
The Morrison government is stepping up its activities as the deputy sheriff of the United States in the Asia-Pacific region and even further afield, following the path of the Howard government, the original deputy sheriff.

In fact, on his current visit to the Solomon Islands, Morrison is exploiting the Howard take-over plan implemented in 2003, which was a pre-emptive strike against the Solomon Islands to take control of the administration, policing and economy of the Pacific...

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The Morrison government is stepping up its activities as the deputy sheriff of the United States in the Asia-Pacific region and even further afield, following the path of the Howard government, the original deputy sheriff.

Although an old article, it still holds true and serves to show that a society organised on socialist principles has the ability for environmental sustainability.

"The socialist revolution addressed social needs in Cuba, and the one-party regime transformed all aspects of society. One highly significant change was a drive for environmental conservation rare in Latin American countries. This emphasis led the country to take a longer-term view of planning while stressing integ...rated approaches to sustainable development.

Since the revolution, vegetative cover has increased to just over 17 per cent, and Cuba now has the lowest deforestation rate in Latin America and the lowest human population growth rate.

These statistics are a source of pride and encouragement to Cubans engaged in the conservation struggle. More than 2 per cent of the world's flora are found in Cuba, and approximately 51 per cent of Cuban flora is endemic. New species are still being discovered in the more remote areas.

Opportunities for success in conservation and sustainable use are probably higher in Cuba than anywhere else in the western hemisphere. This is because Cuba has accepted sustainable development as an official government policy with the goal of seeking solutions to its needs in both the short and long terms."

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Having survived years of careless exploitation and tumultuous political and social change, Cuba is setting an example to the whole of the western hemisphere with its enlightened environmental policies
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Australia is going down the wrong track, following the corrupt, terrorist US!
There is too many alt... right parties in our gov leaving us no where to go!
l don't trust Shorten but this party can keep him on track!
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The manifesto lead the way in working class emancipation on a global scale. Marx's writings, in part...icular Das Capital, still provides sound critique on the failings of the capitalist system. Sound philosophy and economic rational. In this residence we will keep the red flag flying proudly still. Solidarity Comrades, Hasten the International Revolution. See More
I am proud to be part of the party of Australian working class.