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  1. Angehefteter Tweet
    25. Jan. 2017

    Thousands more attend protest than parade on Wurundjeri country.

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  2. hat retweetet
    31. Mai

    Sarah* is a NZ woman who was forced to fled her abusive Australian partner. Now, a complex citizenship situation means her two-year-old, who will have a leg amputated next month, may be locked out of the . Private care will cost $62,000 a year

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  3. hat retweetet
    31. Mai
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  4. hat retweetet
    30. Mai

    Since this morning four more people attempted suicide or self harm. 3 were on Manus and were transferred to local hospital. Another man was in Port Moresby. The number has increased to at least 31. I don't know what tragedy means in Australian culture?

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  5. hat retweetet
    30. Mai

    Why is fundamentalist Christian Concetta Fierravanti-Wells so fixated on allowing Israel Folau to spout homophobic hate while ignoring his bible banned tattoo hypocrisy & Barnaby Joyce’s living in sin with kids born out of wedlock? Selective hate.

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  6. hat retweetet
    30. Mai

    Religious fanatics dont want religious freedom, they want religious domination of a secular society.

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  7. hat retweetet
    30. Mai

    Australian War Memorial? A medal for following orders and herding desperate people back out to sea? If this is "new Labor", then they can get stuffed.

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  8. hat retweetet
    30. Mai

    This sums up how we in the rich countries in the global north have been treating the rest of the world. Sweeping all of our dirt and trash under someone else’s carpet. Now it appears all the space underneath those carpets are full...

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  9. hat retweetet
    30. Mai

    . hasn't tweeted this loveliness yet so I will. (oh and God damn your wanton souls to hell etc)

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  10. hat retweetet
    30. Mai

    How deeply disturbing is this? Peter Dutton and Home Affairs department have regained responsibility for settlement services and migrant adult education. Since when did settling refugees & teaching refugees English become a border security issue?

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  11. hat retweetet
    29. Mai

    Have I got this right? The new Morrison ministry has a Youth Minister in his 60s, an "Emissions Reduction" Minister who supports building a new coal fired power station, and a Multicultural Affairs Minister who wants to deport Africans?

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  12. hat retweetet
    29. Mai

    This is the stuff that really shows the Brexiteers' hand: because he doesn't mean the Spanish and Italians (who mostly weren't eligible to vote in the referendum) when he says it's "not really an English city any more". He means the black and Asian people who were born here.

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  13. hat retweetet
    29. Mai

    A woman is murdered by a man VIC Police say violence against women is absolutely about men's behaviour it's NOT about women's behaviour Joe Hildebrand I've never bashed or murdered anyone why should I reflect Posts a pity invitation cause twitter is being mean to him

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  14. hat retweetet
    27. Mai

    ICYMI: Here's 's and Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack discussing the Nationals policy to pray for rain.

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  15. 27. Mai

    First 10 minutes on and only the 4 white men have spoken. The 2 women of colour haven't spoken once.

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  16. 27. Mai

    questioner says there is a mass movement of Christians praying and fasting for . 😳

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  17. 27. Mai

    "parents rights" is just code for saying that same-sex marriage abuses children.

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  18. hat retweetet
    24. Mai

    Under this rule: ☑️A trans person could be denied basic care simply for being who they are ☑️A woman could be denied care for having had an abortion ☑️A woman could be denied prenatal care because she is unmarried It means sweeping discrimination. Period.

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  19. hat retweetet
    22. Mai

    There are 13 large scale renewable energy projects approved within 400kms of Townsville, generating 5000 direct jobs (compared with ’s 1464). Another 14 are proposed. This allows cheap, local energy and security. This narrative needs ramping up. has more.

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  20. hat retweetet
    15. Mai

    Meet the PR firm that gave us ScoMo

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  21. hat retweetet

    Australia is on track to soon spend more on franking credit refunds to retirees who don’t pay tax than it spends on public schools. No, this debate isn’t over.

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