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Do away with remembering and have GDS delivered straight to you.

Our all-new subscriber deals give you the best possible savings while giving us the stability to plan for the future. And there's not much better than a new, beautifully made book arriving in the mail.

Going Down Swinging currently produces one major print and audio CD anthology per year, along with periodic digital editions, ongoing website content, and a wide range of events. Your subscription is measured in print editions, but also gives you access to our entire program, while subscribers who can't attend events can choose a discount subscription.

For instance, a four-issue subscription will give you:

  • Four impeccably designed print editions
  • Copies of all accompanying audio anthologies
  • All digital editions released in the subscription period
  • All postage included, no hidden costs
  • Confirmation of your postal address each issue
  • First look at each new edition
  • Access to any locked web content
  • Priority access and discounts for events where possible

When you subscribe, we'll email you to find out which issue you'd like to begin with.

This is by far the cheapest way you can get this many GDS publications and attend this many events, and it makes an excellent and lasting present for people you like. After four years they'll still know you like them.

Postage is included in all domestic AND international prices.


To help us avoid fees, the best payment method is direct deposit to our bank account. Get your purchase total from the checkout page, then deposit that amount in our account via netbank or a branch deposit. Include the word 'Order' along with your last name, then email us and let us know what you wanted.

Going Down Swinging
BSB: 704-191
Account: 67038

If you'd rather use a credit card, simply continue with your checkout process using PayPal.