
Branches are key to building the International Socialist Organisation. Weekly meetings let us get together and discuss current issues as well as learn about the past history of struggle in Aotearoa/New Zealand and around the world. More importantly our focus on branches enables us organise public meetings, stalls, and poster runs which all help build our organisation and protest movements. Being active building a branch is vital for socialists so please join us.

Tāmaki Makaurau/Auckland

The Tāmaki branch meets every Wednesday at 6:30pm at Auckland University. If you would like to get involved please come to a branch meeting or email us at


The Poneke/Wellington branch meets every Tuesday at 6.30pm, at Victoria University (Kelburn campus). Every other week we hold public meetings on a range of topics, and on the alternate weeks we have unadvertised study/discussion groups. If you would like to know the locations of these meetings please email us at


The Ōtepoti/Dunedin branch meets every Thursday at 7:30pm. We are based on campus so during term time we meet in the Otago room of the OUSA Clubs and Societies Building. If you would like to know the locations of non-term time meetings please email

Members at large

If you are in an area with no ISO branch then you can still be a member. You can contribute financially, by writing articles, and distributing our magazine Socialist Review. We also have national events like our national conference and day schools. We aim to build branches all over the country – you could help start a branch in your area!

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