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WATCH: Right-wing Proud Boys forced to walk home from Philadelphia rally after taxi drivers refuse them



The right-wing Proud Boys organization suffered further humiliation after poor turnout for a Saturday rally in Philadelphia when taxis and Uber drivers refused to transport them.

Only 25 conservatives attended their event, while several hundred counter-protested, the Philadelphia Inquirer reported.

Tess Owens, a reporter for Vice News documented how following the event, multiple taxis refused to transport the Proud Boys.

While the Proud Boys had to walk, counter-protesters showed off their protest artwork featuring Gritty, the beloved mascot of the Philadelphia Flyers hockey team, who has become an icon for anti-fascists.

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Rudy Giuliani threatens $17 million legal action against Robert Mueller during Fox News interview



Rudy Giuliani, President Donald Trump's television defense attorney, said he was considering bringing a $17 million legal action against former special counsel Robert Mueller.

Giuliani was incensed that Mueller did not come to a prosecutorial conclusion on Trump's obstruction of justice. Mueller laid out over ten instances of such obstruction but said he was prevented from bringing charges due to a Department of Justice regulation.

"It was a dereliction of duty," Giuliani claimed.

"Why do you appoint an independent counsel, a special counsel? Theoretically there's some kind of conflict, they are supposed to make a decision," the former New York City mayor said.

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Donald Trump went on post-golf Twitter rampage — begging Americans to ‘pray’ for his failed administration



With Donald Trump's trade wars tanking the markets, his foreign policy in shambles as he prepares for a state visit to the United Kingdom, and multiple investigations closing in, Trump took a "Jesus take the wheel" approach to governance during a Saturday tweetstorm.

Following an outing to Trump National Golf Club, the commander-in-chief urged people to pray for his administration.

Here are the fourteen retweets Trump sent hoping people would pray for him to finally be successful at making America great.



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Trump demands other nations treat him with ‘respect’ — because he’s not a ‘fool’



President Donald Trump lashed out at his predecessors and other countries on Saturay.

After returning to the White House from an afternoon excursion to Trump National Golf Club, the president attempted to defend his trade wars.

"When you are the piggy bank nation that foreign countries have been robbing and deceiving for years, the word tariff is a beautiful word indeed," Trump argued, in spite of the market plunge that has resulted from his trade wars.

"Others must treat the United States fairly and with respect," Trump demanded. "We are no longer the 'fools' of the past!"

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Donald Trump has obstructed justice, lied repeatedly to the American people and has been forced to shut down his charity after engaging in illegal activity. Democrats are debating impeachment. If Democrats fault Republicans for standing by as Trump disgraces the office, Democrats must stand up. Sign your name to tell Nancy Pelosi enough is enough.



House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) speaks during a press conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., November 30, 2017. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts