged under the rank of Gunner, otherwise known as a Private. It is just above the level of Recruit.

“We get information from veterans all over Australia,” said Phill Hobson, a spokesman for the website.

“When we get the tip we go ahead and research the person. We look at their military history and write it up.

“He’s a mongrel, the people that served with him in the army have said all kinds of reports about his horrible behaviour while he was serving.

“We think he’s a stupid, idiotic nut case, he’s just stirring up trouble. Instead of trying to make the whole thing work, he’s making it worse.

“His views are not necessarily those of the people that he served with.”

Mr Cerminara has been caught out lying about serving in Afghanistan and Timor. Picture: www.anzmi.net

Mr Cerminara has been caught out lying about serving in Afghanistan and Timor. Picture: www.anzmi.net

The Australian Defence Force will not release personal details about former or serving members unless written permission is given by the person in question.

“As an employer we are bound by those privacy permissions,” said a spokesperson.

But the military imposters’ website lists a number of inaccuracies and downright lies Mr Cerminara has apparently concocted.

It states in 2013, he gave a speech, “A gunner in Afghanistan”, to the Humanist Society of NSW, where it was reported he served with the Australian Defence Force in Afghanistan in 2006.

According to the website, Mr Cerminara never set foot on overseas territory as an officer.

In another online post, Mr Cerminara claims he never served in Afghanistan, but instead served in Timor as a rifleman.

“Those who know his story and suffered because of his actions can rest a little easier knowing that he has been exposed as a fake and a contemptible wannabe,” the site states.

If proven to be falsely representing to be a returned soldier, Mr Cerminara could face charges of six months’ imprisonment under the Defence Act 1903.

Pictures posted on the Australian Defence League’s Facebook page, degrading Muslim women.

Pictures posted on the Australian Defence League’s Facebook page, degrading Muslim women.

In his video rant, Cerminara also says prayer rooms and mosques are going to “burn”.

“I’m coming for you,” he says.

The video was posted after Cerminara was reportedly assaulted while filming people in Lakemba, according to The Daily Mail. The attack left him with a small cut to his left ear.

Cerminara had allegedly been following Muslim women around, taking pictures of them and posting the images on the ADL’s Facebook page, where he and other members wrote insulting things about them.

“I’m going to continue photographing all your women, and your f---en men (if you call them men, I call them gutless cowards), but I’m going to continue doing it,” Cerminara boasted in his You Tube video.

“And there’s nothing you guys can do about it. Simple and plain. The law’s on my side, not your side. And even if the law wasn’t on my side, I’d continue doing it.”

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