The Antifascists (2017)

The documentary film The Antifascists has now had a public release on YouTube.

It is highly-recommended watching.

See also : antifascism on film (February 21, 2017) /// The Far Right and Antifa, Making Contact [podcast], December 13, 2017 /// The Nazi-Puncher’s Dilemma (‘Inside the antifa movement’s struggle to continue its long, colorful legacy of cracking white supremacist heads without alienating, well, just about everyone.’), Luke O’Brien, Huffington Post, December 11, 2017 /// Twenty-Five Theses On Fascism, Shane Burley, Black Rose Federation, December 6, 2017 /// Fascist ethnography and the importance and limits of Arendt’s ‘Banality of Evil’, Angela Mitropoulos, s0metim3s, December 5, 2017.

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