Our Common Cause

Our Common Cause

Far from being too radical, Labor’s shift to the left was too little too late, incomplete and sometimes more rhetoric than substance.

Is action by unions just an attempt to stir up class conflict — the politics of envy — as conservative politicians would have us believe?

Unprincipled preference deals are often done, sometimes even by parties that purport to do politics differently.

Many Change the Rules activists believe the campaign’s independence from Labor is important.

Most workers cannot wait to get rid of this dreadful federal Coalition government. But fewer believe that a Bill Shorten-led Labor government will actually change the rules.

It’s clear we have a government in the pocket of fossil fuel companies and allied rip-off merchants who are hell-bent on sacrificing our future.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg only mentioned the word “climate” twice in his election budget speech, and almost as an afterthought.

NSW Labor lost the March 23 state election with its small-target strategy, its refusal to challenge the privatisation agenda and its sly accommodation to racism.

The ALP lost the NSW election with its small-target strategy, its refusal to take on the privatisation agenda and its sly accommodation to racism.